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"You ready to go" Alex ask and I finish applying one of her lip glosses to my lips

"Yeah, let's go" I say back walking downstairs to make our way to the taxi

"You sure I look ok Al" I ask her

"Abs you look stunning, you always do" she says, and I smile at her

When we were leaving the house this morning, I didn't have any England shirt to wear so I wanted to dress up a little bit but not too much considering it is September, and it's quite cold, so I settled on jeans and a blazer which means that's what I also have to wear going to this party.

When we were leaving the house this morning, I didn't have any England shirt to wear so I wanted to dress up a little bit but not too much considering it is September, and it's quite cold, so I settled on jeans and a blazer which means that's what...

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We both get into the taxi, and we tell him the Alex tells him the address that we want to go to. The journey only took about 10 minutes but as we got closer, I began to get a bit nervous, and I think Alex noticed this because my legs were bouncing

"You ok Abs" she asks with a little smirk

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said trying to downplay it

"You nervous"

"A little"


"Well, if it's a family and friends party that means I'm going to be the only one there that people don't know"

"You're just overthinking it now, just relax honestly; I'll be there with you and all the girls are lovely so once you get to meet a few people you'll be fine I promise" she says trying to reassure me

A few seconds later the taxi stops, and Alex plays the driver, I try to protest and pay for myself, but she won't let me, so I give in, and we both get out and walk to the door of the pub

"You ready" she asks me

"As ready as I can be" I say and we both chuckle as she opens the door, and we walk in

When we get in the place is absolutely packed, there are people everywhere and as usual me and Alex are one of the last to arrive

The minute we walk in some people notice Alex and they come running over to give her a hug, when she's finished hugging them, she stands next to me and introduces us.

"Abi this is, Beth, Lotte, Jill, Lucy, Keira and Fara" she says pointing at the girls

"Girls this is my best friends Abi" she says pointing at me and they all smile and wave

"Hello, it's lovely to meet you all" I say smiling back

"Where is Leah" Alex asks the girls

"She's at the bar somewhere" Beth says and Alex smiles before grabbing by hand and dragging me in the direction of the bar

"I think we need a drink first" she says, and we both laugh "what do you want"

"I'll have a vodka and coke please"

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