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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐀𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚•°*"˜.•°*"˜

Behind the door stood Yoongi, he had seen the interaction between his superior and his one and only Hoseok. He didn't like how friendly they had gotten..




A knock at the tall, oak office door, making his presence known to the blonde. "Come in!" she called out, sitting forward in the leather chair behind her desk.The tall man pushed the doors open, stepping inside and closing it behind him. He stood silently for several seconds, taking slow steps towards Aeris. He sat in front of the blonde, "Good evening Suga, it's quite rare for you to come and talk to me." she sung, clapping her hands together. "There is no need for pleasantries though, no?" her voice airy and smooth, filled with nothing but kindness.

Yoongi gulped, fidgeting slightly in his seat, trying to avoid the woman's gaze. "What can I help you with?" she asked, he glanced sideways for a moment. His dark brown eyes met the blonde's bright, emerald ones that shined through her glasses lense. She was beautiful. She was everything he despised. He was in no way attracted to her, his eyes reflected pure hatred for the woman in front of him. He didn't know why he hated her so much, something that he didn't know how to explain or comprehend. She stood up, her back towards him.

Shifting her body to face the windows of her office, gazing outside as if she didn't care, which she certainly did. "Just here for a chat." he told her, folding his arms on the top of the desk. "Well Suga, what do you want to 'chat' about?" she asked, "oh, whats with that tone?" he mocked, knowing just how to tip her off the edge, as if his existence pissed her off, which in this case it most certainly did.

"Dont give me those innocent looks." she warningly scolded. "Now then Suga," she continued, turning once more to face him, "why don't we skip the 'chat' and talk business, huh?" she put emphasis on the word 'chat', raising her eyebrows suggestively. Yoongi clenched his jaw tightly, trying to suppress his fury and frustration. "Sure," he responded shortly, looking down, hoping she would take his nonchalant answer as submission.

She laughed softly before continuing, "I don't know why you wanted to speak to me in private, but i can only assume that you have some sort of confession to make?" she enquired, what exactly was she implying? "Pardon? Im sorry Miss. Hiraya but I simply just do not understand what you are implying." he did know. And the sheer thought of it send a cold, brutal shiver down his spine.

"I accept your feeling, but I cannot return them." he stared at her in shock, she thought he liked her, like, like-liked her! Was she mental? "Why do you insist that I have any romantic interest in someone like you?" he snapped. Her expression changed into something more cruel almost immediately, the amusement in her eyes disappearing almost instantly. "Of course you do." her tone becoming slightly harsh as well.

She had definitely lost the plot. She began, "Who wouldn't love me, I mean, look at me, I AM perfection." she gestured inappropriately to her body, this sicko.


Once again, Yoongi had found himself soaked in the blood of another woman. This time, however, it wasn't the same as the last one. This time there would be no happy ending.

He would never hear her laughter ringing throughout his ears as Hoseok whispered words that made him feel complete. He would never experience the comfort of hugging him, their embrace so warm and comforting he felt as if he was floating. He would never hear his sweet, soft voice calling out his name. Because there, at the door stood the very man he loved ever so dearly, a look of pure horror laced upon his enchanting features. 

 He looked as if he was in immense pain, but his expression turned blank. "Y-you-, your a monster!" he screamed, breaking down, almost like he had been split in the middle.

Hoseok began to run, faster than he had ever. The man chasing him was fast, but not fast enough. He rounded the corner and hid in room 213.

"Suicide if you ever try to let go, i'm sad i know you~."

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