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Chapter 811: Not happy

"Is your arrow wound good?" Yun Ruoyue wiped away her tears and asked coldly.
"That little injury can't kill my son." Su Qishao coldly narrowed his eyes, wait, he will find Chu Xuanchen back.
After he finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that Yun Ruoyue's face was not right, her eyes were red, as if she had cried, and her expression was dumb, as if she was worried.
"What's the matter with you? Did Chu Xuanchen bully you?" Su Qi was so angry that he clenched his fists, and his heart was also fiercely grabbed.
"No." Yun Ruoyue turned around coldly, not looking at him.
"It must be, otherwise you wouldn't be so sad. Tell me, what happened, how did he bully you?" Su Qishao gritted his teeth and said, with eager anger and deep concern in his eyes.
"He didn't bully me, it's just that he slept with his concubine and I happened to run into it." Yun Ruoyue laughed at herself.
"..." Su Qishao suddenly understood why she was sad.
It seemed that she had fallen in love with Chu Xuanchen. He knew the truth, and his heart was suddenly depressed, and he couldn't breathe.
His god, hey.
He sighed, somewhat pitiful and lonely.
He sat down at the table, opened the roast duck, and took out two pots of small wine from his arms, and handed it to Yun Ruoyue a pot, "Since we are all unhappy, it is better to drink some peach blossom stuffed stuff together. How about getting drunk and relieving thousands of sorrows?"
"Why are you unhappy?" Yun Ruoyue asked suspiciously.
Su Qishao laughed at the corners of his mouth, "Your unhappiness also makes me unhappy. Do you want to drink, let's get drunk and stop?"
"Okay, I'll drink it." Yun Ruoyue herself was sad, and when she saw the peach blossom stuffed, she wanted to drink it even more.
Then she sat down, poured herself a glass of wine, closed her eyes, raised her head, and drank it.
"Cough cough cough..." After drinking, Yun Ruoyue was choked with coughing.
Su Qishao patted her shoulder quickly, "Drink slowly. Although this peach blossom is not a strong wine, it is also a wine after all. It will choke your throat."
"Thank you, I'm fine, come, we won't be drunk or return." After Yun Ruoyue finished speaking, he poured a glass of wine for both herself and Su Qishao, and then handed it to him.
Su Qishao looked at her, a trace of distress flashed in his eyes, and then raised his head and drank the wine.
The wine entered the throat, hundreds of thousands of times, feeling gloomy and melancholy, this obviously not very strong wine, but it made Su Qishao's heart deeply sting.
At this time, Yun Ruoyue had already drunk three glasses of wine in a row, her face was red and depressed, and her eyes were sad, "Come on, let's continue drinking."
After speaking, she drank two more cups.
After drinking five glasses of wine, she felt like she couldn't do it, but she continued to pour herself, and she poured a full glass, even a pot of wine was poured out, "Su Qishao, Come, let's toast."
"You can't drink anymore!" Suddenly, Su Qishao grabbed the wine and looked at Yun Ruoyue earnestly, "You are drunk, you can't drink anymore, that's it for tonight!"
After speaking, he looked up coldly and drank the wine for her.
"Didn't you suggest to drink? Why didn't you let me drink it?" Yun Ruoyue looked at Su Qishao depressed.
"Because I suddenly discovered that drinking can't relieve worries, but will only increase worries and worries. I will leave first. If you have anything to do, send someone to find me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse!" Su Qi Without talking, I already put the remaining pot of wine into my pocket to prevent Yun Ruoyue from drinking it again.

Chapter 812: Where to take her

Yun Ruoyue looked at him faintly, "You can really do anything?"
"I, Su Qishao, even if I lie to people all over the world, I won't lie to you." Su Qishao nodded.
"Okay, can you help me to reconcile? Can you speed up the reconciliation?"
"Okay, no problem, you wait for my news." After Su Qishao finished speaking, tightening his hip flask, he jumped out from the back door, and the figure was unrestrained and unrestrained.
Without drinking, Yun Ruoyue was not in the mood to eat the roast duck on the table, so she crawled onto the bed and started to sleep.
With this sleep, I slept directly three poles in the sun.
It was not until the next morning that Yun Ruoyue woke up uncomfortably.
As soon as she woke up, she felt that her head was so painful, as if it had been split.
She just remembered that she had a few drinks with Su Qishao last night. Su Qishao didn't drink much, but she drank a lot.
She has always been very light, no wonder it feels uncomfortable to drink so much at a time.
In the midst of being uncomfortable, she heard another footstep.
As soon as I looked up, I saw the beautiful man in red, smiling, walking towards her.
"Are you awake? How is the headache?" Su Qishao smiled.
"Why are you here again?" Yun Ruoyue was startled. Fortunately, she didn't take off her clothes to sleep last night, otherwise she would be fainted.
"Sorry, I don't mean anything else, I came to you, just want to take you to a place to fulfill your wish for you." Su Qishao said, turning around quickly, not looking at Yun Ruoyue.
Don't look at him like a poisonous tongue and a dude, but he has never been a girl, and he has never been to a flower house.
It was also because of the emergency that he had to come to her quickly, so he sneaked into the palace again without her consent.
He was in the boudoir of others, of course, he had to keep his salute, so he turned his back to her.
"Where are you taking me?" Yun Ruoyue asked vigilantly.
After all, she didn't trust Su Qishao at all, and she protected him last time, but she didn't want to lose a life.
She had forgotten what she said to him last night.
"The matter is urgent, you'll know if you go with me." After Su Qishao finished speaking, he took Yun Ruoyue and left.
Seeing Yun Ruoyue wanted to resist, he clicked her acupuncture point, flew out from the back door of the wing, and finally flew out from the high wall of the palace.
Fortunately, it was not seen by the guards on patrol.
Fortunately, when Yun Ruoyue was asleep, Feng'er and the others would not disturb her, otherwise they would be discovered.
As soon as he came out of the Li Palace, Su Qishao was not afraid that Yun Ruoyue would resist, and directly solved her acupuncture points, and flew straight to the imperial palace, holding her.
Yun Ruoyue glared at him immediately, "Where are you taking me?"
"Xiao Yue'er, you forgot what you told me to do? Besides, I am not a bad person, so you are so afraid of me?" Su Qishao was hurt in his heart and wanted to vomit blood.
Although he was a bit stubborn back then, he can now guarantee that he is definitely a good person in front of her.
In front of others, it's hard to say.
"It's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change your nature." Yun Ruoyue said coldly, "Right, what did I tell you to do?"
"Did you really forget? Last night, didn't you ask me to help you reconcile, and to speed up the reconciliation? So I mobilized my dad overnight to encourage the emperor and send out a search for gods and healers for the sake of the country. Wang’s imperial list. What should I do if the imperial list is revealed by others?” That’s why he was so anxious to find her.
"What?" Yun Ruoyue's brain hurt, and finally remembered.

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