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Chapter 331: The princess of Jin Jin

And Yun Ruoyue's head was almost buried in a crack in the ground.

She glared at Chu Xuanchen in her heart. Why did you say that on purpose

Isn't this acting too much

He wants to work harder, she will definitely not give him a chance.

Yun Ruoyue and Chu Xuanchen chatted with the Queen Mother again, and only then asked her to resign and prepare to leave the palace.

The empress dowager’s condition has stabilized. Yun Ruoyue only needs to hand over the medicine to Mother Xue, and let Mother Xue be responsible for giving the medicine to the queen mother.

She would go to the palace every few days to see the Queen Mother.

After leaving with the Queen Mother, the couple walked out of Shoukang Palace, and Mother Xue followed to see each other off.

As soon as Yun Ruoyue walked to the gate of Shoukang Palace, she saw King Jin and his wife who had turned dark.

When Su Changxiao saw her and Chu Xuanchen, her eyes were full of jealousy. She said sourly, "Oh, Princess Li, have finally finished chatting with the Queen Mother? I really envy you. You can sit inside and grill the earth dragon. , Chatting with the Queen Mother. Unlike us, who are also grandchildren and granddaughter-in-laws, but can't get in, we have to blow the cold wind outside, and a piece of filial piety falls into the cold wind."

The king Jin next to him was also so dark that he looked ugly.

Seeing Chu Xuanchen with his hands on his back, leisurely wandering, walking out unhurriedly, as if he was full of vigor and splendid immortal appearance, a cluster of anger rose in his heart.

The couple was comfortable, and both he and Princess Jin shivered with cold.

Yun Ruoyue walked over to Su Chang with a smile, and said nonchalantly: "Princess Jin, you have misunderstood, how can I have time to chat with the queen mother? I am inside to treat her and check her body. She is now The patient must be quiet and not be disturbed. She has already said that she has no energy to meet you. If you don't listen, you have to stand here and get tired. Then you really can't blame the queen mother."

Su Changxiao smiled coldly, "We are here to visit the Queen Mother, not to add to her. No matter how bad she is, she will always have the energy to meet us? We won't do anything to her."

"Moreover, you came to see the Queen Mother, empty-handed, and she met you all. We took our filial piety to her and gave her the soup that we had spent the whole night personally. She didn't even look at it. This treatment is truly extraordinary. No, this is going to be spread out. People might say that the queen mother favors one another and despises us Jin Wangfu."

Su Changxiao yelled loudly again, and the guards and ladies of the palace guarding the palace nearby looked sideways.

Chu Xuanchen glanced at Su Chang coldly and smiled.

Before, how could he not find out that she turned out to be such a person.

However, when a woman speaks, it's better not to interrupt the older man.

He glanced at Yun Ruoyue and saw that she was confident, he couldn't help but constricted his eyes. When Yun Ruoyue and Su Changxiao met before, she had the upper hand.

Today, he really looks forward to her performance.

Seeing that Chu Xuanchen didn't speak, Yun Ruoyue just stood on the side like watching a play, and she gave him an annoyed look.

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