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Chapter 731: Attracted the bees

It seems that the Hundred Flower Honey developed by Yun Ruoyue is really useful.
She was afraid that the medicine would fail, so she rushed to dance on stage.
After Su Changxiao began to dance, the musicians next to her also played tunes to help her accompany her.
It is indeed a great pleasure to have good music and this beautiful dance.
Su Changxiao deserves to be a talented girl from a family. She was born with picturesque brows and celestial appearance. Just standing there, smiling, gentle and graceful, dignified and noble, can affect everyone's hearts.
Yun Ruoyue gave her a thumbs up, as expected to be the woman Chu Xuanchen once loved. Her appearance and dance are the best in the hall.
Everyone was looking forward to waiting for Su Changxiao to dance and attract a hundred butterflies, but after waiting for a long time, no butterflies came.
At this time, Su Changxiao was also a little anxious. She jumped, frowned and looked outside the hall. Why hadn't the butterfly flown
Didn't Yun Ruoyue say that this hundred nectar can attract butterflies? Why hasn't it been so long
If it can't be attracted, she will lose her hair.
At this moment, I heard a "buzzing" sound from outside, and in an emergency, a large number of bees flew in like locusts crossing the border, and flew towards Su Changxiao.
"God, there are bees!" In the hall, someone suddenly screamed with fright. Everyone was afraid of being stung by the bees, and the hall suddenly became a mess.
"Ah! How come there are bees? Where did they come from?" Su Changxiao was dancing, and suddenly found that all these bees were flying towards her. They were yellow-brown, with sharp mouths and flying wings. , Made a "buzzing" sound, and threw straight at Su Changxiao.
Some bees even flew to her face and started to sting her.
"Ah! It hurts, come, help, help." Su Chang laughed and was stung, and Wu suddenly forgot to dance. She was so scared that she rolled to the ground, covered her face with her hands, and kept shaking her head. Want to avoid those bees.
But there were too many bees, and after a while, she was stung all over her head.
"What's going on here? How did you attract the bees? Come, come, and wipe out these bees!" Hongyuan Emperor saw this situation and hurriedly backed away.
An eunuch had already brought clothes, covered his body, and stood in front of him.
The queen and the other concubines were so scared that Huarong turned pale and scurrying around.
Simply, the bees are now attracted by Su Changxiao. They currently only sting Su Changxiao. They haven't even wanted to sting the emperor. They are all safe and sound.
"Come here, escort, escort!" Seeing the swarms of bees flying in, Grandpa Liu screamed in fright.
The entire hall was in chaos, and Su Changxiao was stung to hold his head, and kept rolling on the spot, shouting for help!
At this moment, the bees seemed mad, and suddenly a swarm of Emperor Hongyuan and the others flew over. Upon seeing this, Emperor Hongyuan and his concubines turned green in fright.
"Emperor, I have insecticide here, let me try it!" Yun Ruoyue finished speaking, took out the insecticide prepared earlier from the cloth bag, and ran to the front of Emperor Hongyuan with a stride, aiming at those who want to sting Hong Emperor Yuan's bees sprayed insecticides "swishes".
As soon as the insecticide sprayed out, the poisonous mist floated in the air, and several bees immediately smelled the smell and were poisoned to the ground.

Chapter 732: Ashamed

She continued to spray for several more times, and all the bees in front of them did not dare to approach them, and hurriedly flew outside the temple.
It seems that this bee is also afraid of death.
At the same time, Yun Ruoyue said: "The emperor, the bees are attracted by Princess Jin. The fragrance on Princess Jin's body is too strong. As long as she is here, the bees will keep coming. When the pesticides are not enough, they will be annoyed. Up."
"Come on, don't you drag Princess Jin out quickly, the farther the better, it's better to drag it to the lake to wash off the smell of her body, so as not to cause harm to everyone." Hongyuan emperor said angrily.
At this moment, a few bees wanted to sting the queen mother, Yun Ruoyue also flashed by with a stride, spraying insecticide, killing those bees.
Seeing this, the other bees flew out of the temple in fright.
At the same time, an eunuch went to drag Su Changxiao. Yun Ruoyue saw that Su Chang's smiling face was covered with bees, and she hurried over and sprayed her face indiscriminately. All the bees died and the corpse fell on the ground.
Su Changxiao's face was sprayed with insecticide, and she couldn't even open her eyes. The smell of insecticide was all over her, and she was so stinking.
It's really making the earth not work every day and the earth is not working.
Yun Ruoyue looked at her apologetically, if people didn't offend her, she didn't offend others.
Su Chang laughed evilly, and stole her things first before he ended up here.
It really deserves it.
Soon, Su Changxiao was dragged out.
When she was dragged out, her face was stung and swollen, and the place where the flesh was exposed was also stung to the point that she looked extremely embarrassed.
As soon as Su Changxiao was dragged out, the bees also smelled the smell and followed out. Coupled with Yun Ruoyue's insecticide, the dense bees did not dare to stay in the hall and all flew out.
As soon as they flew out, the entire hall was safe, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
The queen mother patted her chest and said in a shocked voice: "I was scared to death. I thought that Princess Jin could attract a hundred butterflies by dancing. Who knows, attracting thousands of bees in, fortunately Princess Li will act quickly, otherwise everyone will have to do it. Be involved in the imperial concubine Jin."
"My envoys, Prince Lingtian, and the fifth princess, are you all right?" As soon as the crisis was over, Emperor Hongyuan hurriedly tore off the cloth on his body, looking at Feng Lingtian and the others with regret.
Feng Lingtian hurriedly said: "Thanks to your majesty Hongfu, I will be fine at the next level. Fortunately, Princess Li made the shot in time. She is not chaotic at the critical moment. She is courageous and strategic. She is really a hero of the female middle school."
After speaking, he cast an admiring look at Yun Ruoyue.
Chu Xuanchen glanced at Feng Lingtian coldly, and his eyes were like remnants of the wind, as if it could cut him alive, and his neck was cold.
"Are you all okay?" Emperor Hongyuan glanced at his prince and ministers.
"The Emperor Xie is concerned, the ministers are fine."
The bee attacked Su Changxiao first, and then attacked other people last, but Yun Ruoyue had already taken out the insecticide at that time, so only Su Changxiao was stung here, and everyone else was intact.
Seeing that everyone was okay, Emperor Hongyuan was relieved.
The concubines, who had been terrified just now, quickly sat back in their positions, all of them pale, all in a state of horror.
Zhao Wang's mother and concubine, De Fei said: "I don't know where the Princess Jin got those things, but they attracted the bees. Not only did they smash into the holy driver, but also almost caused the emperor to be stung. It's really smart."
King Jin woke up from the wine at this time, he quickly got up and said: "Father, he often laughs at her unintentionally, so my son will go to see her and see how she is doing."

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