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Chapter 801: Penalty

"This king slandered you? If it was before, this king would think that you were wrong, but now, this king doesn't trust you anymore. Did you instruct Dan'er to ask her to buy someone to find this king in Moli? At that time, the fireworks were set off there in an attempt to delay the time for my king to save the princess? And, did you collude with Su Changxiao? Did you collude to hurt the princess?" Chu Xuanchen was so smart and quickly dealt with two things Linked together.
"How is it possible, prince? I am not even familiar with Princess Jin, so how can I collude with her? prince, please believe me, I really did not harm the princess, I was slandered." Nangong Roulihua cried with rain. Up.
Yun Ruoyue thought, just a piece of clothing really couldn't explain anything.
However, judging from Nangongrou's criminal record, she is really likely to do such a thing.
At this time, Chu Xuanchen's eyes were already full of anger, "Come on, put on the splint, and this king will try it personally."
When Dan'er heard it, she burst into tears, and soon Li San got the splint.
The Li Palace was established for so many years, and I have never used a splint. This is the first time now, which shows how hate Dan'er is.
As soon as the splint arrived, Li San ordered someone to clamp Dan'er's fingers. Then, the two guards pulled the thread at both ends of the splint separately. As long as they tightened the thread fiercely, Dan'er's ten fingers would be caught bloody. .
The ten fingers connected to the heart, and she was so painful that she would not be able to recruit at that time.
"The prince is forgiving, the slave and maid really did not harm the princess, and the slave was wronged." When Dan'er saw the bamboo splint, his heart shrank in fright.
"Yeah, Lord, the matter has not been investigated clearly, you are about to torture Dan'er, which is too cruel for a girl of her!" Nangong Rou also cried and crawled in front of Chu Xuanchen.
"When you hurt the princess, did you feel that it was cruel? Who would dare to hurt the princess, this king will pay back ten times a hundred times, and be tortured! This king sees whether she is recruiting or not!" Chu Xuanchen said furiously.
When he thought of the soaked lantern, he became more angry.
"The prince was wronged, wronged." The guards pulled the line of the splint, and the bamboo splint slammed Dan'er's hands. Her white and tender hands immediately turned red, and she suddenly yelled sadly. Up.
The guards pulled again fiercely, her hands were immediately dripping with blood, she looked terrible, and Yun Ruoyue turned her face away and couldn't bear to look at it.
But thinking that if Dan'er really participated, her fate would be worse than Dan'er, and she didn't want to intercede for her.
"Say, who instructed you to buy fireworks and delay time?" the guard said coldly.
"No one instigated me. It wasn't me. I didn't do such a thing. I was wronged by you." Dan'er bit her lip and howled in pain.
"At this time, you still refuse to tell the truth. Are you not wanting to die? If you confess your guilt and confess the mastermind behind it, and you are not guilty of death, why bother to hold on like this?" the guard said coldly.
Dan'er's hand was about to be broken in pain. She still shook her head and said, "There is no mastermind, I did not harm the princess, and I don't know anything. I was wronged. If you kill me, I can only do this. Say."
She has served Nangong Rou since she was a child, and the relationship between the master and servant of the two is very deep.
She Dan'er identified a master and would be loyal to her for life. When she was young, she was often bullied by others, but she was saved by Concubine Roubian.
Her life was given by Concubine Roubian, so how could she be recruited.

Chapter 802: Human life

"It's hard to die, brother, hard." As soon as the guard said, the two men pulled the rope fiercely.
The rope cut their hands and bleeds. At the same time, Dan'er's fingers were bright red, blood gurgling down, and she let out a heart-piercing scream, "Ah, madam, help me!"
"Dan'er!" When Nangongrou saw this, she also shed painful tears. She rushed up with heartache, and held Dan'er's back. Suddenly there were three poisonous silver needles in her hand, and she pierced Dan's fiercely. Then he looked at her distressedly, "Dan'er, how are you? I'd rather take the pain for you, prince, you are too much, she is just a weak woman, can't you spare her?"
"Madam, you..." As soon as Dan'er was pierced, she turned her head and looked at Nangong Rou in disbelief.
Nangong Rou immediately hugged her and shook her body like a baby, "Dan'er, if I can, I really would rather hurt you, let them torture me, don't abuse you."
"Madam, thank you, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you." Dan'er glanced at Nangong Rou in despair. Although she was stabbed with a poisonous needle, she did not say it, but looked at it with a smile on her face. she was.
Her life was damned when she hit fifty boards last time.
It was the wife who rescued her carefully. This time, she will protect her from the disaster.
"Come here, pull the Roubian concubine away." Chu Xuanchen immediately gave an order when he saw this.
Immediately a guard came over and pulled Nangong Rou away. Nangong Rou's eyes were full of tears, and she looked helpless and miserable.
Only she knew that she had given Dan'er a special poison made by her mother. Dan'er would not die now, and would die when the poison slowly swelled in.
Therefore, no one will doubt her.
After a while, Dan'er still refused to recruit. When the guards were about to use severe punishments, suddenly, after hearing only a "poof", Dan'er spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.
The guard hurriedly stepped forward to check her sniff, and when he detected her, he quickly retracted his hand and said, "Master, she is too weak to restrain the punishment and is dead."
"What? Dan'er, you paid for Dan'er's life, and you killed her. Lord, your heart is too cruel. Although she is not my sister, the relationship between me and her is better than that of sisters. How could you treat her like this? "Nangongrou rushed up, holding Dan'er in pain.
Seeing Dan'er violently die, Yun Ruoyue also looked incredulous.
She didn't expect Dan'er to die because of execution. This person's life is really short.
Suddenly, Nangong Rou came over, grabbed Yun Ruoyue's collar, and roared: "Wang Hao, where am I sorry for you? I obviously didn't harm you. Why did your maid slander us? Just because of a piece of clothing, you guys. Dan'er is about to be killed. Now that Dan'er is dead, are you satisfied? Did you know that your hand is indirectly stained with a life, you are not afraid that after Dan'er goes to hell, he will become a ghost and demand you Fate? Just because of one of your suspicions, she killed her. She was also raised by her parents. Isn't her fate not fate, but yours?"
"Roy side concubine, if you want people to know it, unless you have nothing to do. If Dan'er is really innocent, then why doesn't she dare to take out the green clothes and let the gangsters identify them? Why did she suddenly put the clothes on Was it burned? Was it that she was afraid of being found out, so she hurriedly burned her clothes, but she was mistaken by her cleverness, thinking that she would be fine if she burned her clothes. As a result, she didn't even have the opportunity to prove herself. Dan'er is her own crime. , Can't live." Yun Ruoyue said coldly.

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