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Once we got home I decided to shower Arthur and Nelly quickly as they were covered in mud after our walk. I then get them changed into clean clothes before Leah entertains them for half an hour so I can do the same. We chill on the sofa for a little while until we eventually have to leave.

"Lee" I ask from the driver seat half way through the drive

"Yeah" she looks up from her phone

"Remember when we were speaking about me spending Christmas with you and your family and you had mentioned me to your mum"


"Will she be able to put the pieces together"

"I'm not sure"

"Well, what did you tell her about me"

"It wasn't anything specific, I didn't say your name or anything I just said that I was getting to know someone. She doesn't know your the same person like"


"Your nervous aren't you" she says smirking

"Yeah I'm bricking it" I say and we both laugh

"You'll be fine I promise, there's nothing to be nervous about" she says reaching her hand over to squeeze my thigh.

Eventually after another few minutes we get there. I find a parking space, which wasn't difficult as it was on a quiet street.

"Do you want me to grab Arthur" she asks unbuckling her seat belt

"You don't have to if you don't want to, he's cranky now because he's hungry" I reassure her

"I don't mind" she says getting out and walking around to Arthur's side. She lifts him out and goes to put him on the ground but he starts whinging

"You're alright mate, we're gonna get some dinner now" she says as she places him on her hip. Nelly gets out the other side of the car and I grab her hand as we walk across the street and into the restaurant

"Is she here" I ask nervously as we enter the restaurant

"Yeah, that's her" Leah says pointing at a woman with her free hand. I look in the direction that she points and I see a red haired woman sitting at a table in the corner on her own. When she sees us as smile appears on her face.

"Hello bubba" she says as she gives Leah a quick hug

"Hi Amanda it's lovely to meet you" I say as I follow Leah's actions

"It's so lovely to meet you too, and you must be Nelly" she says as she pulls away and gives Nelly a quick hug

"Yup, and that's Arthur my brother" she points at the little boy who's hiding in Leah's neck

"Sorry he's a bit hangry" I joke and we all laugh

"Well, let's order some food then" she says encouraging us to sit down.

Me, Amanda and Leah all order a Sunday roast and I order some chicken nuggets and chips for Nelly and Arthur. We make some small talk while we wait for our food but once it comes we all tuck in. The waiters also gave Arthur and Nelly some pictures to colour, so they are thankfully behaving.

"I just want to say thank you Amanda, for allowing us to spend Christmas with you and your family, I really appreciate it" I say smiling at her

"Don't be silly, there's no need to thank me, it's a pleasure. I actually meant to ask Leah will you be joining us for our Christmas Eve walk"

"She did mention it but I told her we wouldn't. Crashing your Christmas dinner will be enough" I say as I smile shyly

"Don't be silly, you won't be crashing anything. Christmas at the Williamson Baker household is a three day event. And everyone is excited to meet you I promise" she jokes

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