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Getting the kids up for school the following morning was fairly difficult but once Monday and Tuesday were done we were all back in the swing of things.

When Wednesday evening came around and we'd all had our dinner and were chilling on the sofa when my phone rang, I look quickly and see it's my brother Dylan so I answer it

(Dylan in bold & Abi in italics)


Hey Abs you alright

Yeah I'm good you

I'm alright but we've got a bit of a problem

Why, what's wrong

We've had to cancel Saturday

Why what's happened

Nathalie's got covid

Awh no, is she alright

She's not too bad, just a bit of a cough, but now Katie seems a bit sicky so the chances are that we'll all get it

Awh the poor thing, we'll keep me updated if anything changes yeah

Yeah I will, see you later Ab's

"See you later, give them my love" I say as I hang up the phone and immediately text Rachel and Steve to let them know but they insist on still taking Nelly and Arthur for the weekend, which, I can't lie, I was a little excited about because it meant that I could possibly spend some time with Leah without having to stress about a babysitter. So once I have everything sorted I decide to text her.

Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm free this weekend, my brothers party is cancelled but Arthur and Nelly are still going to Liverpool so hopefully we can meet up xxx

"Jesus Abi desperate much" I whisper under my breath when I read the message back but am taken out of my trance when I see the three dots pop up on my screen so I patiently wait for her to reply.

Hey, I'm free the whole weekend as well so I'd love to meet up, how does dinner and drinks sound ? Xx

That sounds perfect, just say when and we're and I'll be there xx

Perfect, I'll sort a few things out and then let you know xx

We spent the rest of the evening chilling before I put Arthur and Nelly to bed. Just as I got into bed, my phone vibrated indicating I had a notification so I checked to see that Leah had messaged

Is Saturday evening ok, I was just going to make a reservation but said I'd check first xx

Yeah sound good xx

Perfect, I'll see you then 😂xx

Can't wait xx


Before I knew it Friday morning had come around. I've just dropped the kids off at school and am in the supermarket to get some shopping, before Steve and Rachel come by later to pick up their stuff, when I bump into Alex.

"Abi" she call behind me and I turn around to embrace her in a hug

"You alright mate"

"Yeah I'm good, just in to get some snack before I head to the office" she says indicating to her basket of treats

"Are you busy"

"Not too bad, just going over some notes for football focus" she says sarcastically rolling her eyes and I laugh

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