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Chapter 671: No appetite at all

Having said that, she got up and knelt in front of the princess, "Emperor sister, I'm sorry, you and your sister didn’t celebrate the festival. It was because you spoke for me and defended me, so she hated you. There are no good things. It's all my fault to call you."
Mother Yue also said: "Madam is right. The princess would rather ask her to eat together instead of calling the princess. She obviously didn't put the princess in her eyes. The princess finally came back, so she didn't even take a look. Before. The maid asked the servant to invite the princess, and asked the princess to greet the princess. She was also rejected on the grounds that her foot was injured. But when the servant went there, she saw the princess and the princess smile very happily. She looked hurt. She is too scornful of the princess to do so."
"Mother Yue, shut up, can you put the beak of the princess?" Nangong Rou quickly glared at Mother Yue.
"Sorry, princess, all slaves are talking too much, and the slaves will be punished to slap their mouths." Mother Yue finished speaking, slapped her face twice with her hand, and then hung her head, with a very self-blaming appearance.
The eldest princess was already angry at hearing, she slapped her palm on the table, gritted her teeth and said: "Needless to say, this palace can also guess that she is this kind of person, she made those delicious things before, When did you call this palace? Even if there was no Rou'er, she would not put this palace in the eyes, because she was originally the kind of arrogant and short-sighted woman."
This Yun Ruoyue really defeated her goodwill towards her.
Yun Ruoyue rescued her last time in Wei Guogong's mansion.
Although she and Nangong Rou analyzed afterwards that Yun Ruoyue deliberately delayed her time to save her in order to make her grateful to her, but she was still grateful to her in her heart.
Unexpectedly, she finally came out of the palace again, this Yun Ruoyue actually waited so slowly for her.
"Emperor Sister, the dishes are almost cold. You should eat something first. Don't worry about it anymore, lest you get hungry." Seeing that the goal has been achieved, Nangong Rou put a piece of sugar for the princess with public chopsticks. Put the vinegar ribs in the ceramic bowl in front of her.
The princess shook her head with a sad expression, "Xuan Chen hasn't come, my palace has no appetite, you can eat it."
At the mention of Chu Xuanchen, Nangong Rou’s eyes were filled with tears. She took the veil and touched the tears at the corner of her eyes, and said: "Emperor sister can't eat it, not to mention me. Without the company of the prince, I too No appetite."
"Forget it, you can withdraw all these food, Rou'er, you also go back to rest, you all withdraw, this palace wants to be quiet by yourself." After the princess finished speaking, she stood up coldly and brushed her sleeves. Then left.
Nangong Rou also hurriedly asked Mother Yue to take her food away, and she returned to Yurou Pavilion with a look of loneliness, sulking in her room alone, and at the same time thinking about how to deal with Yun Ruoyue in order to regain her grace.
It was night, a mysterious moon hung in the sky, surrounded by mysterious stars around the sky, like pearls, embellishing the entire sky with silver and glittering light.
A breeze blew, and a faint scent of ambergris came from the wind. Urgently, a red figure jumped into the palace from outside the high wall of the Li Palace, avoiding the heavy guards.
After the figure jumped into the palace, it got lost inside.
After a few laps in the backyard, he couldn't find the person he was looking for.
Xiaoyue'er, I don't know where you are, so this world can find it easy.

Chapter 672: Chuang Li Wangfu at night

That's right, at this time, the beautiful man wearing a coquettish red dress, standing coquettishly, with frivolous eyes, was the Su Qishao who was wandering around in the Li Palace in a hurry.
Ever since I saw Yun Ruoyue in the imperial palace last time and knew that she was the heavenly immortal he was looking for, he had been awake at night and had trouble sleeping and eating.
He discovered that after learning her true identity, he couldn't forget her, but he couldn't touch her outside, so he decided to come to Li Wangfu to find her.
Unfortunately, he was not familiar with the way of the Li Palace, and as soon as he sneaked in, he was lost.
At this moment, he suddenly turned to the outside of an attic. He looked at the three gilded characters "Yunxuan Pavilion" written on the attic, and suddenly curled his lips evilly.
This Yunxuan Pavilion has a cloud character, and it seems that this is undoubtedly the place where Xiao Yueer lives.
He stood still chicly, stretched out his slender jade fingers, and with the moonlight, he fluffed his hair, smiled, and walked in towards Yunxuan Pavilion.
When he walked into the attic, he discovered that the attic was not guarded, but it was convenient for him to find Xiao Yue'er.
Suddenly, he looked up and saw a weak pink figure standing under the big locust tree.
Had it not been for the many lanterns hung in the attic and the lights on the woman's body, he would almost think it was a ghost.
He looked at it again. The figure was slender and weak, and she was slender, very similar to Xiao Yue'er's figure. Moreover, from the figure, one could see that this woman was luxuriously dressed, dignified and luxurious, and she wore a gorgeous head. Besides the princess of Li Palace, who else has such a dress
He then concluded that this woman is undoubtedly Xiaoyue'er.
She didn't know what she was doing without going to bed late at night, standing alone under a tree.
He saw that her back was very bleak, he was looking up at the sky, and he sighed softly, his heart suddenly twitched.
Could it be that Xiao Yue'er is sad here because she can't be loved by Chu Xuanchen
Chu Xuanchen is also true, marrying her, but not loving her, it is really a violent thing.
Thinking of this, he suddenly walked over in distress, with a light pace, and then, subconsciously, from behind Xiao Yue'er, he stretched out his hand to cover her eyes, "Xiao Yue'er, guess who I am?"
Xiao Yue'er's figure was obviously stiff, she was blindfolded suddenly, and was about to scream in surprise, but heard this familiar sound.
This was the man she had always dreamed of but didn't dare to approach. She knew it was him, so she didn't resist. She shook slightly and continued to stand where she was.
It's just that they are not very familiar with each other, why would he call her "Xiao Yuer"
Seeing that "Yun Ruoyue" did not resist, Su Qishao breathed a sigh of relief. Does this mean that she doesn't hate him that much
He immediately said, "Xiao Yue'er, since the last time we met in the palace, I have fallen in love with you deeply. You are my Su Qishao, the first woman to fall in love with. For you, I can’t eat, I can’t sleep at night, I know it’s too abrupt for me to come to you like this, but I really can’t bear to miss you. I know I’m looking for you at this time, it’s against morality and morality, but I really want to see it again You, see if you are living well in the Royal Palace of Li, and see if anyone bullies you. I used to do a lot of sorry for you. I took advantage of my father’s power to tease many people. Among them, the most tricky, It's you. I feel guilty and blame myself now. I am here tonight and solemnly apologize to you."

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