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Chapter 401: Chu Xuanchen returned to the house

After she stopped in the backyard, she hurriedly hit a fire, bowed her head, bent over, and looked for it in the garden and the lake.

In the end, she searched for a few laps and found nothing.

While searching, she muttered to herself: "Impossible, why is it not here? Where did it fall? If it falls here, it should still be here. Could it be that it fell elsewhere?"

After speaking, she searched for two more circles, but after she still couldn't find it, she turned around, stepped on light work, and left quickly, afraid of being discovered by the guards.

When Tweet was gone, four heads suddenly appeared behind the rockery.

"Niang Niang, it really is Tweety. The purse you picked up should be hers. She just came back to look for her because she had a guilty conscience. It seems that Fen'er was killed by her." Xiao Lu said with righteous indignation.

Just now Niangniang told them about her doubts about Tui'er. They all saw the word Cui embroidered on the purse, so they waited here with her for a while to see if Tui'er would come back to look for her purse.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for them to hide before Tweety came.

At this time, each of them began to suspect that Tweet had killed Faner.

Yun Ruoyue also nodded, "It seems that we can't get rid of her. Let's keep the evidence. Recently, we have been watching the changes to see what they want to do."

"Yes, mother, don't worry, I will stare at Yurou Pavilion, as soon as they move, I will report." Xiao Lu said.


The next day, Chu Xuanchen, Mo Li and Mo Zhu returned from their work.

As soon as he came back, Princess Nangong Gentle led the people and told him the strange things that had happened in the palace these days.

After listening to this, Chu Xuanchen suddenly narrowed his eyes in disbelief, his eyes were very cold, "This king does not believe that there are any monsters, if there are any monsters, this king will kill her with a single sword!"

"Master, I heard that this monster can drink human blood. Since she is a monster, we are ordinary people. It's better not to offend her. It's better to invite a powerful master to do the ritual and let the monster go. "Nangong Rou said with a frightened expression.

The eldest princess on the side was also frightened in recent days. She said: "Xuan Chen, you are not at home these days, you don’t know, that monster is vicious. Not only did she kill the birds at home, she also killed them. Fen'er's neck was almost snapped. Tweety said that she had seen the monster flying on the wall of the palace, and said that the monster was wearing a pink dress with green face and fangs. It was very scary. We have been scared these days. Panic, sleeping and eating, I think I need to invite a Taoist priest to the door as soon as possible to catch the monster, so as to restore the peace of the palace."

The eldest princess was too scared to go out in recent days.

Listening to Aunt Mei describing the death of Fen'er, wherever she dared to go out, for fear of being killed by the monster.

Chu Xuanchen glanced coldly in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "Li San, what is going on in this matter? What is the result of your investigation?"

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