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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢•°*"˜.•°*"˜

Hoseok had woken up early that morning, hoping to get into the studio before the other to 'perfect' his solo part. when he tip-toed into the dance studio, he didn't even bother to look around. Closing the door behind him with a slight creek. "Your Hoseok, right?" a voice said to

him. He whipped round and stared, squinting in the darkness.

"yes?" he asked cautiously, walking towards the source of the voice, not knowing what to expect, after all, this was an unfamiliar building to him. The figure walked slowly into the faint light of the room, causing Hoseok to gasp loudly.

It was none other than the guy he saw before, asleep on the bench, the same guy who called himself Suga. Hoseok watched as he approached him, watching as he extended his hand. "Hi~ I'm Min Yoongi." he spoke in a monotone voice, one that sounded drained of all life itself. "Uhmm......" Hoseok muttered awkwardly, "Yeah, Jin introduced you but you were asleep." he smiled his warm sunny smile, shaking the man's hand.

"No I was awake." Yoongi admitted, smiling a small, gummy grin. He sounded more lively, like Hoseok's smile had warmed his heart up a bit. "So why are you here anyway?" Yoongi asked half-heartedly, jogging back over to his water bottle like an old grandpa. "I have to practice my solo." he mumbled shyly. "Ahhhh, I see..." he smirked, "well, if you want to practise your solo then we better start. Come on." Yoongi told him, Hoseok panicked, he didn't want to cause trouble or distract Yoongi.

"Um, I don't think so." hoseok shook his head quickly, "I mean it's fine! You must be tired already... I can just go to practice on my own." he insisted, not wanting to burden them further. "Nah, come on, I'll help you." Yoongi insisted, taking Hoseok's hand in his own. He was pulled to the middle of the room by Yoongi, "okay, first thing you do is turn your body to face the audience, you come in from the side of the camera so it will make the shot better." he instructed, placing his hands on Hoseok's waist. He did as he was told, standing directly in front of the microphone stand, Yoongi stood close behind him, his chin resting on his shoulder, arm still draped protectively around his waist. "Good job Hobi! Now try turning around so you can do it, okay?" Yoongi said, encouraging hoseok.

His eyes glazed over as he tried to remember everything he knew. Slowly turning his head, his gaze focused on the screen where he could vaguely make out a silhouette of the person filming him. He heard Yoongi snicker beside him. "What?" he questioned nervously. "Nothing...you just look adorable like that. ." he reassured him bluntly. Hoseok felt his heartbeat in his throat, "huh!?" "nothing, nothing" Yoongi chuckled. They spent the next 15 minutes doing it again, but every time he tried to step forward, Yoongi would place his arms firmly around him, preventing him from doing so. He jumped back and landed wonky, falling over and crashing into Yoongi. "I-I'm so sorry!" he cried bowing continuously, Yoongi stood waving his hands trying to reassure him that he was fine. "How about we just continue and forget that that happened, eh?" he said finally, "Oh, o-okay~."

Eventually they got bored of it, both still laughing at how Hoseok could be so clumsy. Hoseok stomach growled, he flushed pink with embarrassment. Suga just looked over at him, "Wanna go get breakfast with me, sunshine?" Yoongi suggested, "Sunshine?" hobi said, laughing a little, "oh, uhm, just a silly nickname, you know." he awkwardly laughed, "that's sooo cute~, and yeah let's go get some breakfast, I'm starving!" hobi whined, earning a small laugh from Yoongi.

They decided to order their food and find a table together at a cute café, which ended up being very awkward for both of them. It was weird to eat together, because they never really interacted other than Hoseok occasionally asking where something is or if they were talking with the group until recently, so they weren't accustomed to doing things like that yet. At least, that's what they thought at the time. After they finished eating the two left the shop and walked through the street together, hands brushing against eachother.

"So Hoseok, tell me about yourself." "Wha-, oh, um, I uhm, well. My name is Jung Hoseok, and I'm from the South. I'm 23, I'm from Busan actually, but live in Seoul. I love music, and dancing, too. Also, I sing." he stammered, blushing brightly. "That's cool Hobi, you seem very sweet. What brought you here?" Yoongi wondered. "Well um, it's a long story, I don't really wanna bore you with all of that though...I work at, well used to work at YG here but then obviously Matthew was like 'hey, come work for us!' and I didn't want to refuse such a good offer!" Yoongi giggled, "So you'd have met Matthew huh?" "Yeah, he was really nice." "Yep, he is, everyone ships him with Aeris, Have you met her?" he paused, not sure if he knew who he was talking about, "Oh I've met her!" he confirmed. "She seems lovely." he sighed, staring off into space, thinking about what she must have done. "Yea she is."

The pair arrived at the park. It had started raining, which made Hoseok shiver slightly. "Crap!" Hoseok yelped, shaking from the dramatic decline in temperature. Yoongi stopped sheepishly, tuggibg his jacket off and offering it to Hoseok. "No no no, you shouldn't have to give me your jacket. It looks cold out there, and you're probably gonna get sick." he explained, shaking his head vigorously. "I'll be fine. Just take it!" he insisted, but Yoongi didn't budge. "No I'm seriously, take it!" he insisted again, draping his jacket over hobi's shoulders. Hoseok was now looking down in embarrassment and shuffling his feet in place. "Thank you." he mumbled quietly. "Well, I guess we should probably get going now, huh?" he mused. "Yeah, you're right!"
The two began walking towards the bus stop when suddenly Yoongi grabbed hold of Hoseok's hand, pulling him along. They ran past cars, stopping only to watch a car race past them. Their feet continued to pound on the pavement as the rain poured heavily. Hoseok laughed loudly, the sound making Yoongi smile. His laughter was beautiful; it bounced throughout the empty road and lit up the sky. Yoongi found himself lost in the sound once again, the two were now running side by side under a tree in an alleyway.
Yoongi watched as the sun hit Hoseok's hair in different shades of browns, and as he grinned widely, his lips curving ever so slightly into a happy smile.
"You're beautiful." Yoongi blurted out, without thinking. When he realised what he had said he froze in place, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. "Thats the second time I've called you beautiful today..." he muttered, embarrassed, but still smiling. He turned to face him, their faces mere inches apart. Hoseok couldn't believe what he was hearing, Yoongi was so handsome, he was stunning, but also so soft spoken and caring, he always wanted to help him.
He felt a warmth spreading across his cheeks, "Thank you." was the only word he managed to get out, feeling his breath hitch in his throat. Hoseok turned around and continued walking, leaving Yoongi to jog to catch up.

"Don't you see baby, this is perfection~."

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