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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 •°*"˜.•°*"˜

hoseok was sitting at his desk, looking over a file while reading through emails for job offers. his face showed nothing but annoyance as he read through the latest email from the YG department of the company. He had been working there for two years now and it wasn't anything that would change soon. or so he though.

he sighed before closing out of the dozen or so email and standing up, stretching slightly as he walked over to his door. he opened it, headed out of his office into one of the many conference rooms and grabbed himself a coffee.

after walking back over to his office, he sat down and began reviewing what he had already read over. Hoseok groaned when he realized how long this day was going to go on, and he wondered if it could possibly get any worse.

but then, he heard an annoying, melodic knocking pattern coming from the door, knowing who it was he sipped his coffee and continued reading, suddenly there was an adorable girl standing next to him with an envelope in her hand. not even bothering to look up, hoseok groaned, "hi Jennie, can I help you?"

the girl named Jennie nodded quickly, "i've got an envelope for you that boss gave to me! Had to stop myself from reading it!" she added with a small giggle.

"oh really? who is it from?" Hoseok asked curiously, now looking up and leaning forward in his chair. "I'm not sure, take it so we can know!" he obeyed and took the envelope with his name written in neat cursive at the front, carefully examining it before gently opening the seal. Inside of it was a neatly folded letter.

Dear Mr Jung Hoseok

i'm Mr Brooks , one of the main managers for Big Hit Entertainment. We have seen your beautiful moves and we would love to have you work for us! Please get back to us as soon as possible as some of our groups are going on tour and maybe we can fit you into one of them!

Kind Regards, Matthew T. Brooks

Undeniably, he was astonished, "sooooo... what does it say!" Jennie asked, eagerly.

Hoseok cleared her throat, "uhh well, it was from Bighit...it seems like one of their managers wants me to join one of there groups...do you think i should accept?" He asked.

Jennie thought about it for a moment before nodding vigorously, "yes! i think it'll be fun! i mean, you are the best" she cheekily winked. he giggled, "thanks, Jennie" he replied, giving her a small smile, eyes wide with excitement. He slapped his thighs and stood up, "alright, i'll tell my supervisor that I will be joining their group." "that's great hobi!! I wonder which group you will be working for~" "aish, I do hope they are better then my last" they both chuckled, leaving the room together.

once they reached the elevator, Jennie eagerly pushed the ground-floor button and waiting patiently, humming a tune she was working on for her solo and tapping her left foot. when they were all the way down, hoseok smiled to himself as he saw the doors open.

as the doors finally opened he stepped out into the familiar parking lot, smiling once more "see you tomorrow, Jen!" he stated, walking over to his car. "BYE HOBII!!" Jennie yelled as she ran to hers. Hoseok waved goodbye, watching her reverse and exit onto the freeway. Sighing as her heard the familiar beeping of his keys unlocking the vehicle, he turned on the radio and drove off.

the ride home was full of thoughts of what the upcoming week would bring. he was excited, especially since he knew exactly what Bighit were capable of in making someone a star, he just hoped he would find the best group for him.

parking on the side of the road near the old, battered apartment block entrance, he walked in, not bothering to check if he had any mail. Unlocking the door, going into his room, the same routine he had everyday, the same feeling of tiredness he felt everyday after work in a somewhat robotic manner just didn't feel the same anymore, what if he had to move away? He had always dreamed of living somewhere that's not so dangerous or just as unstable as this, but what if it was worse than here? These thoughts seemed to puzzle Hoseok. He climbed into bed and closed his eyes. What a day he was in for tomorrow...

"to cold its withdrawal, this house ain't a home."







A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first character x character fanfic I've written so please let me know what you think! :) If you liked this chapter please stay tuned for the next one! <3

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