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Chapter 551: The prince is jealous

He fixed his eyes, and it turned out to be King Li.

"Lord, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Princess Li, I just wanted to apologize to her..." Su Qi saw that Chu Xuanchen attacked aggressively and quickly explained to him.

It was not that he could not beat Chu Xuanchen, but he didn't want Chu Xuanchen to misunderstand Yun Ruoyue.

He hurt Yun Ruoyue too deeply back then, but now he wants to make up for her, naturally he doesn't want Chu Xuanchen to misunderstand their relationship.

"Princess Li can also be touched by you?" Chu Xuanchen's voice resembled the collapse of the heavens and the earth, smashing into Su Qishao's heart like a huge boulder.

After he finished drinking, he slapped his palms fiercely, and slapped towards Su Qishao.

Each of his palm winds contained absolute power. When the palm winds passed, the rockery, trees, flowers and grass in the imperial garden were all overturned, and Su Qishao dodged like an elf. .

Although he was not hit, he struggled to hide.

Chu Xuanchen is worthy of being the God of War, and when he casually shot, he beat him like falling flowers and running away in embarrassment.

Yun Ruoyue was afraid that the imperial garden would be destroyed if he continued to fight, she hurriedly stopped Chu Xuanchen, "Don’t fight, he really didn’t do anything to me, he held me back, just trying to bully me back then I apologize."

This Chu Xuanchen started the fire, it was really powerful, like the iron fan princess holding the fan fan on the Huoyan Mountain.

Hearing Yun Ruoyue's words, Chu Xuanchen stopped now.

He walked up to her with a worried look and checked her body, "He really didn't touch you?"

The fact that she was taken lightly by Jiang Heng last time made him extremely angry. Now that Su Qishao dares to touch her, he will definitely kill him.

Yun Ruoyue shook her head quickly, "No, how dare he touch me."

"Then how did you meet?" Chu Xuanchen coldly squinted his eyes and felt relieved when he saw that Yun Ruoyue really didn't have a piece of meat missing.

"I, we..." Yun Ruoyue was stunned, how would she answer.

"King Li, you forgot, you sent Princess Li to treat me, and we met when I was treating." Su Qishao hurriedly relieved Yun Ruoyue.

He can't say that he and Yun Ruoyue met in the palace.

Although he is stubborn, he knows how to speak.

The most important thing is that he cherishes his life and fears death.

If King Li knew that he was hitting his wife, he would definitely raise the knife to slash him.

"My king sent her to treat you?" Chu Xuanchen looked at Yun Ruoyue with a puzzled face, his face instantly darkened, "What he said is true?"

When did he send her to treat him

"It seems that there is something like this. Not a month ago, Su Qishao got lovesickness and was too sick to sleep and eat. Su Ming sent someone to the palace and begged me to come over and treat him. I went there. I asked Mo Li to tell you at the time, you should know, why, you don't know about this? Did Mo Li not tell you?" Yun Ruoyue scratched his head and said.

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