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˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞•°*"˜.•°*"˜

It had been a few days since they got their rooms and their tour bus was scheduled to take them to the next town in two days, they were currently sat together in a café eating breakfast, enjoying the peaceful silence that surrounded them.

Jimin yawned softly and stretched, his limbs sticking straight up in the air.

"So, where are we heading first today? Any ideas?" Taehyung asked, glancing up from his cup of coffee. "Well," Namjoon started, looking out of the window towards the busy street, "let' see. There's an art museum, a botanical garden, a park nearby... there is also the airport to check in at...." He trailed off, thinking. "and then there's the aquarium... the aquarium! That's it! We're definitely going to visit the aquarium!"

"oh my God, i'm so excited! Let's go!" Jimin bounced up giddly, making a motion for Taehyung to come help him up and grab their backpacks.

As the group headed outside, Jungkook was standing by the reception area waiting for them, his phone buzzing in his pocket every minute or two. "Hey guys! Ready to go?"

"not yet, we have to wait for Tae and Jimin" JK answered, shaking his head vigorously. "Ah, yeah, sure" Namjoon shrugged, he was too busy texting someone.

After what felt like forever but was probably only 25 minutes, Taehyung and Jimin came running down to them, both grinning ear to ear.

"Come on everyone, let's go! This place has to be huge!" Tae yelled excitedly, skipping alongside the others towards the bus station. "I'm ready to explore!" Jimin exclaimed as he sprinted down the hallways and staircases, eager to explore the vast building. They passed various exhibits and different areas, until finally they reached the ticket booth of the aquarium. They payed and received their tickets, 'tour 12' it read, they joined the crowd of people and the overwhelmed guide as he began the tour.




"Wow... look at all this fish, there's so many!!!" Jimin squealed, pressing his face to the cold, somber glass. His eyes scanned the large tank filled with exotic fish, he watched as the large fishes swam around gracefully, they looked beautiful in every colour possible, his mouth watering just watching them.

"Isn't it cool?!" Jin asked Namjoon, who was busy taking pictures of Jin next to the fish to care.

"Wanna go see the stingrays with me?" Hoseok whispered to Yoongi. "Yeah! Let's ditch this crowd." Hoseok grasped the elders hand and began to run away from the others, doing so soundlessly that nobody noticed. they made it to a secluded corner of the aquarium, the two were pressed up against each other, chests flush against each other.

Suddenly he felt Yoongi tense up. Hoseok glanced over at him nervously, seeing that his eyes were darting back and forth between him and the sea of colourful fish. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing! Its just... i don't feel good..." Yoongi muttered, moving away from him reluctantly. "No, wait! Tell me whats wrong." Hoseok begged, gripping his wrist tightly. Yoongi turned around facing him, a guilty expression on his face. "I... i.." he struggled to talk. "you dont have to say anything if you dont want to, we can leave the aquarium if you want-" "no." Yoongi interrupted, "this is embarrassing, i cant let people see me this way." he chuckled slightly embarrassed, "but really, i dont feel well, please let'go." he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. Hoseok hesitantly loosened his hold on his wrist, watching him anxiously. "Its fine." Yoongi murmured, trying to hide the redness on his cheeks by looking towards the floor, as if it was any good excuse at all. "I'm sorry.." he mumbled, walking towards the nearest door, before disappearing inside.

The younger followed suit, feeling completely confused and upset. What had he done to make him act like this? he didn't seem to feel anything towards hobi, and that confused him a lot.

The pair hadn't told the rest about them returning to the hotel, so when they found both males cuddled up on the bed with Netflix idle playing in the background, showcasing all of the wonderful programs it contained. Namjoon quickly snapped a couple of photos of them before suggesting, "lets leave the lovebirds alone, and go out for lunch, hmm?" "sounds good to me." Tae piped up as his stomach began to let out a painful whine.

"Head in the clouds, but my gravity's centered~."

(A/N; another filler chapter as i work towards the confession. I have decided what chapter this book will be ending on so stay tuned for that! Go on my profile to see all the books I have written/are in progress to see if any catch your attention after this book)

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