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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞•°*"˜.•°*"˜

He stared at his hands of colour, ashamed to wear a heart so warped, so full of corruption. The crimson liquid was spreading throughout his palm caused his entire hand to look as if it belonged to a monster, not himself... not anymore.

He glanced at his reflection in the black of TV screen. The figured of the man he once was. "Where did that man go?" he quietly asked himself, looking the eyes of a monster, his own eyes that glimmered in the darkness of the hour. And it was all for him. How could the man he was so infatuated by drive him to such violent act of self doubt?

His breath hitched slightly, terrified of his own reflection, one that pierced would his very soul ever so deeply. He looked at the ground, afraid of seeing the monster he had become. Afraid of the burden of sin and guilt weighing him down. A tear escaped from his eye. The tears cascaded down his cheek, his eyes refusing to leave the floor, viewing the pool of despair, despair that he had caused. his mind was empty for once. He sniffed, wiping the salty water from his face. He wanted to scream at the world, beg it to forgive him for the pain he had created.

Yoongi had to remind himself of the reason, but was there really one in the beginning? The empty mind had been clouded with questions almost as soon as it arrived. One question stood out to him, what would Hoseok say if he found out the truth about him?

The mintette stepped over the girl's lifeless remains, poor, poor Jennie. what did she do to deserve such awful and tragic demise? Her throat slit, gash in her heart, an area that has been slashed multiple times. Her eyes wide open in terror. Blood gushed profusely from her open wounds, splattering everywhere, covering everything in red. Every corner of the room painted with the her blood. He dropped the knife, the metal colliding with the ground making a clanking sound, a sound so loud his ears was ringing.

It was all for him. Jung Hoseok, the man who had stabbed Yoongi's heart with his name engraved on the weapon. Yoongi smiled sweetly, bending down to hold the corpse hand. It was cold and drained of all life. "Im sorry, but you just got in my way." he whispered, knowing that she couldn't hear him. 

He came to the realisation that he would do anything for Hoseok, even if that mean't he would have to become something so putrid it would be known as mother nature's reject.

He will he Yoongi's













He doesn't have a choice...





"Something bad is 'bound to happen to me, i don't know it, but i feel it coming~."

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝟐𝟏𝟑|𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐄| √Where stories live. Discover now