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The next few days leading up to Christmas absolutely zoomed by. We have been nothing but relaxed. Leah came around every day and stayed every night including last night, which is why I'm stirring awake in her arms this morning.

"Morning" she says in her raspy voice looking away from her phone

"Good morning" I lean up and connect our lips for a slow passionate kiss but we break away when we hear a knock on the bedroom door.

"Shit, I'll get up" she attempts to get up not wanting them to see that we've slept in the same bed but I stop her.

"Stay" I tighten my grip around her waist

"Mummy can we come in" I hear Arthur shout and we both giggle

"Come in" I shout back and they both burst through the door and jump straight onto the bed

"Why are you here" Arthur asks Leah as she pulls him in for a cuddle and I do the same with Nelly

"I stayed for a sleepover because guess what"

"I don't know"

"Santa clause is coming tonight" she says as she begins to tickle him and he starts laughing hysterically.

Rachel and Steve came down yesterday to spend the day with Arthur and Nelly and to give them their presents so it gave me and Leah a chance to finish off our Christmas shopping, as I insisted that I needed to get something small for Leah's family members. She helped me pick something out but made me limit it to just her mum and brother. Leah then offered to take Arthur and Nelly's Santa presents over to her mums in the evening so I wouldn't have to take them in the car tomorrow, which I was glad of.

"Who's ready for breakfast" I ask after we spend a couple of minutes cuddling, which was difficult with two extremely excited children.

The 4 of us get up, make our way downstairs and I make us all pancakes. Once we've all finished Arthur and Nelly head into the living room for their usual morning chat which leaves me and Leah at the table.

"So what time is the walk" I ask her

"Usually it's around 2 or 3 but we all get to my grandmas about 1 because she puts on a spread of tea and cakes for everyone before we go"

"So we should leave here about 12:30" I say, almost asking her

"Yeah, that give us about an hour and a half" she says glancing at her watch

She then insists on entertaining Arthur and Nelly for a while so that I can have a shower and sort our bags out, which is exactly what I do. Once I'm out of the shower I pack my own bag before moving on to Arthur and Nelly's. I try to pack enough clothes for 3 days just in case we do stay. I also put in some toiletries, and toys to keep them entertained, before heading downstairs and dumping them by the front door.

"You ok" Leah asks as I walk into the living room where all three of them are sitting on the floor building Lego

"Yeah" she gets up and makes her way over to me in the doorway

"I think I'm gonna run home and change. I must grab a few presents as well, and then I'll come back for ye, is that ok" she asks

"Yeah" I lean in a peck her lips

"I'm gonna head so" she says leaving

"Right come on you two, time to get dressed"

I get them both dressed and sort a few more things around the house before Leah comes back. I'm currently in the kitchen finishing off a bit of tidying, because the last thing I want is to come home after the Christmas break to a messy house, when there's a knock on the door.

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