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 ˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐡𝐞𝐦•°*"˜.•°*"˜

Hoseok groaned in irritation, slamming his laptop closed and dropping it back onto the floor.  His fingers twitched, desperately wanting to pick up his computer again but instead he just slumped forward until his head was resting on his knees, hands hanging limply from the arms of his chair."No!" he said out loud. "No no no no." He tried to shake the negative feelings off. "I've got to do better this time," he mumbled to himself. He picked up his laptop with a little more vigor than necessary, pushing away the chair and moving to stand at his desk. He opened a new document and started typing as soon as his monitor had booted. A good idea, that.

He had spoken to Matthew yesterday, and he had told him that it would be best if he had a solo in their new song, a kinda of, introduction to fame...? Not knowing the stress he was to face, Hoseok willingly accepted this offer. Yet, he couldn't seem to figure out the right lyrics. Hoseok had always been into song writing, ever since he started highschool, of course, nobody knew, as he was always to shy to do anything about his hidden talent.  But he liked to imagine how great it'd be if he were to write music and sing along with it. He was just not good enough to make it big, or, thats what he kept telling himself."Hey! whats with the sad face?" Jennie said, snapping him out of his thoughts. Wait..when did she get here? Jennie, who was now straightening a pile of paperwork, had just...well...appeared out of no-where! "Oh god! Jennie, are you trying to give me a heart- attack?" he chuckled, giggling along she spoke again, "Aha, sorry hobi- I did knock though!" he voice sounded distant to Hoseok though. All he could think about was what to write. "Sooo~ whatcha doing!" Hoseok sighed,"Im working on my solo for the comeback song as an introduction, a little 'Hey! im new and part of this group now!' but it's really stressful!""Awh~! Don't let it get the best of you! I remember writing my first solo." she began, "I wanted it to be  perfect, but then i realised that it was just words that fit together. Isn't it?" Jennie paused, he looked up at her and she continued, "Think of what the song is about, and write from the heart!" She was right, why was he so pent up about all of this?  This was just what he needed to get his mind off of things...he just needed to calm down, relax and work out his problems like any normal person would do. That was it. Nothing else, no matter how much his brain screamed otherwise. Jennie and him continued chatting as he worked through some lyrics and melodies. The song he was currently working on wasn't bad either. He only needed to tweak it a bit, he supposed. Hoseok was just getting lost in his thoughts when someone knocked on the door, startling them both.

A small girl with blonde hair and geometric framed glasses poked her head around the door, a light pink dusting her cheeks. "Uhm, come in?" she hurried into the room, closing the door behind her. "Hi, I don't think we have ever met before! My name is Jennie!" she smiled, "Aha, yeah i don't believe we have! Sorry, my name is Aeris Hiraya! I work just a couple of offices down." "OHHH! i'm sure i've seen your nameplate on one of the doors!" the girl smiled, "aha, yeah.." she suddenly got back into professional mode, "Ah, yes, so i'm here for-." she glanced down to read the name, "Jung Hoseok, Im guessing thats you?" "Yes, thats me." "I work for Mr. Brooks, he told me to deliver this to you." she pulled something out from her pocket and handed it to him. It was a small box. "Whats in it?" Jennie inquired, "Oh, its the keys to his new apartment and studio."

she beamed happily, a-...new apartment? Both colleagues eyes widened. "Nobody ever told me about a new apartment-...?"   Aeris looked confused, "An email was sent out to each member-." she got cut off by a notification from Hoseok's computer, he rushed over to look at it. And sure enough, there sitting in his inbox was the email. "It just came through." he facepalmed, the girls just giggled at him. "Welll ive got to take my leave, Mr. Brooks and my phone numbers are on a slip in that box AND on the email, don't be scared to text us when you need something!" they waved as she left,

"What time is it Jennie?" she checked her watch, "It's around 10ish, shall we go now?" tired, he agreed, and began journey home.

"Went low, went high, what matters in now.~"

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