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Chapter 821: No dinner is allowed tonight

And their prince, Mo Li, Mo Zhu, Feng'er, and Deng'er were holding his thigh tightly at this time, and they didn't let him shoot the arrow in his hand at all.
Seeing that everyone was defending Yun Ruoyue, Chu Xuanchen lowered his face coldly. He slammed the bow and arrow in his hand to the ground coldly, and shouted angrily, "Get out of the way for this king!"
Upon hearing this, several people quickly let go, and retreated far away.
As long as the princess is okay, they will no longer hold the prince stupidly.
"The prince, the princess is gone, you, are you okay?" The atmosphere was very tense at this time, there was a murderous factor in the air, but Mo Li still asked boldly.
He knew that Su Qishao was not the prince's opponent at all. With the prince's ability, if he really wanted to kill him, he would do it easily.
If the prince wanted to retake the princess, it was not a problem just now.
Even in the end, if the prince wanted to shoot an arrow, they couldn't stop it at all.
The reason why the prince let them stop is because he cares about the princess and does not want to kill her.
He is cruel on the surface, but in the bottom of his heart, he must be very heartbroken.
In this way, he indirectly let go of the princess.
Fortunately, the princess was only going to treat the illness, if he really left, the princess would definitely be crazy.
"This king is okay, all of you, don't eat tonight!" Chu Xuanchen shouted violently, and returned to the Xingchen Pavilion coldly.
Everyone glanced at each other with trepidation, and a line of tears shed in their eyes.
The prince is so cruel that he won't let everyone eat, this can kill them.
They were training for a day in the military camp today. They were physically exhausted. They were already hungry and sweaty. They wanted to eat a warm meal, but they couldn't eat.
People have no energy and strength without food, so after standing for two hours, everyone couldn't hold back, and their legs were a little weak.
Someone who was physically exhausted was sitting on the ground without holding it up.
Looking at them again, all of them were so hungry and dark, their faces were pale yellow, their chests pressed against their backs.
But no matter how hungry everyone was, they all held back and didn't call out. Who told the prince to let them down just now, they didn't do anything to save the princess.
If they dare to disobey the king's order, they also know that they should be punished.
This punishment is still the lightest.
"Commander Mo, Master Feng is here." At this time, a housekeeper came to report.
"Why is he here? Want to eat and drink again? Tell him that the princess is not at home today and can't eat and drink anymore." Mo Li was so hungry and weak that he still angered.
He is in the barracks today, but he is the one who has practiced the hardest martial arts.
I thought I would be praised by the prince, and I would have an extra meal in the evening, but it turned out...
Feng Qingyang was holding two jugs of wine in his hands, but he heard what Mo Li said. When he came in just now, he listened to the housekeeper to tell what had happened.
He originally came up with two jugs of wine and cheated some meat to eat at the princess's place. Unexpectedly, the princess would break with the prince.
Looking at it again, there were a few people sitting on the ground, and the others were standing with sallow faces.
He immediately said: "Mo Li, why are all of you downcast? Isn't it because the princess went to treat the King Xian? She will be back sooner or later, you need to be so depressed? Look at you, this head is shrugging. I'm on the ground. There is also Mo Zhu, with a sad face, sitting on the ground with his stomach in his arms and doing? There is no momentum at all, as for?"
After Feng Qingyang finished speaking, he glanced at the guards on the ground, "What are you doing sitting on the ground? Don't stand up soon, there is no such thing as a soldier, it's really embarrassing to our soldiers!"

Chapter 822: The wise wind is blowing

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, Feng Qingyang was born pure and white, let him practice for a day, and try to be hungry again.
"I said, don't give us nonsense, don't ask knowingly." Mo Li was a little jealous when he saw the unpunished Feng Qingyang.
"Go away and go away, you stay away from us, we are not all the same." Mo Zhu, who was so hungry that he wanted to eat people, was also unhappy.
"Hey, I kindly came to see you guys, you actually drove me away, did you treat guests like this? I don't know what the hell!" Feng Qingyang shook his slap-big fan angrily. Cheap poo.
"Sergeant Feng, I forgot to tell you just now, because everyone let the princess go, the prince punished everyone not to eat tonight. They are so hungry, it is not that they are not motivated, and I am also hungry." Butler After touching my deflated belly, I wanted to find a piece of tofu to hug.
"What did the prince say at the time, please repeat what he said." Feng Qingyang asked calmly.
The housekeeper cleared his throat, stood up straight, raised his head, his eyes were sharp, his appearance was cold, his voice was arrogant, "The prince said:'This king is okay, all of you, don't eat tonight!'"
"that's all?"
"That's it, I can guarantee that it's not bad." The butler still stood upright, with a sense of sadness and grandeur, and was immersed in the joy of imitating the prince.
"Haha, what a bunch of idiots." Feng Qingyang said after listening, "The prince just won't let you eat, but he didn't say he won't let you eat vegetables and meat. Are you all fools? I am often not stupid enough. I feel incompatible with you, it turned out to be so, the IQ of the entire palace has been lowered by you, Mo Li! It was you stupid that made my brothers hungry with you!"
"What? The prince just didn't let us eat? Didn't let us eat? That's great, what are you waiting for, brothers, fuck you guys, go to the kitchen!" Mo Li, the hanky man, suddenly his eyes lit up. Jumped up from the ground in one leap.
Then, all the guards ran back to their rooms with lightning speed, took the bowls and chopsticks and waited for the guys, rushed up and went to the big kitchen.
In the big kitchen, Mother Yue was making up for Nangong Rou stewed old hen soup, when she suddenly heard the sound of shaking mountains and cracking the earth.
She was shocked, "Did the wild boar come out of the mountain?"
After exclaiming, they saw Mo Li and others rushing to the hall in front of the large kitchen.
That hall is specially used to feed the guards.
"Brother Fatty, bring up the dishes and meat originally prepared for us. The prince only said not to let us eat, but didn't say not to let us eat vegetables and meat!" As soon as the butler walked in, he said to the kitchen manager Fatty .
Due to the instructions of the prince before, Fatty Dahai did not dare to bring out the food he made. He kept the pile of meals alone, thinking that these meals would be eaten tomorrow.
Unexpectedly, Mo Li and the others came.
"This, the prince has already ordered that you are not allowed to eat, is this not good?" Fat Dahai hesitated.
"It's okay, even if you feed them, I will be responsible for what happened." Feng Qingyang glanced at them sympathetically, and Yun Dan said calmly.
Fat Dahai knew that Feng Qingyang was the prince's military adviser. He was usually the smartest. He said that it should be okay.
After he listened, he hurried to feast his brothers.

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