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Chapter 851: Seduce her man again

Could it be said that all the royals are cold-blooded and ruthless, all letting men beat women
He just saved a trace of face for the Chu family of the first emperor.
Most importantly, seeing Su Changxiao being beaten, he thought of Yun Ruoyue.
Although he had never beaten her, he had sent someone to beat her with twenty lashes because he hated her.
He will always remember this incident, and it has become his eternal pain. Every time he dreams back at midnight, he will sweat constantly when he thinks about it, and a heart feels as uncomfortable as a hanging barb.
Yun Ruoyue didn't expect that she just came out to watch the excitement and saw the scene where her husband rescued Su Changxiao.
The hero saves the United States, it is really worthy of praise.
But why is my heart sour
She didn't want to walk over and let people find out, so she stood in the corner and looked at them quietly.
Su Changxiao didn't expect Chu Xuanchen to stand up and help her. She was so excited that she bit her lip, and her body was shaking like chaff from the cold, "Thank you."
Her eyes looked at him affectionately.
Chu Xuanchen took two steps back coldly, far away from her, "This king just doesn't want anyone to disturb the patient."
After speaking, he turned and left.
Upon seeing this, Yun Ruoyue quickly turned back to King Xian's room.
Not far away, King Jin's eyes were like fire, and he stared at Su Chang with a smile, seeing the gratitude and shyness on her face. It was clear that Chunxin had sprouted.
He couldn't help but cursed in his heart: a slut who is sloppy!
After Yun Ruoyue hurried back to King Xian's room, Chu Xuanchen followed behind her.
As soon as Chu Xuanchen came in, he saw the sage king with a bloody face. It seemed that after this night of recuperation, his health was much better.
Looking at this condition, it should be stable.
In this way, does it mean that Yun Ruoyue wants to make peace with the emperor
"Big brother, are you here?" King Xian thought of getting up and bowing to Chu Xuanchen. Yun Ruoyue hurriedly pressed his body, "You can't move, be careful of the wound, don't let my hard work fall short."
Today, when someone comes to see King Xian, he always remembers to show his respect.
Fortunately, I was stopped by her every time, otherwise the wound would tear, and it would be her who was in trouble again.
These ancients have a lot of red tape.
"Okay, I understand." King Xian said kindly.
The appearance of snow-white skin, red lips and white teeth was a bit affectionate.
"There are about a few days left for the virtuous king's body to recover? The emperor is a little bit impatient, let this king ask, how long will you enter the palace face saint?" Chu Xuanchen looked at Yun Ruoyue, his eyes flashed Complex look.
Is the emperor worried
Yun Ruoyue said: "It's okay in two days. King Xian's condition has stabilized. After two days of recuperation, he can be assisted by someone to get out of bed and move around. Then I can enter the palace and return to the emperor."
Incidentally, to mention the matter of separation.
"Well, when the time comes, this king will accompany you, you tell this king in advance." Chu Xuanchen said.
Yun Ruoyue glanced at Chu Xuanchen suspiciously. This time, why didn't he make trouble
How could he be so calm like she mentioned and separated last time? Could it be that he has prepared any tricks, ready to speak in front of the emperor
She glanced at him warily, decided not to be with him then, avoid him, and enter the palace quietly by herself.
Chu Xuanchen asked King Xian again a few more words, and then went out. He was a busy man and was busy with military affairs all day.
This is called the more able to work, the greater the ability, the heavier the responsibility.
When Chu Xuanchen went out, Yun Ruoyue saw Su Changxiao who had changed his clothes and seemed to follow him quietly.
She felt curious and followed out.

Chapter 852: Regret it

However, Chu Xuanchen did not go directly out of the mansion, but walked over to the lake of the Emperor Xian's mansion, seeming to admire the lake view of the Emperor Xian's mansion.
And Nangong Rou, after looking around sneakily, suddenly followed.
When Yun Ruoyue was in the cottage last night, she knew that there was a path leading to the rockery by the lake. She saw Su Changxiao walking past, and hurriedly followed the path along the path.
As a result, she only walked behind the rockery and heard Su Changxiao's cry of three-point sorrow, three-point pain, and four-point regret.
"My lord, I didn't expect that after so long, you would still be willing to treat me well, thank you for what happened today." Su Chang smiled with tears in his eyes, and Chu Chu looked at Chu Xuanchen pitifully.
Chu Xuanchen glanced at her coldly, why did she look like a dog skin plaster
She will follow wherever he goes.
He just wanted to come to the lake to blow the air, thinking about how to break Yun Ruoyue's peace, but unexpectedly attracted Su Changxiao.
"This king said, this king just doesn't want you to quarrel with the patient. You have to say it several times before you understand?" Chu Xuanchen said silently.
"Master, I'm sorry, I really knew it was wrong. I didn't expect King Jin to be this kind of person. He lingered in the Qinlou Chu Pavilion all day, and he brought those watery women back to the mansion to humiliate me, even a flower. The lady Lou dared to step on my head, and I, Princess Jin, did really uselessly." Su Chang smiled and curled his lips with a smile.
After speaking, he said, "King Jin has changed. No, it's not that he has changed, but that I don't know people clearly. I didn't expect him to be this kind of person. I really regret it. If time goes back, I will definitely not If you marry him, you will definitely marry."
After speaking, she threw herself into Chu Xuanchen's arms and began to cry in pain.
"Princess Jin, please take self-respect." Chu Xuanchen said coldly, with a strong arm raised, trying to push her away.
She thought she wanted to marry him, he would marry
He is not picking up tatters.
"Don't push me away, just let me hold it for a while, okay? Look at what this is?" Su Chang smiled and said, suddenly there was a small woman in his hand, "This is what you used to carve for me. Yes, you said it took you several days to sculpt it, and I have been cherishing it. Last night, it was broken by King Jin, and this hairpin was broken. It’s really a pity."
Chu Xuanchen said coldly: "This king has carved a lot of things in the past, not only you have them, the maids and eunuchs in the palace, everyone has it, it's not a big deal."
The implication is that Su Changxiao should not take it to heart, this is just a thing too ordinary.
After finishing talking, he already pushed Su Changxiao coldly, and pushed Su Changxiao away.
Even though she was thin, she was very strong, like an octopus, she couldn't push her away without much effort.
If you want that woman to see it, she will definitely be jealous again.
"Master, you are indifferent to me now, I understand, I am sorry for you first. If I say, I am willing to reconcile with King Jin, you will divorce Yun Ruoyue and marry me?"
Anyway, they have no children yet, so there is still time.
Chu Xuanchen looked at her like an alien, "Don't say now, even before, this king won't marry you."
"Why? You obviously loved me so much. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't marry Nangong Rou, who looks similar to me. I belong to the Su family. I leaned on the entire Su family behind and married me. You are like Divine help, maybe you can win the throne. I am willing to compromise with you now, don't you want such an opportunity?" Su Chang smiled.

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