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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭•°*"˜.•°*"˜

12:32pm his watch showed as he ran down the never ending corridor to his new dance studio. Being late was not going to be his first impression to his new group! How could anyone take him seriously if was late? What if the members decided to ditch rehearsal without him because he of his tardiness? As he reached the doorway to the studio, he noticed that the door was wide open, his heart began to race as he took in the sight before him, he could feel his nerves getting even more jittery.

All of them were sitting around and talking amongst themselves, he spotted a guy sat on his own whilst the rest, apart from one red haired one, who seemed to be doing an impression of a cat, were seated on the floor, laughing and enjoying themselves . He walked closer, seeing how everyone's attention seemed to fall upon him. He gulped anxiously, "hey guys..." he trailed off nervously, noticing how they were all staring at him, their eyes burning holes into his very being, his nerves shot straight to the top, it felt like they were about to pop out his throat at any moment now, he really needed to calm down.

"OH MY GOD!" One of them suddenly exclaimed, jumping up and running to shake his hand vigorously. "Your the new member everyone's been talking about!" he says, letting go of Hoseok hand "haha...yeah, me..." he fidgeted awkwardly, "well hi! I'm Kim Taehyung!" the guy, named Taehyung, introduced, "we've been waiting to meet you!" he said proudly, "you are quite handsome too!" Taehyung chuckled, looking back at his friends who had also got up. "Come sit!!" One of them yelled, waving Hoseok over excitedly, he hesitantly went to the table, sitting next to the red haired one in the group, As much as Hoseok wanted to avoid eye contact with everyone else, he couldn't exactly run away now, especially as the members were still staring at him, he had to smile a bit, "uhm..." he mumbled shyly. "Hey, it's ok! stop being so timid" one of the guys diagonal to him said, "you should know we'll accept you no matter what." The others seemed to agree, nodding in agreement, that made hobi quiver, not even his own parents accept him, yet these group of strangers do? it made him happy to know that others supported him, but would they still support him, even if he was gay?

"I can understand why the manager picked you for that one song....your dance moves are beautiful..." a boy with brown hair commented while smiling sweetly breaking Hoseok from his trance. Everyone seemed to agree as well, "thank you" he responded. "well I guess we should introduce ourselves!" another said. Hoseok made a mental note that there were 6 of them.

"I'm Kim Seokjin! I'm the vocalist and visual aspects! That over there with the red hair is Park Jimin! Then next him is-." "Jeon Jungkook!" the boy ,now identified as Jungkook, chimed happily. "Yes.. we'll, that next him is, as you know, Kim Taehyung, then that's Kim Namjoon, also known as RapMonster (RM), our leader.-" "don't put it like that, you'll make us sound like a cult." Namjoon facepalmed. Jin looked annoyed to be interrupted AGAIN, but everyone laughed! "YES WELL! then him over there asleep on the bench in min Yoongi. also known as Suga."

The boy woke up at the sound of his name. "Huh?" he said, sitting up. "Oh, is the newbie here?" rubbing his eyes he walked over and plopped himself next to Jimin. "yes, he is." tae giggled, Hoseok gained all of his confidence "yeah, hi, uhm, I'm Jung Hoseok, nice to meet you Yoongi!" he said, proud of himself for speaking. "dope." he dryly replied, leaning his head on Jimin's shoulder, sluggishly. everyone gasped. "That can be the name of our song!" Namjoon exclaimed, "what?" Hoseok was confused, what song? "Oh yeah! sorry hobi, we are currently making a song, and now we have finally figured out what to call it!" Namjoon explained. "Oh! Oh! Can we show Hobi the choreography!" piped up Jungkook, who was now on his feet. "Sure I guess."

"All the misery was necessary, when we're deep in love~."

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