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Chapter 491: How is this going

"Really, someone dared to do this kind of pickling in my mansion. If you want me to get it out, I will definitely not let him go." Mrs. Wei Guo said angrily.

Mu Qing hurriedly took a look at the bed, only to see the mess that was full of the bed, but no one, she was stunned, "Huh, where's the people? The slaves obviously saw them running in, why are they missing?"

A lady next to him said: "Did they hear the wind and run away through the window?"

"No, look, what is that?" A lady finished speaking and pointed towards the wardrobe.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a pink trouser leg sewn on the door of the closet.

The legs of these trousers are wide and wide, with a small half exposed, and embroidered with a pattern of mandarin ducks playing in the water, which looks like a woman's underwear.

Everyone was shocked, and there was indeed a affair, and this person hid in the cabinet in fear.

"Madam, you say, who is hiding here?" A lady said with a grin, her eyes looking like a good show.

"How does my lady know, I only have to open it and read it." Mrs. Wei Guo said coldly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng and Lin Lang both trembled in fright.

Especially Lin Lang, the whole body was shaken into chaff, she tugged at her trouser legs, and found that her trouser legs were pinched out.

She only knew now that her trouser legs must be broken.

She didn't expect them to be spotted so easily, she thought she could hide again.

One of her heart rushed to her throat, what should I do

She is over, she is over!

Jiang Heng grasped Lin Lang's hand and whispered, "Don't be nervous, when I wait for them to come, I will use my eyes to signal to them, I believe they dare not open the closet."

The top of this closet is hollowed out, so as long as you get closer, you can see the people inside.

When the time comes, his domestic slave will see clearly that it is him, and he will definitely not make a statement.

It's just that, good point, why the princess changed to Linlang.

When Lin Lang heard this, she relaxed a little bit. She hoped that the people waiting for the government office would not open the closet again after seeing Jiang Heng.

Otherwise, she is doomed.

If she is found, she will confess Jiang Heng's scandal. She is also a victim and forced.

She didn't expect that she had killed so many people, never had an accident, and fell here today.

At this moment, there were two more anxious footsteps outside. Mrs. Wei Guo looked back and saw that Nangong Gentle Dan'er was walking in anxiously, and Dan'er still had a cup of soup in her hand.

As soon as Nangong Rou walked in, she asked with a look of confusion, "Madam, why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" Mrs. Wei asked coldly.

"I went to make sober soup for the princess. Where is the princess?" Nangong Rou asked with a worried expression on her face.

Mrs. Wei glanced at the closet coldly and made an expression of "see it for yourself".

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