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Chapter 991: King Jin is incompetent

Once he lost power, some of the officials who were loyal to him secretly contacted the Xian Wang and Chu Xuanchen's people in an attempt to betray him and join others.
Even Su Changxiao didn't put him in the eyes at all, it was really pushing everyone down.
Now he was accompanied by Lan Wu. He was drinking while holding Lan Wu in his arms, doing intimacy with her, and living a life of drunkenness.
"Lan'er, it’s still hello, only you are the one who really treats this king well. Unlike that Su Changxiao, who sees this king fall, he will not come to this king, he also despises this king, despise this king, this bitch Why is she?" King Jin drank the wine, staring bitterly at the wine glass.
"The prince, don’t say that about my elder sister, the elder sister actually loves you very much. The prince’s downfall is only momentary. The prince is the eldest son of the emperor, the son of the queen, and the Su family is behind him. Although he lost power for a while. I believe that in a short while, the prince will come back and be pampered again." Lan Wu comforted gently.
"Su Family? Su Ming, that old thing, he is always treacherous. When this king gains power, he stands up to this king. When this king loses power, he puts his idea on the virtuous king. Recently, the virtuous king's He was in great shape. Seeing that the king had a future, he sent someone to secretly contact the king. His move clearly wanted to abandon the king and support the king instead!” King Jin gritted his teeth angrily.
"The prince is relieved of anger, the prince is the proud son of heaven, and Lan Er believes that the prince must be the final winner." Lan Wu said, holding up the face of the king and proactively kissed him.
For her, even if King Jin loses power, he is still a prince of a country and the son of a queen.
The loss of power is temporary, and even if he loses power, he is honored, and following him is better than laughing at the red building.
So, of course she would hold him back.
"Chu Tianyu, I didn't expect that you would waste to this point! The emperor told you to reflect in the mansion. You are good. You are not gambling and drinking, or coveting beauty and having fun with your concubine. Just like you, what? Only then can you be the prince and the prince?" From afar, Su Chang smiled and walked in with a cold face.
As soon as she walked in, she saw a mess of cups and plates all over the floor, and King Jin and Lan Wu were sitting on the ground, kissing forgottenly.
When she made a sound, the two of them shook with fright, and they separated quickly.
"Sister, why are you here? Lan'er was scared to death." Lan Wu said, drilling into King Jin's arms with a look of fear.
King Jin was taken aback, and the good thing was interrupted. He immediately stood up with anger, and coldly kicked the cup at his feet towards Su Changxiao, so that Su Chang laughed and jumped up, "What are you doing? Chu Tianyu , You incompetent man, do you still want to do something to me?"
"Do you dare to say that this king is incompetent?" As a man, King Jin hates someone saying that to him the most.
He walked over angrily, grabbed Su Changxiao's neck, dragged her by her body, and dragged her onto the bed next to her, "This king will prove to you this king's ability."
After speaking, he began to tear Su Changxiao's clothes frantically.
"Chu Tianyu, you let go of me, Concubine Lan Bi is still here, let me go." Su Chang smiled suddenly with horror on his face. Is King Jin going to insult Concubine Lan Bi in front of her
Where is the dignity of her royal concubine
"Lan'er is her own, what's wrong with her here? This king will let them see how this king humiliates you, the superior princess! Don't you usually like to pretend to be upright? This king wants them to know. You are simply a watery woman. You are a slut under the king, I see how you will pretend to be cold in the future!" King Jin said madly.

Chapter 992: Break completely

"You beast, you let me go, I want to tell my father, I want to tell the emperor and the queen." Su Chang's joke fell, and he slapped his face.
King Jin sneered: "Go and sue, don't you like to sue? If you sue this king, you can marry Chu Xuanchen, right?"
As he said, he tore Su Changxiao's clothes violently, "Don't think that the king doesn't know, you've been inquiring about Chu Xuanchen and Yun Ruoyue recently, but what can your spies find out? This king tells the truth. Let me tell you, a few days ago, Yun Ruoyue had already broken with Chu Xuanchen, she had already ran away from home, and there was no news. Chu Xuanchen has been looking for her frantically these days. The above is looking for Yun Ruoyue. If this king gets a definite handle on this matter, this king will definitely go to the palace to sue him!"
"He, Chu Xuanchen, dared to use public tools for private purposes, use power for personal gains, instructed the soldiers to find the princess for him, and under the banner of arresting enemy agents. This is clearly despising the emperor, overstepping the imperial power, and letting his father know that he will be ruthlessly ruled. His sin! Don't think that you have broken this king, you can follow him, this king will destroy you all!"
Hearing the words of King Jin, Su Changxiao's heart was filled with hope.
Unexpectedly, Yun Ruoyue had left. Chu Xuanchen did not find her after searching for a few days.
What happened to them, quarreling
That's great, she can take advantage of it.
She glared at King Jin fiercely, if it wasn't for this man to become more and more useless, like A Dou who couldn't help, why would she put her idea on Chu Xuanchen.
However, Chu Xuanchen was never the son of Emperor Hongyuan, and there were risks following him. Now Emperor Hongyuan is paying attention to the virtuous king, and the virtuous king might become a prince.
However, King Xian didn't like her at all, and they didn't meet each other.
She can only pin her hopes on Chu Xuanchen first. After all, he has the military power and ability, and then waits for the changes and chooses someone who can be in the top position.
"What are you thinking? Bitch!" King Jin slapped her again when he saw Su Chang laughing in a daze.
Su Chang smiled and took another slap again. She suddenly opened her mouth and bit Jin Wang's neck fiercely, like a hungry dog had caught someone, and rushed forward and bit her!
"Bitch, are you born to a dog?" As soon as King Jin was bitten, he was suddenly convulsed with pain.
He slashed towards Su Changxiao with a palm, making her stare out of gold. He stretched out his hand to wipe his neck and wiped the blood from his hand.
Fortunately, he didn't bite his artery, otherwise he would be finished.
"Do you dare to bite this king? This king will torture you to death!" King Jin said, punishing Su Changxiao like a violent storm.
Su Changxiao's face was swollen from being beaten. She couldn't resist, so she had to endure his abuse.
She swears in her heart that King Jin treated her like this, she must reconcile with him!
She had never thought that King Jin would be so animalistic and insult her in front of Lan Wu.
This is simply trampling her dignity on the ground, and the physical damage can be tolerated, but her dignity is trampled on the ground, but she can't bear it.
Lan Wu stood on the side and couldn't bear to watch this scene, so she had to turn her head. This King Jin was really cruel.
It was a long time before King Jin let Su Changxiao go. He got off her. After he got down, his face was sullen, "Lan'er, accompany my king to the hot spring pool to soak up. My king wants to wash off the dirty smell. This is really true. It's disgusting."
"Chu Tianyu, you heartless beast, I really regret marrying you, you leave me!" Su Changxiao was so angry that he picked up his pillow and threw it at King Jin.

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