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Chapter 871: Start detoxification

"A healthy person, after smelling Jiulixiang and taking Codonopsis pilosula, of course will not be poisoned. But this is a frail person, but it is not the same. Only the wise king had an operation, he had wounds on his body, and he was weak in blood and energy. , The spleen and stomach are cold, and the resistance is poor. After smelling the scent for a long time, and taking Codonopsis pilosula, it is difficult not to be poisoned." Yun Ruoyue said firmly.
"It's really funny, who said that people who are weak can't smell the smell and can't take this medicine? Princess Li, is this your fallacy?" Princess Rui said.
Grand Doctor Zhang hurriedly said: "Princess Rui and Princess Li are justified. People who are sick are very different from those who are not. For example, people who have gout cannot eat animal organs, seafood, etc. Otherwise, the pain will be more serious, but ordinary people will be fine if they eat it. The virtuous king's qi is weak and the yin and yang are imbalanced, and then he has the surgery, his vitality is severely injured, and the blood is abnormal. In this case, I smell the pungent odor of Guri incense. After taking Codonopsis pilosula, it is easy to be poisoned!"
"Yes, I'm sure that King Xian was poisoned by this. Niang, I'm afraid you have to check the people in the kitchen!" Yun Ruoyue said.
When Concubine Jing heard it, she immediately understood. She glanced at the cook coldly and said angrily: "You have always been responsible for the king's diet. Today's Dangshen stewed chicken was also proposed by you. The palace treats you not. Bo, you dare to harm the King Xian. Come here, take this cook and the others, and tortured them all!"
Moreover, these cooks are useless and must be replaced.
"Niang Niang, the little one didn't poison her life, and the little one was wronged." The cook suddenly shouted.
"I don't care if you are wronged or wronged. The King Xian only happened after eating your food. If you want people to know it, you can't do anything. Come on, take it down, hit the 30th board first, and then torture!" Concubine Jing said angrily.
If they dare to harm the virtuous king, these people have ten lives and not enough to pay.
After the guards pulled the cook and the others down, without Yun Ruoyue's words, Concubine Jing immediately called out all the miscellaneous people, including Su Changxiao and Concubine Rui.
The two of them had been cursing the King Xian just now. She hated them so much, but it was not easy to have an attack, so she had to endure it.
"Princess Li, all the hope of this palace rests with you, you must come on and save Liu Yun." Before leaving, Concubine Jing took Yun Ruoyue's hand and said sincerely.
She knew that Yun Ruoyue must have a way to save King Xian.
"Don't worry, I will try my best." Yun Ruoyue said.
After speaking, she only left the doctor Li to fight, and called out everyone else.
As soon as everyone went out, Yun Ruoyue quickly extinguished the incense, and then opened the window to ventilate him. Doctor Li said: "The King Xian can't see the wind right now. The wind is so cold, will it aggravate his condition?"
Yun Ruoyue knew that seeing the wind is the most taboo in Chinese medicine, and said: "He is poisoned. If the scent is not ventilated to dissipate the scent, the poison will not be cured. Moreover, the room is often ventilated, which is much better than no ventilation."
Although it is a bit cold, there is no way to understand the poison.
"It's the princess's opinion." The doctor Li suddenly realized that Chao Yun Ruoyue gave a thumbs up.
After that, he looked worried, "But we don't know the name of the poison in him, and there is no antidote. How can we detoxify him?"
"I have a way, Doctor Li, please help me to support the prince, I will help him induce vomiting, and vomit out the Dangshen that he has taken, and it will detoxify." Yun Ruoyue said.

Chapter 872: Save the wise king

Chinese medicine detoxification requires antidote, like those detoxification pills in martial arts novels.
Western medicine detoxification requires first gastric lavage or vomiting, and secondly, the drug is administered. The two-way administration does not require those mysterious antidote. It can also detoxify.
There is no electricity here, and gastric lavage tools cannot be used. She can only use the oldest method to induce vomiting on King Xian again.
Because King Xian was in a coma, it was easy to suffocate by inducing vomiting. Fortunately, Yun Ruoyue was very experienced and very careful to avoid suffocation.
Soon, she and Doctor Li, helped Wang Xian to induce vomiting out of the codonopsis he took.
Then, she cleaned up the scene, fed King Xian Amian sodium and intravenous injection of tranquillizer to detoxify the king.
After a lot of hard work, the original blackness and eyes and lips of King Xian gradually faded and returned to their original colors.
Doctor Li was shocked when he saw this, "Miao Ye, it's really wonderful. The prince's expression has returned to normal. The princess can detoxify without antidote. This is the first time the old lady has seen this detoxification method. It is really amazing. "
"Actually, if I took medicine, I still need to use medicine to completely detoxify. King Xian has suffered again this time." Yun Ruoyue thought that she helped him to induce vomiting twice, and he was equivalent to a caesarean section. , His vitality has long been damaged, but fortunately he has martial arts foundation, so he can sustain it.
If it were replaced by someone else, it might be over long ago.
At this moment, she saw King Xian's hand, and his eyes slowly opened.
As soon as he opened it, he looked at her weakly, his eyes full of beauty and gratitude, "Thank you, Princess Li, you saved this king again. This king owes you too much."
"Are you awake? It's really great. Fortunately, you are not deeply poisoned, so you heal quickly. You don't need to thank you. For doctors, the greatest wish is to cure every patient. See The patient's happy smile, we are more happy than winning the big prize." Yun Ruoyue said sincerely.
"Thank you, this king feels much better than before." King Xian looked at Yun Ruoyue with love in his eyes.
"You take a break first, and I'll prescribe a prescription for Mo Yu, let him decoct some Chinese medicine for you, and then consolidate it." With the current detoxification conditions, it would be better if you can combine Chinese and Western medicine.
When the people guarding outside heard that King Xian had been rescued again, everyone hurriedly congratulated Concubine Jing.
When Concubine Jing saw this, the hanging rock in her heart finally fell to the ground.
She hurried in to thank Yun Ruoyue, she was very pious, and hurriedly went to see King Xian and greeted him with a chill.
And Su Changxiao and Princess Rui both had dark faces. They didn't expect that Yun Ruoyue was really powerful and saved the King Xian again.
When Concubine Jing finished seeing King Xian, Yun Ruoyue said: "Manny, can you find out? Is there a problem with this cook?"
"The cook was severely tortured, but he didn't recruit. He said that the incense was not his order, so he made Dao Dangshen stewed chicken. Is it about to be stigmatized? The palace was afraid that he would accuse us of being unkind in the King's Mansion. Forced to ask him." Jing Fei sighed and said.
Yun Ruoyue nodded. There is no evidence, and her guess is useless.
If someone really bought the cook, then the cook would rather die than recruit, or he would die during the interrogation. The arrangement behind the scenes must be very clever, and it is estimated that even the cook would not know his identity.
Who would that person be

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