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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞•°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Thanks you for helping me Jin!" hoseok laughed, carefully placing the last of the boxes in the truck .Today was the day he was moving into his new house, the one with all of his newfound friends, and boy was he excited!

Jin smiled back, "Don't mention it, glad I could be of help!" he replied, leaning over to ruffle his hair, messing it up. "Hey!" He protested, swatting his hand away playfully.  Jin laughed lightly, "My boxes are already in my room, so shall we drop yours off the. go pickup Tae and Kookie?" he asked, opening the driver door. "Sounds like a plan!" Hoseok jumped into the passenger seat and turned on the radio.

'Conversations with a stranger, I barely know~~' it sang, "this station is rubbish" Jin complained, getting his phone out. 'Connected' he passed his phone to Hoseok. "Play some thing" he requested, "alright, lemme see..." Hoseok quickly pressed on the play button, switching songs rapidly, "oh yeah! This song is so good!" he cheered happily. Jin hummed in agreement, "I agree." 'Oh no, please don't notice I've been staring....' he thought to himself.
Hoseok took Jin's phone and played the song for him once more, then placed it back onto the dashboard. "There ya go! Now you can hear it, I think! You're welcome." he chuckled, grinning at Jin. Jin smiled back, "thanks."
The rest of the drive home wasn't all too terribly bad. They talked about random things for a while before arriving at the house.

"Wow, this is huge!" Hoseok exclaimed, taking in the entire building, "Its so beautiful, Wow...." he spoke softly, staring at hus new home I'm awe.
He looked over at jin and saw how enamoured he looked with the large mansion that stood before him.
Jin stared at him adoringly, a faint blush on his cheeks and eyes sparkling brightly with excitement. "Taehyung will probably want to move into the biggest room, so If you want it, keep an eye on him." Jin said, walking in and walking up the stairs.

Hobi walked into the foyer, on the small end table, he had an envelope addressed to him.  He picked it up and opened it. Inside there were the keys to his house, studio, and room. There was a big smile plastered on his face as he took them. It was the start of his new career journey!

He began to take the boxes out of the truck and carry them up to his room, using the keys to unlock it. While carrying a box up the stairs, Hoseok lost his footing. He stumbled backwards and was about to fall. He closed his eyes and tensed for impact... but it never came,  instead he heard a familiar voice behind him, shouting his name. A warm arm wrapped itself around his waist and gently lowered him to the floor. He opened his eyes once more, realising that the owner of said arms was none other than Yoongi.

The older male smiled reassuringly at him. "Are you okay, Hobi?" he questioned. Hoseok nodded shyly, a small blush covering his cheeks. He moved his head forward until his cheek rested on Yoongi's shoulder. He breathed in deeply and sighed, the scent of Yoongi's cologne intoxicating him. He loved smelling him. He lifted his head and gazed up at Yoongi, admiring the way his eyes sparkled, the colour reminded him of the sea and his heart skipped a beat. The older male smirked mischievously, "what? Am I that irresistible?" he inquired teasingly, resting his arms around Hoseok's hips.

The younger boy giggled, and shook his head, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's neck. they stayed in that embrace for afew moments before someone broke it, "JIMIN TAKE THE BOX UP TO THE- woah, I never knew you guys were this close!" Taehyung cried, mouth dangling wide open. The two males quickly let go of eachother, Yoongi scratching the back of his neck while hoseok tried to stop tae from teasing him, waving his hands in the air as he made kissing noises. "You are so immature V." the elder said nonchalantly, a deep red still flushing his cheeks. "Yah, yah whatever~." hobi just facepalmed, so this is how he is going to be living from now on...

"And everybody's watching him, but he's looking at you~."

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