Bunny Part 3 ~Fluff+Smut+Angst~

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Contains: (A Whole Lot of Shit I Don't Want to List. Accept for the Mention of Sexism.)

///Third Person POV///

"Cooper, how many times have I told you, no hopping in the house!"

"Jackson, go get your sister for school." 

"Cooper! Shift right now, mister!" 

Cooper's tiny ears shrunk into his head and his tail popped out of sight. 

"Sorry, Daddy..." 

Xavier gave him a knowing look but couldn't stay mad at his son's baby bunny eyes forever. 

"It's alright, Cooper. But I'm scared you're gonna break something. So if you're going to hop around, be careful."

Cooper nodded and ran off to find Theo. Those two were inseparable.

Jackson came walking in holding a sleeping bunny in his arms.

"She fell asleep. She stayed up really late reading."

Xavier took his daughter from his eldest son's arms.

"Thank you, Jackie. Can you go round up your siblings and get them ready for school, please?"

He nodded and ran off into the hallway.

"Baby, you need to wake up~" Xavier cooed to Daphne.

She squirmed and opened an eye before closing it quickly at the sight of her father.

"Baby, I know you're awake," Xavier chuckled.

She snuffled her dad's nose before hopping down and over to her shoes. She shifted back into her little girl self and slipped them on.

"I have my shoes on, Daddy!" she called out.

"Thank you, Daphne," her dad called back.

Cooper and Theo came in and hugged their father's legs.

"Daddy! Where's Mama!"

Xavier smiled at his twins and said,

"Mama's sleeping. He had a long day yesterday after taking you five to the playground."

Jackson walked out holding his backpack.

"I'm ready for school," he said smiling.

Xavier nodded and patted Theo's bum toward his and Cooper's room.

"Go get your backpack and get your shoes on. You don't want to miss the bus."

Theo nodded and ran off again.

Cooper went to get on his shoes with his older brother.

Xavier looked around and realized he was missing a son.

He walked through the hallway to his sons' room.

Jackson shared a room with his youngest brother and sibling, Nathaniel. Cooper and Theodore shared another while Daphne got her own.

He knocked on the doorway and got Nathaniel's attention.

"Hey, baby bunny. Whatcha doin'?"

Xavier walked over to him and sat next to him. He was on the floor and coloring a picture.

Nathan leaned out of the way and pointed at it.

Xavier smiled and looked at the flower he was drawing. It was pink and red and blue.

"That's a very pretty drawing, Nathan."

He smiled and hugged his dad's arm.

"Tanks..." he whispered. 

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