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Chapter 701: Don't think of any man

Chu Xuanchen stared at the sky coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Come on, let go!"
Immediately, countless rain of arrows shot towards the wall, Su Qi rarely saw it, turned his head and glanced, and saw the dense arrows shooting at him, he trembled with fright, his face panicked, and he hurried to speed.
Because of his internal strength, he accelerated his poisonous hair. He accidentally failed to fly and fell to the ground.
For a moment, it was not handsome anymore.
"Ah!" Outside the wall, there was a howl like a pig, which surprised the birds outside!
I saw this handsome and evil Su Qishao, like a bird being shot, he fell to the ground with a "pop".
He, who wanted to be handsome at last, actually fell.
"Chasing, catch him!" Chu Xuanchen said coldly, and the guards immediately rushed out of the house.
As soon as Su Qishao fell to the ground, he knew that Chu Xuanchen would definitely send someone to arrest him.
He gritted his teeth, wiped the black blood from the corner of his mouth, and quickly stood up, riding the night, hurriedly rushing towards home.
Because he was too anxious to fly, he appeared to be embarrassed, as if he was escaping from the wasteland, not at all chic.
After Mo Li led the people to chase out of the palace, he saw that Su Qishao's fiery red clothes had disappeared into the dark in embarrassment. He suddenly said coldly: "No need to chase, stop."
Then, he returned to the palace and reported to Chu Xuanchen, "The prince, it is the subordinates who are incompetent and let Su Qishao run away!"
Chu Xuanchen took a deep look at Mo Li, and with his cleverness, he could tell at a glance that Mo Li had released the water.
If Moli didn't release the water, Su Qishao would not be able to escape.
However, he did not want to kill Su Qishao in this way, so that he could not explain to Su Ming, he said: "Okay, no need to chase after. The matter tonight, everyone must keep secret, no one can go. Rumor, you all go back."
"Yes, prince." After everyone said, they stepped back.
Mo Li knew that the prince's move was to preserve the reputation of the princess.
Only their brothers knew about Su Qishao's visit to the princess's room at night, and of course they wouldn't talk nonsense.
Seeing everyone retreating, Yun Ruoyue was a little worried. Su Qishao had suffered such a heavy poison, should he be okay
However, when he flew away just now, his figure was quite vigorous and he didn't look like poisoned at all.
His own poisoning skills are also very powerful, and he should be able to detoxify this kind of arrow poison.
"Still worrying about Su Qishao? He is so good at making poison, and the poison used by this king is the simplest solution. You don't need to worry at all. Your thoughts should be taken back!" Seeing Yun Ruoyue like this, Chu Xuanchen reminded her coldly.
His voice gritted his teeth, his eyes were turbulent before the storm.
Seeing this look in his eyes, Yun Ruoyue stared at him unwillingly, "Who I am worried about, do I need your consent? Don't you think you have too much control?"
"Isn't this king supposed to care about you? You are Princess Li, you can only worry about this king, except this king, you are not allowed to miss any man!" Chu Xuanchen gritted his teeth.
Yun Ruoyue looked at him funny, "You are so funny, what do I have to do with you? You don't like me, I also hate you, we had better keep the water off the river, and you have no right to interfere with whoever I think. !"
"You say it again!" Chu Xuanchen suddenly stepped forward, pushing towards Yun Ruoyue step by step.

Chapter 702: Was bitten

His shadow, like Mount Tai, pressed against Yun Ruoyue, so that she swallowed her throat and couldn't breathe.
Yun Ruoyue swallowed her saliva and stepped back to the wall, "You let me say it, I said, you have no right to interfere with any man I want!"
She was born with a temperament that refused to admit defeat, and the more he threatened her, the more she had to say it.
Even if she didn't think so in her heart, she didn't want to bow her head to him.
"Dare you!" Chu Xuanchen finished speaking, already clasping Yun Ruoyue's shoulders, he suddenly lowered his head and held her lips, as if he was trying to swallow her alive.
Yun Ruoyue didn't expect that the way the man quarreled with her was to kiss her forcibly.
She was so angry that she wanted to push him away, but he slammed her body against the wall, unable to move.
Chu Xuanchen held Yun Ruoyue tightly, he closed his eyes and tasted her beauty strongly.
"Chu Xuanchen..." As soon as Yun Ruoyue wanted to speak, he swallowed her voice, and she had to let him kiss.
For a while, she was already out of breath and flushed.
When Chu Xuanchen finished the kiss, he raised his head and looked at Yun Ruoyue deeply, and Yun Ruoyue, already staring at him with fiery eyes, she raised her hand and slapped him in the face.
Of course, this time, she failed.
She raised her hand, and Chu Xuanchen held her hand.
Chu Xuanchen sneered, dignified God of War, how could she be beaten by her.
"You bastard, you shameless big pig's hoof, you let me go." Yun Ruoyue didn't hit him, and the anger in her heart was nowhere to be heard. She raised her head and slammed into his chest. !
It's a pity that Chu Xuanchen's chest was like a King Kong, she couldn't move at all, as if she had hit an iron plate.
Yun Ruoyue refused to admit defeat and hit him without pain, so she opened her mouth fiercely and bit his right arm!
A piercing pain passed into the man's right arm, and Chu Xuanchen frowned. The woman cut her mouth cruelly and bit him mercilessly, just like the dog who found the thief broke away from the chain and rushed to the thief. , The bite made him hurt.
If he doesn't push her away, she will bite off a piece of his flesh.
"Woman, are you a dog?" Chu Xuanchen shouted angrily, suddenly lowered his head, lifted the clothes on her shoulders, and bit down her white fragrant shoulders.
The moment he bit her fragrant shoulder, Chu Xuanchen was also stunned. He obviously wanted to push her away, but he also followed her and bit back.
He really felt that her fragrant shoulders were too white, and her skin looked delicate and silky, like egg white, which made him want to take a bite.
He wanted to bite and try, to see what it was like, he never had a chance.
Therefore, he took the opportunity to bite.
However, he was not as cruel as her.
"Hey... It hurts!" As soon as Yun Ruoyue was bitten, she screamed in pain, and her small face instantly turned pale.
Chu Xuanchen immediately let go. He looked at her thin white shoulder again, and there was a faint light red blood mark on it.
There was still a faint smell of blood in his mouth, indicating that his light bite actually bleeds her shoulder, and there is a row of his tooth marks on it.
"Chu Xuanchen, you dare to bite me, you bastard!" Yun Ruoyue glanced at the tooth mark on her shoulder, and suddenly glared at Chu Xuanchen with anger.
Her shoulder was bitten and bleeding, and her face was distorted by the pain.
"Aren't you biting this king? It just so happens that this is the mark left by this king on your body, which shows that you are the king's person and no one can get involved." Chu Xuanchen said.

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