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Chapter 681: Delay the time

However, Nangongrou’s voice came from outside, "Master, Mother Yue just came to report that she saw with her own eyes a thief in red flying into Feiyue Pavilion. Mother Yue will never deceive people. If it is true Yes, will he still hide in Feiyue Pavilion? Seeing from his concubine, guards should be sent to search Feiyue Pavilion, and the culprit must be found out, lest he harm the princess."
Just now when she was about to wash and go to bed, Mother Yue suddenly came to report that the family they had bought, Ding Chenfeng, saw a man dressed in red with a powerful martial arts man and sneaked into the Feiyue Pavilion.
Chen Feng is a spammer in Chu Xuanchen's courtyard. He was bought by Mother Yue with a lot of money three months ago, and he became the eyeliner for monitoring the prince and the princess.
When Chen Feng reported the news to Mother Yue, Mother Yue felt that there was a situation and reported her as soon as possible.
She hurriedly put on her outer clothes, and led Mother Yue to report the news to Chu Xuanchen.
Then Chu Xuanchen followed them to arrest the culprit.
Chu Xuanchen glanced at Nangong Rou with a deep gaze, and said to Mo, "Mo Li, lead someone to enclose Feiyue Pavilion, only to enter, not to exit, not even mosquitoes!"
"Yes, Lord." Mo Li arched his hand, waved his hand, and led a team of guards to search.
"Mo Zhu and Li San, take a team of people to search other places. Every place must be searched. If there is such a thief, you will have to see people in life and the corpse in death!" Chu Xuanchen said coldly.
"Yes, the subordinate takes the order."
Nangong softly looked at each other, staring at the door of the room faintly, and suddenly said: "Sister, why haven't you come out for so long?"
The implication is that there are people hiding in this room, so she dare not come out.
"What are you in a hurry? Didn't you hear that the princess wants to wear clothes?" Yun Ruoyue said coldly.
At the same time, she stared at Su Qishao nervously, and her heart thumped.
She wanted to stop doing it, and let Chu Xuanchen come in and arrest Su Qishao, accusing him of trespassing Feiyue Pavilion.
But later discovered that this is absolutely impossible, even if she is a victim, the world will not believe her.
At that time, people will not believe that Su Qishao is a flower picker, because his status and status are not ordinary, people believe that the two of them are cheating.
Moreover, Chu Xuanchen warned her last time that she was not allowed to approach Su Qishao, and she had seen Su Qishao a doctor. No one would believe that it was okay for them. This was bad for her reputation.
Therefore, she had to delay the time and let Su Qishao leave before opening the door.
At this time, Su Qishao's lower body still couldn't move. He shook his head helplessly, and whispered: "If you didn't pierce this eldest son just now, would we end up here?"
Now not only is Yun Ruoyue nervous, he is even more nervous.
Because he can't move.
In case Chu Xuanchen found out, he would definitely cut him off.
He hasn't married yet and doesn't want to die so early.
"If you don't sneak into my room, I won't pierce you. You deserve it. I count thirty times. If you don't leave again, I will throw you out and call you the culprit!" Yun Ruoyue was angry. Tao.
"Will they believe you? Not to mention that we know each other. You have cured my son's disease, just say that they have been standing outside for so long, and you can't open the door on the grounds of wearing clothes. Now you suddenly want to take Ben Throwing the prince out, this is contradictory, will Chu Xuanchen believe you?" Su Qishao said.

Chapter 682: The suspicion is in the room

Yun Ruoyue smiled coldly, "I said, just now you threatened me with a dagger and forced me to lie to them. I said that. Later, I gave you a narcotic to control you."
"You!" Su Qishao stared at Yun Ruoyue and grinded his teeth fiercely. Yun Ruoyue thought he would be angry, but he did not expect him to put a thumb at her and said, "You are good! But, so In a short period of time, how will this son of the world escape?"
"I don't care about you, I started counting, one, two, three..." Yun Ruoyue finished counting and started counting.
If a person doesn't force himself, he doesn't know how good he is.
Therefore, Su Qishao listened to the sound of the numbers, cruelly, and tried to mobilize the internal force to break through the blood barrier.
After a while, he was forced to sweat and his whole body was shaking.
Just when Yun Ruoyue's count reached twenty-eight, Su Qi Shaoqing exhaled and stood up.
He was finally able to move, Yun Ruoyue breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, "There is a back door over there, you can go quickly."
The farther you go, the better.
"Okay, Xiao Yue'er, we will have a period later." Su Qishao loosened his muscles and ran towards Yun Ruoyue's back door.
He was able to move just now through the antidote and his own internal strength, but his body was still sour and swaying, as if he would fall down if he was not careful.
Before he walked to the back door, he suddenly hurried back and said, "There is someone guarding the back door and can't get out."
"Open the door, princess, are you still inside? Have you had an accident and haven't opened the door for so long, did someone threaten you?" At this moment, the voice of Mother Yue slapped the door.
"Yeah, prince, it’s impossible for my sister to wear clothes for so long, right? I heard her voice weird just now, would the culprit threaten her inside, so she couldn’t open the door for so long? If that’s the case, Then we must break in immediately and save my sister." Nangong Rou also said with a worried expression.
Feng'er stretched out her hand and stopped in front of Nangong Rou, "I can't open the door, my master is just getting dressed, can't you wait for her a little longer? You break in like this, if anyone sees her body, who To be responsible?"
"We are all women, what's the matter with this. Wearing a piece of clothing, for a while, my sister hasn't come out for so long, maybe she was really threatened, don't you want to save her?" Nangong Judo.
Feng'er bit her lip with some doubts, "Of course I want to save my mother, but the mother said that she is changing clothes. Besides, if she is really intimidated, if you break in like this, it will irritate the gangsters and cause harm. Damn her!"
I don't know why, Fenger just doesn't trust Nangong Rou.
Intuition tells her that the more Nangong Rou wants to do, the less she can't let her succeed.
"I can't tell you clearly, you don't care about your mother's life at all." After Nangong Rou finished speaking, she looked at Chu Xuanchen worriedly, "Prince, just now Mother Yue really saw a man sneak in. I suspect that the man is in this room. He is threatening my sister, so my sister can't get out. We have to rush in to save my sister, or we are afraid that he will hurt her."
Chu Xuanchen's eyes were very deep, and he looked at Mother Yue coldly, "Did you see the appearance of the thief?"
"Back to the prince, the old slave didn't see too clearly, but the old slave saw him wearing a red shirt. The material of the clothes seemed very luxurious, not ordinary materials. The man's back and profile looked like a handsome man. The old slave thought , The man’s identity should be unusual, he may not be a culprit, he shouldn’t hurt the princess, please don’t worry about that.” Mother Yue said.

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