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Chapter 421: This king knows better than you

After Yun Yi was kicked fiercely by Chu Xuanchen, he spouted a mouthful of blood. His body was tilted to the ground, and he was holding his chest in pain, his face distorted, and he said: "Please forgive me, I am poor. Dao is not going to run into the princess, it is because she is not the former princess Li, but a demon attached to the princess' body. She drinks human blood, eats human hearts, hurts innocents, and hurts the heavens. Eliminate harm for the palace."

"Shut up! This king knows whether the princess is a monster or not, this king knows better than you, this demon way dare to confuse the people in the palace, hurt Princess Li, come, catch this demon way!" Chu Xuanchen said with full of anger.

He gave an order, and the people Mo Li, Mo Zhu, Jiu'er and others who followed quickly stepped forward, and grabbed the three masters and apprentices Yunyi to the ground, making them all kneel under Chu Xuanchen's feet.

At this time, Chu Xuanchen was full of anger, he looked at everyone murderously, his gaze rolled over from the face of Princess Nangong Gentle, his eyes were unfathomable and bloody.

The princess hurriedly said, "Xuan Chen, she is really a monster. We did not slander her. If you don’t believe me, look at this earth. This is Xiao Shuan’s heart. She has eaten this heart for a few bites. It’s terrifying if you think about it. You can’t speak for her just because you are confused by her beauty, this kind of thing cannot be maintained, otherwise it will harm you."

Chu Xuanchen glanced coldly at the heart on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "This king and Mo Li have been on countless battlefields, and they have seen countless enemies' hearts. They have never seen this kind of human heart. This is clearly a pig's heart. It's not a human heart. Besides, since Xiaoshuan is so small, how can he have such a big heart?"

Mo Li next to him also said coldly: "I'm afraid this heart belongs to an old sow, right? I'm afraid that only a big fat pig over 500 catties can grow such a big heart."

When the princess heard this, she was stunned. She stared at them in disbelief, "What do you mean? Isn't this not a human heart, but a pig's heart?"

The eldest princess has always believed in Chu Xuanchen, because Chu Xuanchen is a very reliable person, he never tells lies or lies.

Since he would say so, it must be so.

At this time, she was lost.

Don't Tweety and the others all say this is human heart

How come it is not

"Look for someone who kills pigs often to see if you don't know it? This discerning person knows that it is pig heart, princess, are you being deceived by others?" Mo Zhu said coldly.

After speaking, he glanced at Nangong Rou with a cold look.

Nangong Rou hurriedly took a step back. She lowered her head, her mind was spinning quickly, thinking about how to get out.

At this time, Yun Ruoyue finally eased her energies. She saw Chu Xuanchen coming, and she was free, and she said: "Master, please let me down, I have something to tell everyone."

Chu Xuanchen glanced at Yun Ruoyue worriedly. He turned pale when he saw her face was scared, and the ends of her hair were also scorched, and his heart was sore.

If he comes later, I am afraid she will be killed in flames.

"Can you do it? Are you okay?" Chu Xuanchen said with concern.

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