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Chapter 951: Qiqi's concern

"Niangniang, what's the matter with you?" Qiqiyi ran in, and saw Yun Ruoyue squatting on the ground, holding her belly with her hands, shaking her body, crying uncomfortably there.
His heart was suddenly twisted and distressed.
Seeing Qiqi coming in, Yun Ruoyue suddenly felt like seeing a life-saving straw, and threw herself into her arms and cried, "Qiqi, I'm so cold, I'm so painful, and my heart hurts..."
"Niang, what happened? I heard the prince say outside, you are pregnant, why, are you pregnant with his child?" Qiqi asked with a puzzled face.
When he was outside just now, he dared not get too close, so he was a little far away and didn't hear what was inside.
If Yun Ruoyue was pregnant with Chu Xuanchen's child, it would be a good thing for Chu Xuanchen, why would he be so angry
The beloved woman is pregnant with someone else's child. At this time, his heart is like a bolt from the blue, shocked and uncomfortable.
"Yes, I am pregnant, but this child is not owned by the prince. I don't know who it belongs to. I just became pregnant so inexplicably. I don't even know who the child's biological father is, really. He doesn't believe it. Me, he doesn't believe me, Qiqi, do you believe me?" Yun Ruoyue said uncomfortably.
"I believe in you, of course I believe in you. You don't know who the child's father is, then how could you get pregnant?" Qiqi looked at Yun Ruoyue distressedly, and when she was crying, his eyes were red. .
"I don't know. Maybe the palace broke into the flower picking thief. I was bullied by the flower picking thief, but I have no impression at all. I only remember that two months ago, I woke up one morning and found my body sore. , There are red marks all over the body. Also, I was sitting here and reading that night, but when I woke up the next day, I was lying in bed. You said, would I be bullied that night? ?" Yun Ruoyue said excitedly.
"Really? The Royal Palace of Li is heavily guarded, and there are flower pickers who dare to break in and hurt the princess? This is too rampant! Princess, don't be sad, now the princess doesn't believe you, I will explain to him that you are murdered. Yes, it is innocent. I believe he will believe you when he knows the truth." Qiqi said with a sob thinking about Yun Ruoyue's situation.
"No, don't go, he is angry right now, he is very murderous, don't mess with him. He thought I had stolen someone, thought I went out of the wall and put a green hat on him, so you don't want to look for him. He. I'm afraid that when he gets angry, he will cure Feiyue Pavilion's subordinates for a crime of ineffective protection and kill you." Yun Ruoyue hurriedly grabbed Qiqi, for fear that he would do stupid things.
Qiqi’s eyes are scarlet, "But now he is blaming you, what are you going to do? Even if you are not pregnant with his child, you are a victim. You didn’t steal people at all, and you didn’t get out of the wall. We all believe. You. He is still laying a net outside, as if he is going to catch someone."
"Really? He wants to catch Su Qishao. He thought that the child in my belly belonged to Su Qishao. He thought that I had an affair with Su Qishao, so he had set a trap to catch him. Qiqi, you know martial arts, people And clever, can you sneak out of the house and find Su Qishao for me, and tell him to go quickly, otherwise there will be a murderous disaster. This child has nothing to do with Su Qishao, he is innocent, and I don't want to involve the innocent!" Yun Ruo Yue held Qiqi's hand.
When Qiqi heard this, her heart was very moved.

Chapter 952: He is willing to marry her

He suddenly held Yun Ruoyue's hand, separated the bangs in front of his forehead, exposed his face, and changed his voice back, "Xiao Yue'er, look at who I am? Take a closer look."
"You, who are you?" As soon as Yun Ruoyue heard this magnetic male voice and familiar eyebrows, she couldn't believe it, "You are Su Qishao, why are you here?"
Having said that, she suddenly understood that Qiqi was Su Qishao.
No wonder she is so tall and martial arts so strong!
"Yes, I am Su Qishao, Su Qingchen. Xiaoyue'er, I came to see you as a maid because I missed you, but I did not expect to encounter such a thing. I am innocent with you. , I will go to Chu Xuanchen and explain it clearly to him."
"No, you can't go. He doesn't believe anyone's words now, and your explanation is useless. You can't go. If you go, you will die in vain. Since he doesn't believe me, I don't have to explain to him." Yun Ruoyue Hold Su Qishao.
Su Qishao squinted his eyes coldly, "Who wants to die is not necessarily true. Chu Xuanchen has chased and killed my son again and again. My son is not the same as him. Now that he hurts you so much, my son wants to kill even more. he."
"This is Prince Li Mansion, his territory, there is no need to fight him. Besides, from his point of view, it is normal for him not to believe that I am, and no one can accept his own woman and be pregnant with someone else's. Child. For him, this is humiliation and injury, plus he was betrayed by Su Changxiao before, and now I encounter this kind of thing again, it’s normal if I don’t believe me.” Yun Ruoyue wanted to make Su Qi Don't be impulsive, try to speak for Chu Xuanchen.
"Then what are you going to do now? With his personality, he can't tolerate this child. If you stay in the Li Palace, I'm afraid he will hurt you." Su Qishao said distressedly.
"I have already thought about it. I want to write a letter to find someone to submit to the palace. I want to ask the emperor for decree and leave. I still have another chance to reconcile." Yun Ruoyue said.
"Do you want to reconcile with Chu Xuanchen? Is this true?" Su Qishao asked.
"Really, since he doesn't believe me, then what am I doing in Prince Li's Mansion? He wants to kill this kid, but this kid is innocent. If I can get along with him, I want to leave here and find a quiet place. , Give birth to the child." Yun Ruoyue said calmly.
"Xiao Yue'er, he will definitely not agree to make peace with you, and are you willing to him?" Su Qishao asked seriously.
When Yun Ruoyue heard this, her heart was pierced and tears fell from her cheeks, "There is nothing to be reluctant to bear. He distrusts me so much, and I don't need to bear him. This child is innocent. , I will never let him kill this child. I will find a beautiful place to give birth to the child and raise it well. It’s just that I don’t know who his biological father is, so I can’t explain it to him. , I am a woman with a child alone, and he does not have a father. What would the world think of me and him? A child, without the love of his father, would be very pitiful. I am afraid that he would even live with extravagant hopes."
Seeing Yun Ruoyue's painful look, Su Qishao's heart seemed to be crushed.
"Xiaoyue'er, don’t cry. As long as you don’t dislike it, I am willing to take care of you, I am willing to accept this child, I am willing to be your husband, and his father, I am willing to protect you, and I am willing to bear what a father should do. Responsibility. You write the letter, and I will find a way to present it to the emperor. As long as the emperor agrees and leaves, I will take you away. As long as you break away from Chu Xuanchen, I will marry you and become your husband from now on. How about being the father of your child?" Su Qishao looked at Yun Ruoyue distressedly, waiting for her answer.

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