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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨•°*"˜.•°*"˜

12:32pm his watch showed as he ran down the never ending corridor to his new dance studio. Being late was not going to be his first inpression to his new group! I mean, how did he even end up here? wait, I know, let's take it back...

Hoseok groggily got up out of his bed, he had put his alarm on the other side of the room, forcing him to wake up and go turn it off. Deciding to take a shower, he slowly made his way over to the bathroom. Music, that's what he needed. Turning in his playlist, he stepped into the shower and got his puff, ready to scrub his smelly armpits.

"this looks ok...right?" he asked Jennie, who was on a FaceTime to him. Jennie was somewhat of a sister to him so he felt as if she should help pick his outfit. "it looks good if your trying to look like an old man." he rolled his eyes at her snide remark. "show me your wardrobe." she began to pick out his outfit as he got out what she told him too. "Wow, Jennie, this looks...surprisingly good." "I know, you were right to come to me for help!" "as if, I could so style myself." "well then you wouldn't have calle-." she was cut of by someone screaming, "JENNIE! WERE IS THE SUNFLOWER OIL?!" Jennie looked panicked, "DONT TRY AND COOK! YOU WILL BURN THE ENTIRE HOUSE DOWN!" she yelled back, hoseok just giggled as the other person told them that they wouldn't. "right.. I've got to go before Lisa does anything stupid, good look at your interview!" she said, blowing a cheeky kiss to the camera. "Thanks Jennie, your a life saver" "I know" and with that he hung up.

Jennie was the only person he felt comfortable with, he had come out to her afew months ago and ever since then they became close friends. His parents never accepted him and his newfound sexuality, so, they did as any other wattpad parent and kicked him out. he packed his bag and left, moving to an old, run down apartment building with a high crime rate, smart right?
He worked and paid rent, He liked it though, the rountine kept him going, it was a quiet life as he usually liked to stay out of trouble and tried to keep out of the danger that he was told of in the area. which he somehow managed to do alright so he was content, but now, he might throw it all away for something bigger, something better! if he did move out and go on tour, would he still keep in touch with Jennie or the other YG corps? these thoughts didn't sit well with him, the thought of leaving Jennie was to painful for him to imagine.

he had already ate by now and had just pulled into the parking lot of Big Hit Entertainment. With his palms sweating, he made his was inside, bracing himself for the interview.

He didn't expect anyone in the company to recognize him, so the fact that the people who greeted him were mostly strangers made him a bit scared. As he approached the receptionist's desk his breathing hitched slightly. Why was he so nervous, he was usually a people's person!
The receptionist spoke softly as she looked up, "hello sir! How may i help you today?" She smiled softly and gave him a reassuring nod, "hi..umm, my name is Jung hoseok.." "oh yes! you're here for the interview to join one of our groups, right? nice to meet you!" She replied happily, taking his information. "yeah" was all he said, fidgeting awkwardly, "are you going to sign the form?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him and pointing towards the clipboard. "um, yeah!" he said, grabbing the pen and signing his name quickly at the bottom of the form, which told him to go to room 303. The receptionist smiled again and gave him a friendly wave, "good luck" she muttered kindly. He thanked her and walked out, into the elevator, he pressed floor 3 and began to check his appearance in the elevators mirror.

After taking some time, he made his way to his destination, and knocked lightly. A few seconds later the door opened to reveal an extremely tall, around 6,5, broad chested male with dark chocolate brown skin, black hair, a strong nose, piercing green eyes, and a chiseled jawline, he grinned brightly, showing his white teeth, almost looking like pearls that have placed in this man's mouth by god himself. "ahh, hello there! Welcome, come on in!" he said, his deep voice sounding smooth against the walls of his office.

the male stood aside to allow him to walk into the large office, he closed the door behind him and followed him further in, looking around. "Please take a seat so we can start." he says, hoseok obeyed the man, who he assumed is his manager, "I am Matthew Brooks, and you are?" "uhm, Hoseok." he replies nervously. "nice to meet you Hoseok." Matthew smiles warmly at him, he stands up and walks over to his filing cabinet, then proceeds to dig through it. "ah ha!" exclaims, walking back to his desk with a greyish blue folder, flipping through several pages. "well, I'll be honest Hoseok, watching you dance was, May I say, a delightful surprise. I knew as soon as I saw you 'this boy has some real, hidden potential'." hoseok flushed, nobody, well, nobody as high ranked as this man had ever complimented his dancing before. "so when you accepted my offer," he continued, "I was overjoyed, one of our groups has space for you, and I think you will do just fine." Matthew paused, taking a sip of his coffee, "I just need you to answer afew questions so I can add them to your file....."

hoseok answered as best as he could, trying to push away the feeling that he was being interrogated, the Matthew brooks guy seemed pleasant enough though. "And that's all, thank you for coming hoseok, I hope to see you again." he said, snapping the folder shut, "You can meet your new group in studio 213 at 12:35, I suppose they will be there practicing around that time." hoseok thanked him and walked out, checking his watch. It was 12:30, shoot!

"I need to know, where do you wanna go...?"

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