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Yoongi's eyes fluttered open, a small smile creeping across his face as he enjoyed the warm feeling at his chest. His smile only lasted for afew minutes before he realised the situation he was in, he looked down to see hobi cuddled up on his chest, his arms loosely wrapped around his torso. 

He frowned at the way his own arms rested around hoseok's waist, keeping him close. They were both cuddling up to each other. How could they have ended up like this? He thought as he lifted a hand to run his fingers through hoseok's soft brown hair, brushing the strands aside gently, pulling hoseok closer in hopes that he could shield him from the world. He knew the moment the other boy woke up, he'd be mortified, and he didn't want that right now. But how could he explain this without scaring his precious love away?

Before he knew what was happening, hobi began stirring awake, he needed to leave, and he needed to do it fast! He couldn't bare the reaction of him when he realised he was waking up in yoongi's arms, he just cant. As soon as he felt hobi shift slightly , trying to move away from him, Yoongi panicked and tightened his hold around him."Hm, Yoongles..." hobi grumbled as he began nuzzling his face deeper into Yoongi's chest, still unconscious his lips curving upwards softly, he was so fricking cute sometimes.

Just as quickly as his heart started beating rapidly against his rib cage, he heard the sound of shuffling beside him, his eyes widening as he felt hoseok slowly pull away from him. Shoot shoot shoot! Now he wont want yoongi anymore, thats if he even did before! He sat bolt upright in bed, his face pale as a sheet, panic evident in his eyes. Hobi rubbed his sleepy eyes, not understanding why yoongi had jumped up so quickly, "Yoongi? What happened?" he blinked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Oh shoot, Sorry! Go back to sleep. i shouldn't have woken you up..." the elder apologized guiltily, his mind racing. Hoseok looked up at him, confused, his doe eyes laced with concern. "yoongi, are you alright? you are acting a little strange-." the latter asked, not realising he was now straddling the mintette. "hmm?"Yoongi stared wide eyed at hobi, his breathing picking up, his whole body shivering under hoseoks warm weight. he said nothing, just staring into his chocolate brown orbs.He couldn't believe what had just transpired; he never intended on falling for a male, especially someone who was supposed to be his colleague. And yet, here he was. "I-I. think i just need some air." he sighed, mentally face palming for the stutter. "could you ple-please get off of?" it was barley audible, but the other male seemed to understand. looking down. "WAHHH!!! I am so sorry yoongi-hyung! I-I didnt mean to!!" jumping off of him and waving his hands in the air apologetically, "I didn't even realise I was doing that!" the elder stared at him, stunned. "Are you okay, though? Im starting to get worried." hobi asked worriedly, "yes." "okay..." turning to leave.

he went out to the balcony, the cold breeze whipped his face, blowing his hair with the wind. he leant over the banister as he gazed at the city below him, it was light out now. he watched people move along in the streets; couples dancing along the sidewalk. he was glad they weren't paying attention to the male stood at the hotels balcony railing. he closed his eyes, leaning onto the cold metal bars. his shoulders slumped as he realised no one could hear him. "Why does everything i do turn out wrong?" he

muttered, questioning himself aloud. The person he wanted wasn't going to want him back. but what scared him most was WHO his crush was on. How could a male like, another male?! His father had always told him that it was wrong, that it was only boys + girls and that was the only answer, he had always thought that his father was just being silly, so he never took it to heart. But how could he not, now he had realised his sexuality? Surely his father would kick him out of the house, and dissown him.

He sighed deeply, resting his head in his hands and closing his eyes. he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. he knew he had to get a grip on himself, and get used to the fact that he wasn't straight after all. It's not something he really cared about anyway.

But he wondered, did hobi feel the same way about him?





"I'm sick of waiting patiently, for someone that won't even arrive~." 

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝟐𝟏𝟑|𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐄| √Where stories live. Discover now