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It was time, this was the moment he had waited for, here in Paris with his friends about to perform on stage for their fans, which they had all unanimously decided that they would refer to as ARMY.

Boy was he scared, he was nervous. what if he fucked up and dropped the microphone? what if the audience booed him and his friends? What if the members forgot his words? Or worse, he messed up his solo piece.

he'd rather do all those things than let this happen.Namjoon was standing beside him, giving him a reassuring smile. "You'll be great, I know you will." He said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Thanks hyung." He replied, smiling back at him.

One of the many staff ushered him into a room, "Change into that please." she gestured at the outfit hung up on the hanger with the his name on the label. "Right..." he said, unsure if she was going to leave for him to get changed. she left after 2 minutes.

He was then pushed down the hall into a room with stacks upon stacks of make-up. "Hello Sir, im going to be your personal make-up stylist." the lady smiled at him, holding a lash curler, to Hoseok though, it looked like some medieval torture device.

Finally, he was made to wait in a small room a backstage, the anticipation was killing him. he paced back and forth anxiously. The minutes ticked by slowly, and then the hours passed even slower. At last, the door opened and a woman with short brown hair and brown eyes walked in, holding a clipboard in her hands. "Hoseok, you will be meeting with the group to practise the choreography once more before going live." that did not calm his nerves one bit . "Oh, and one final thing, you mustn't worry about the fans. We will handle them, I promise." She reassured him, although it did not settle his worries at all. "Are you sure?" he asked, still unsure. The woman nodded with a bright smile on her face. "Of course, now, follow me." She lead him into another room, where an entire crowd of people sat waiting patiently, the same woman from earlier standing near one end of the room. "This is your group," she spoke, "your choreographer will assist you, and then you will perform your first song." With this she walked off leaving Hoseok with the group of people sitting in front of him.

The room fell silent as they stared at the each other intently, each one of them as nervous as the next. Hoseok gulped audibly. All of a sudden, the music started and everyone got to their feet. He took a shaky breath and tried to relax his body. He began dancing, his moves fluid and strong yet careful, the music playing around him as if he was part of a dance team. Soon he lost himself completely, letting the music guide him in a direction he would never have predicted himself taking. His feet landed precisely on the beat, his movements smooth and perfect. He kept his eyes trained downwards, his movements growing less precise and smoother the further the song went along. But despite that, he was still dancing, unable to stop himself, wanting nothing more than to impress his fellow members.The music reached its peak, it was coming to an end, leaving all of BTS panting, searching for their lost breath. He had successfully performed in the practise room, but what would he be like on stage? ...They all sat in a circle like the first time he had met them, everyone was chatting amongst themselves about whatever could calm their racing hearts. Thats when they heard the lady who had reassured Hoseok. announce to the audience that they were up next. it had all fell silent. The door swung open to reveal several body guards moving out of the way. it was Matthew. "Ok lads, i want a nice, clean performance out of you all." Hoseok visibly paled. 

There was a brief moment of chaos getting everyone onto the platforms that would eventually lift all seven of them to the surface. Hoseok stepped onto it, feeling a wave of confidence over come him. the bright lights of the ARMY BOMBS surrounded him. It was showtime, and a show he would give them. He strutted forward into position,  it was his moment to shine...

"I live for the applause, applause, applause. I live for the applause, 'plause, live for the way that you cheer and you scream for me, the applause, applause, applause~."

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