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It was finally over. It was the end of his unforgettable vacation and first ever live concert. Hoseok was exhausted; he just wanted to fall onto his bed and sleep for 10 days straight, and luckily for him he was sat back on flight 89B on the way back to Seoul. The strange feeling of Deja-Vu washed over him as he saw the familiar, vanilla-smelling, mint haired boy. He wrapped his arms gently around Yoongi's waist as he had done the previous flight, pressing his chin onto the top of his head gently. Yoongi immediately snuggled closer, hugging him even tighter. They stayed like that for a few moments, until finally, the elder pulled away and smiled at Hoseok, wrapping his arm around the boy's neck. 

"I'm glad we're home." He murmured softly, pulling Hoseok into a tight hug as well. "me too." Hoseok mumbled softly, he turned his attention to the window and gazing at the view, watching as the lights began to appear and illuminate the sky. "Its beautiful, isnt it?" Hosek whispered to the elder, still not taking his eyes off of the lights. "It is." he replied, but he wasn't following the male eyes, looking out the window. he was instead looking at the younger. The brunette turned to face him, feeling his eyes burning holes into his back. He met his face but was surprised to see a look of pure love and infatuation with him, causing the latter to turn a deep scarlet, before hastily turning back to the window to hide his face. 

Hoseok had felt something in his stomach flutter. His heart was racing like crazy, beating loudly against his chest. he felt as if the butterflies were flying everywhere inside of him, filling every corner of his heart with happiness and lightness.His heart was beating frantically.He didn't understand what was happening.What had happened to him?He couldn't figure it out.




"We only said goodbye with words, i died a hundred times~."

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝟐𝟏𝟑|𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐄| √Where stories live. Discover now