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Chapter 751: Take her to the lantern festival

"Is there a lantern festival? Well, I like the excitement the most, let's go." At this time, the sedan chair had been carried to the gate of the palace, Yun Ruoyue hurriedly jumped off the sedan chair and walked ahead happily.
It's been a long time since she went to the street to look at the lights, so she missed the modern feasting and busy life.
She has been here for several months and has not visited the overnight market.
When the two of them left the palace gate, Mo Li Mozhu, who had been stationed in Prince Li's mansion long ago, all surrounded them. Chu Xuanchen was about to take Yun Ruoyue to the busiest long street, but Mo Li hesitated to say: "Master, have you finished the palace banquet?"
"Well, this king wants to take the princess to the lantern festival, so let's go together." Chu Xuanchen said.
"But..." Mo Li glanced at a small cyan sedan chair next to him, "The Rou side concubine is here, she's been waiting here long ago."
Before the words were over, the sedan curtain had been lifted, and Nangong Rou, with a large cloak of snow-white fox fur and delicate makeup, had already got off the sedan chair.
"Prince, sister, Rou'er has been waiting for you for a long time. Lord, do you want to take your sister to the lantern festival? Can you take me with you? I really want to be with you." Nangong Rou walked off the sedan chair and looked at it pitifully. To Chu Xuanchen.
Her dress is noble and gorgeous, dignified and magnificent, she looks like she has been carefully dressed.
Yun Ruoyue knew that a woman dressed like this would not be reconciled if she didn't walk around in the street.
She hurriedly said with interest: "Why don't you go together, I will be with Feng'er and others."
After Yun Ruoyue finished speaking, she walked to Feng'er and Jiu'er who had been waiting by her side.
"You are with this king." Chu Xuanchen suddenly walked over, domineeringly grabbing Yun Ruoyue's hand, leading her into the crowd.
"Master, wait for me." Nangong Rou also quickly followed.
The prince did not refuse, which meant that she could follow them.
Chu Xuanchen seemed to have not seen Nangong soft, leading Yun Ruoyue and hurried forward. Yun Ruoyue was dragged by him, and couldn't keep up with him, so she couldn't help but shook his hand. "You walk slowly. One point, what are you doing so fast, Concubine Roubian can't keep up."
"This king just wants to be with you." Chu Xuanchen turned around and looked at her deeply, with a painful expression in his eyes.
He had already made it clear to Nangong Rou last time that he would rather die by her sword and repay her life-saving grace than give her a child.
"What are you talking about, I don't understand." Yun Ruoyue pretended not to understand Chu Xuanchen's words, and turned her body.
"This king said, this king is in love with you, and just wants to be with you." Chu Xuanchen pulled Yun Ruoyue's body over and looked at her with distressed eyes.
"Master, you..." Nangongrou appeared at the wrong time. She heard Chu Xuanchen's confession to Yun Ruoyue, her body shook suddenly, and her heart became frozen.
He actually fell in love with Yun Ruoyue, she couldn't believe it.
In just a few months, he fell in love with her.
"What are you kidding about, Concubine Rou is here, don't say such things, and be careful of her misunderstanding." Yun Ruoyue looked at Nangong Rou with some embarrassment.
Is this guy Chu Xuanchen showy? How could she believe if she said she loved her.
He and Nangong Rou have come together, so why bother to tease her with such remarks.
Chu Xuanchen's gaze was locked on Yun Ruoyue's body, his black pupils were flashing light inside, "What the king said is true, this king has never been so heartbroken to anyone in this life, you touch this king My heart, it’s beating for you, it’s still hot."

Chapter 752: Are you stupid

"Whose heart is not beating, whose heart is not hot?" Yun Ruoyue said in a puzzled manner.
"You, are you stupid?" Chu Xuanchen gritted his teeth and said, suddenly holding up Yun Ruoyue's face, he kissed her lips fiercely.
"Lord!" Next to him was Nangongrou's heart-piercing cry.
But as if he hadn't heard it, he closed his eyes, and regardless of the world, there was only Yun Ruoyue in his heart.
He wants to kiss her right now, wants to kiss her crazy.
He didn't want to care about the world, regardless of other people's eyes, he wanted to show his love for her in the public.
He wanted to tell the world that she was his and no one could take it away.
Yun Ruoyue couldn't breathe after being kissed, so many people watched, she really wanted to kick Chu Xuanchen.
He is not ashamed, but she is too.
Next to him, there was Nangongrou's heart-piercing cry, and the sound of onlookers yelling and shouting, and even shaking his head and talking outrageously, there are all kinds of voices, very complicated, and far away.
After a long while, Chu Xuanchen was willing to let go of Yun Ruoyue. Yun Ruoyue narrowed her eyes, only to feel that the lights in the distance were blurred. She panted heavily, and then hit Chu Xuanchen with a fist on the chest. Before, Li roared: "What do you think of me? Something that comes and goes when you call it? You bully me when you want to bully me, and kiss me if you want to kiss me. Who do you think you are? Me? Just be bitten by a dog!"
After speaking, she ran to the crowd angrily, Feng Er and Jiu Er quickly followed.
Chu Xuanchen just wanted to chase, but was held back by Nangong Rou, "Master, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have appeared, it made my sister sad."
"It's none of your business." Chu Xuanchen ripped off Nangong Rou's hand. He wanted to chase Yun Ruoyue, but found that she had already run away and disappeared in the fireworks.
"It's all because of me that my elder sister left. Why is it none of my business. Lord, can I find my elder sister with you?" Nangong Rou said, sticking on again like an octopus.
"This king said that the matter between this king and the princess has nothing to do with you." Chu Xuanchen said coldly.
Nangong Rou thought that his phrase "it's none of your business" meant that the princess was angry and that it was none of her business.
Unexpectedly, what he meant was that their business had nothing to do with her, she was just an outsider, it was superfluous.
Chu Xuanchen had no time to take care of Nangong Rou. He was worried about Yun Ruoyue’s safety, so he told brother Mo Li, “Mo Li, Mo Zhu, take someone to find the princess, and don’t disturb her if you find it. The princess likes to watch the lantern show Just be there to protect her safety."
In the end, he did not abandon Nangong Rou or drive her back to the mansion for the sake of saving her life. Instead, he said: "If you are willing to live a peaceful life, this king will give you a place in the palace."
On the contrary, if she dares to be a demon and harm the princess again, don't even think about staying in the Li Palace.
"I see, Lord, you are willing to forgive me, it's great, thank you." Nangong Rou nodded excitedly, as if she had seen hope.
It seems that her life-saving grace is very useful.
At least every time the prince thinks about it, he is reluctant to drive her away.
It was just the thought that he had kissed Yun Ruoyue's domineering and affectionate appearance just now, which made her heart sting like a thorn.
Chu Xuanchen looked ruthless and cold-blooded, but he was not a vicious person. He was only willing to let her stay in Prince Li Mansion because of Nangong Rou's throwing the sword on the ground last time.
But this does not mean that he loves her.

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