Merry Christmas ~Lime~

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Contains: Masturbation, Blowjob, Spankings, and Thigh Riding.

///Alex's POV///

I woke up to warm snuggles and a sleeping Xavier. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly agape.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek. 

"Xay~ Wake up~"

He breathed quietly and stayed asleep.

"Baby~ I'll make you breakfast~"


I frowned, getting annoyed.

"I'm naked," I said, monotonously.

Xavier shot up and pulled the warm comforter off of me. I was immediately cold so I huddled into his warm body and whined.

"Oh! S-sorry, Bunny..." Xavier mumbled.

I pulled the blanket back onto us and we cuddled for another few minutes.

He lifted the blanket to check to see if I was naked like I said I was.

"Oh my goodness, Xavier!" I yelled.

I swung my feet off the bed and onto the soft, carpeted floor. I grabbed some warmer clothes and my phone and stormed out of the room.

"I'm sorry! I-I just-" Xavier called out from our bedroom but I cut him off,

"No! You wanted sex! I told you I want to be able to walk when my family gets here!" 

He sighed and flopped down on the bed again.

"Fine..." he groaned, dragging out the 'i'.

I walked into the living room and pulled out my phone. I texted my mom that Xavier and I were ready whenever they were.


Hey, Mama. How far away are you? 

Xay and I are ready for you. 

We're going to make breakfast when he wakes up.

Mama Bear🐻

Hey, Lexi. We're on our way rn.

We'll be there in an hour or so. 

Love u!! 


Love u too, Mama!! 

I walked into the kitchen to see my boyfriend swaying sleepily while leaning on the island counter.

"Good morning, love," I said as I hugged him from behind.

He turned around and hugged me back.

"Hi~" he mumbled tiredly.

"You wanna keep sleeping?" I ask him.

He nods while giving my neck butterfly kisses.

"Well, you can sleep for another 30 minutes, but you have to promise me, you'll wake up and get ready." 

He nods again; this time he licked from my collarbone to my earlobe and then nibbled it. 

I sighed shakily, 

"And if you're horny, please just do it quickly. Alone." 

He rutted his hard crotch against my leg but whined when I said he had to do it alone. 

"I need to make breakfast for my family. Okay?" 

He nodded again then kissed me deeply, flipping us around and pinning me to the island. Then he grinded on my crotch before pulling away and leaving the kitchen to our bedroom.

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