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Chapter 791: Was abandoned

If he were replaced by Chu Xuanchen, he would definitely not be so cruel.
"Lord, help me, save me." Su Chang smiled and looked at King Jin pleadingly. He is her husband. He is the only one she can ask for now.
Although his father was in a high position, he would only use them and treat them as chess pieces. He spoiled whoever was useful.
Once the use value is lost, he will push his daughter out to fulfill his reputation.
In this case, for the sake of her own reputation and righteousness, her father would definitely not care about her.
Therefore, she only asked for the husband of King Jin.
King Jin glanced at Su Changxiao's face in disgust. She was still so beautiful, and he would still feel distressed.
But now she was holding a pig-headed face, and he only felt sick, and he got countless goose bumps all over his body.
There is no shortage of a man like him, there is no such thing as a beauty, Su Chang laughs.
He said coldly and ruthlessly: "You have done the wrong thing yourself, and you have to bear it yourself. This king has persuaded you a long time ago. You must not listen. If you fall into this situation, you deserve it."
She also hurt the Jin Dynasty Palace.
At this moment, he really hoped that she was not Princess Jin.
Su Changxiao felt cold, did King Jin abandon her
What mountain alliances, each other, and old age, are all shit!
"Well, you Princess Jin, I asked you just now, you didn't admit it, but instead gave a rake. Come here, put Princess Jin in jail, waiting for her to go down." Hongyuan emperor shouted angrily.
Nowadays, in order to protect King Jin, only the Princess Jin is pushed out.
However, because it is a royal case, the ugliness of the family cannot be publicized, so this matter must be handled in secret.
He wanted a perfect way to get rid of it, and at the same time, he also had to look at the face of the Su family. It was impossible to kill Su Changxiao.
But there is still a punishment that should be there.
"Please calm down the emperor." At this time, the queen, with messy clothes and untidy hair, hurried over without even combing her hair after hearing the news.
As soon as she ran in, she looked at Emperor Hongyuan pleadingly, "The emperor, my concubine begs you, give Princess Jin another chance. She should be punished because she made a mistake, but as Princess Jin, how can she go to jail? ?"
"Queen, why are you here?" Emperor Hongyuan said coldly.
His eyes were not fierce. Instead, he expected someone to plead for Su Changxiao. After all, she was from his line, and Chu Xuanchen was his enemy.
"The emperor, the concubine rushed over after hearing the news of Princess Li's captivity. The concubine didn't expect Princess Jin to do this. She often laughed at this child, always benevolent, and even an ant can't bear to trample to death, she Doing this must be aggrieved. Look at her face, she was stung so full of bees, she must have been aggrieved by the heavens, so she would do that kind of thing. She is excusable, and ask the emperor for mercy. Let her go." The queen said, Yin Yang gave Yun Ruoyue a weird look.
Su Changxiao quickly said: "Yes, Father, the daughter-in-law wanted to avenge her because this face was harmed by Princess Li. The daughter-in-law’s face was ruined by her, and the daughter-in-law couldn’t swallow her breath, so she captured her. The daughter-in-law doesn’t want to harm her, but just wants to beat her a few times and teach her a lesson."
"Your face was harmed by her, what's the matter?" Emperor Hongyuan's gaze, like a sharp blade, slammed Yun Ruoyue fiercely.
At this time, everyone looked at Yun Ruoyue suspiciously, if she really ruined Princess Jin's face, then she would be too terrible.
The princess Jin's counterattack was justified, and she shouldn't be convicted.
In this way, Princess Li will not be innocent, but will be described as a snake-hearted first.

Chapter 792: It turned out to be theft

Seeing everyone’s eyes, Yun Ruoyue sneered unhurriedly, “The emperor, before the concubine was about to dance, she told Princess Zhao that the concubine had a medicine called Hundred Flower Honey, which could attract butterflies. Princess Jin overheard. Then, she took the opportunity to steal my Hundred Flower Honey, trying to attract butterflies by herself. However, there was still a medicine in the concubine's bag called Yin Bee Medicine, which was very similar to the bottle of Hundred Flower Nectar. It’s in a white jade bottle. When she stole it, she probably didn’t know what she was doing. She stole the bee potion, so it became a catastrophe. The concubine only remembered it after leaving the palace. The concubine checked the cloth bag. , I found that the bee-inducing medicine was really gone. When the Princess Jin suddenly wanted to dance to attract the butterflies, the concubine guessed that maybe she wanted to steal a hundred nectar, but she stole it into the bee-inducing medicine."
"Does this count as stealing the chicken, and eroding the rice?" Chu Xuanchen answered coldly.
When Zhang Fuyin and others heard it, they all started talking in a low voice.
"It turned out to be so, no wonder I thought it was so strange, Princess Jin didn't attract butterflies, but suddenly she wanted to dance with butterflies, and finally attracted bees."
"It was she who stole Princess Li's medicine and stole it by mistake. It was her own self-conceit. Princess Li hadn't blamed her for stealing. She actually took a bite back, and Princess Guai Li disfigured her. This, Just like the case I tried last time, there was a thief who stole the fruit from the neighbor next door, and accidentally choked to death. In the end, the family of the thief had to sue the neighbor and seek compensation from the neighbor. Both of these things There are similarities in the same way!"
"In this way, Princess Jin is not innocent. She committed the crime of theft first and then the crime of murder. The two combined, the crime is not light."
Naturally speaking, it was towards the officials of Chu Xuanchen.
Upon seeing this, Geng Tian, Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, hurriedly said: "Everyone, although Princess Jin is wrong, she has also been punished. Look at her face. This is the saddest thing for a woman. Don’t let her My wound is sprinkled with salt."
"Furthermore, Princess Jin wanted to dance to attract a hundred butterflies, and also wanted to raise her country's prestige in front of foreign guests. Although she did something wrong, her starting point was good. She is honorable, how can she handle it at will? Besides, she didn't hurt Li at all. The princess is an attempt and should be sentenced lightly." The queen also said coldly.
Yun Ruoyue only found it funny.
She was taken away by Su Changxiao and almost died, and Su Changxiao was just stung by a bee.
They actually said, don't sprinkle salt on Su Changxiao's wounds, Princess Jin is really precious.
She suddenly remembered a line: "All you have lost is a leg. What Ziling has lost is love!"
"The prince breaks the law and commits the same crime with the common people. The Princess Jin took the Princess Li. Although the injury was attempted, he was sentenced to at least three years in prison according to the law. Moreover, the Princess Jin was a premeditated murder. Cut." Chu Xuanchen stood up and said in a deep voice.
Geng Tian immediately said: "But the status of Princess Jin is also very honorable. As a royal daughter-in-law, if he is severely sentenced, it will damage her national reputation. Your Royal Highness, you and King Jin's family are all relatives. See? Everyone might as well take a step back, look at the court, and let Princess Jin pay the princess Li's silver money to comfort him. Foreign envoys will not leave until tomorrow, so why don't you let them know about this, thinking that Chu's domestic conflict can't hurt Chu. For the country’s face, why should this matter be reduced to small and trivial?"

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