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The three of us were waiting outside for about 2 minutes until the uber pulled up. All three of us got into the back seat with Alex in the middle. We made the short 10-minute journey back to Alex's house. When we got there, we all got out and before any of us could do anything or protest, Leah pays the driver, and he drives away. Alex makes her way to the front door while fumbling in her handbag for her keys, I turn around to Leah and smile at her,

"Thank you" I say smiling at her

"Don't worry about it, it was nothing" she says smiling back and we follow Alex to the front door that she has now managed to open, which is surprising considering her drunken state. The three of us walk into the house and make our way to the kitchen. Alex goes straight to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water, she starts making her way back out of the kitchen and shouts back at us,

"Help yourselves, you know where everything is, I'm off to bed" and with that we hear her stomping up the stairs towards her bedroom, which now leaves me and Leah standing awkwardly in our best friends' kitchen.

"So, I guess we should probably go to bed" Leah says which causes me to look in her direction

"Yeah, I guess" I reply

"The tiredness has kid if worn off me now" she says causing us both to chuckle

"I mean we could watch a movie or something" I suggest, and she nods. We make our way into Alex's living room, and I sit on the sofa while Leah goes and turns on the tv. She walks towards me and sits down closer than what I had expected her to, but there is still distance between us. We sit in silence for the first half of the movie until I feel my eyes getting heavy.

"You can put your legs across me if you want to lie down" Leah says clearly noticing my tiredness

"No, it's ok" I say smiling at her, awkwardly, not knowing what else to say

"Seriously I don't mind" she says smiling at me. I just stay silent not knowing what to say so after a few seconds she grabs my legs and puts them across her lap. I look at her and we both chuckle.

"Thanks" I say while still chuckling and she just smiles back.

We both stay in this position for the rest of the film, or so I thought, because the next thing I know I wake up in Alex's spare bedroom. It takes me a second to come to reality and realise where I am. I look to my tight and see my phone in charge on the bedside locker, so I reach over and grab it. When I look at the time, I see that it's 11:00. Just then I hear the clattering of plates in the kitchen, so I decide to get up. When I pull the covers off, I realise that I'm still in my clothes from last night and I can't help but chuckle. I make my way out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen, when I walk in, I'm met with the sight of Leah sitting at Alex's kitchen table on her phone and Alex cooking scrambled eggs at the cooker.

"Morning" I say in a groggily tone which gets both of their attention.

"Morning" Leah says smiling at me

"Morning, breakfast is just ready" Alex says walking over to the table with 3 plates of eggs and bacon, so I sit down, and we all make some small talk while we eat our food.

"Did you have a good night, Abi" Leah asks me to pull me out of the trace I didn't even realise I was in.

"Yeah, yeah I did" I say smiling at them

"Well, the girls are convinced that your one of us now, they've been no stop messaging in the group chat say that we need to have another night out with you soon" she says and we all chuckle

"Have you heard from your mum" I ask Alex

"Oh yeah, she texts about half an hour ago say that they were just up" she says referring to Arthur and Nelly

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