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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐈𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞•°*"˜.•°*"˜


"Hey hoseok!" Jennie voice echoed the room that hobi was occupying. he had finally settled into his new home and was happy being here with his friends. His phone was resting on his head board on a pillow, "Hi Jen!" "Soooo~, how's your new house?" she inquired, "it's really cool living with my friends! what about you, how is Lisa?" Hoseok had only briefly met Lisa but they still knew eachother, "About that-." she paused, looking around "uhm, can we meet up tomorrow?" "yeah sure!"
"Hobi!" Jennie squealed as the smaller male rushed into the café. "Jen! how are you?" "mhm, I'm surving~."  Jennie said, grinning at her best friend. They hugged for a minute or so, "how are you doing? how's BTS treating you?" she enquired. "Well, there's definitely a lot more people living in the new house that I was told would, but they are all super friendly!" hobi chuckled, "you haven't been able to stop asking about it since you heard." he rolled his eyes. "oh, hush, I'm just a concerned friend!" she nudged her friend playfully.

Jennie and hobi sat down at a table and ordered some hot chocolate, the usual. "So, why'd you call me here again?" "oh, right." she paused, hesitant to say anything. "Jennie, you can tell me anything right?" he reassured her, flashing her his sunny smile. "your right, we'll, I uhm, i like someone." hoseok gasped loudly, making people look at them funny. He covered the side of his mouth as he whispered, "who?" "thats the issue, it's not a boy." she muttered the last part, but he heard. "jenza~, you know that's not an 'issue'." "it is! I'm sure she's 100% straight!" she cried, "what makes you think she is?" he questioned, raising a brow as he leaned forward a little. "she acts differently whenever someone else is around." she stated, shrugging lightly. "well... i dunno, maybe it's because she doesn't even realize that i like girls!"  she exclaimed loudly, gaining attention of a group of college students sitting nearby.
"Jennie, you shouldn't talk like that." Hoseok chastised softly. "i'm sorry.." jen mumbled quietly. She sighed softly, running a hand through his hair before saying, "I just-, I just need something to show her that I'm interested."  she smiled a little.
"well then, how do you plan to show that you're interested?" hobi replied, staring intently at the girl. "well uhmm..." she trailed off, trying hard to come up with the answer. "I'll think about it, anyway, I've gotta go now because I've got practise." she giggled, standing up. "Cya later hobi!" she walked out the cafe door, the familiar, soft ding of the bell ringing as she left.

Hoseok shook his head, laughing softly. "I guess i should be going too then." he murmured. Hoseok pulled out his wallet, checking that it contained all the cash he needed, as well as his car keys before walking out of the cafe with a smile on his lips.

"Your loves got  me looking so crazy right now, your kiss' got me hoping you'd save me right now."

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