Surprise ~Fluff+Lime+Smut~

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Contains: Jerking Off, Anal Sex, Spanking, Rough Sex, Eating Out, Sex Toys.

///Graduation Day///

///Alex's POV///

"There is a lesson we all have to learn whether we want to or not. Everything eventually ends. As much as I've looked forward to this day, I've always disliked endings. Last day of Summer. The final chapter of a great book. The separation of two best friends. But endings are inevitable. You welcome Fall. You close the book. You say goodbye. Today is one of those days for us. Today we say goodbye to everything that was familiar. Everything that was comfortable. We're moving on. But just because we're leaving and that hurts, there are people so important to us in our lives, they'll be with us no matter what. Always."

The graduates and I all cheered and clapped for Xavier's valedictorian speech. It was longer, but I especially loved the ending. Because he stared at me the whole time as if I was the only one listening.

He walked off the stage and to his seat. But not before blowing me a kiss.

I blushed and smiled before cheering on Jordan, one of my friends as she walked up to give another speech.

///Time Skip///

I ran and leaped into Xavier's arms and yelped and giggled as he twirled me around.

I shot my fist into the air which firmly grasped my diploma.

"We did it!!" Xavier whooped.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around my beautiful boyfriend's neck and kissed him deeply.

His hands grabbed onto my waist as he pulled my body closer to his, also while licking my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I granted his request and he explored my mouth, making our kiss into a full-blown makeout session.

"Lexi, enough with the PDA!!"

I pulled away to see my family walking over to me and Xavier.


I ran up to her and hugged her while Jane and George hugged me from behind.

When I pulled out of the hug, I received a pat on the back from my dad. He was never really affectionate so receiving that was his way of saying, "I'm proud of you, kiddo." 

I smiled and hugged Lucas who hugged back then pulled away and wrapped his arms around his husband Daniel and cooed at his adopted son, Brandon, who was sleeping peacefully in Daniel's arms.

Isabella and Lisa hugged me next, squishing me between them.

I saw Xavier standing in the background, staring at me and my family awkwardly.

His parents didn't come to his graduation. Or any other important thing that happened to their only son.

They luckily decided to give their old house to Xavier and me when we move to his hometown, Selfoss, Iceland. We're moving there because the population isn't big and it'll be quiet.

But I decided not to think about Xavier's family issues and thought about the next exciting event in my life.

I'm going to live with Xavier in Iceland! 

I did tell Xavier it could be difficult for me to get in there without problems because I'm not Icelandic like he is. But he told me it was okay and that he could take care of everything.

But other than that, it'll be great! I'll be able to get a job as a teacher in a nearby school and he can work on his novel. I've secretly read a little and it's amazing. 

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