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...... I get into the passenger seat and Leah gets in the driver seat. She starts the car and pulls out of the driveway.

"You excited" she asks looking over at me & smiling

"Yeah, a bit nervous" i says shyly

"No need to be nervous, you've met most of the girls that are going to be here" she says smiling

"And plus, you'll have me anyways" she says after a short pause, and I smile at her. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Leah's phone, which is connected to the radio, rings. I see Georgia's name pop up on the radio screen and Leah clicks the answer button.

"Hello mate" she says

"Hiya, where are you" Georgia's voice rings through the car speakers

"I've just picked up Abi and we're on the way, why" Leah questions

"There's been a change of plan" Georgia says

"What do you mean a change of plan" Leah asks with a confused expression printed across her face

"Well, we've decided that we're not going to go for food, we're just going to meet at Beth's soon for some pre drinks and then we're going to go straight out, but if you want you and Abi can go and get food now and meet us here after because we won't be leaving for a while" Georgia informs us. Leah looks at me questioningly and I just look at her with an 'I don't mind' look on my face.

"Yeah, we'll probably go for some food now and meet you there after" Leah tells her

"Perfect, I'll see you later so mate"

"See you later" Leah says and then hangs up

"You ok with that" she asks me instantly

"Yeah" I say nodding

" Are you sure, I mean we don't have to" she says clearly making sure I'm not uncomfortable

"Leah honestly it's fine, I'm a bit hungry anyways" I say, and we both laugh before deciding that we would go to a fancy restaurant that's about 2 minutes away. In my head I start to panic a little bit when I hear the name of the restaurant, and all I can think about is how I'm going to afford this, at least when we're drinking, I can go at my own pace and just buy what I can. When we get there Leah parks the car and we both get out and walk to the door. When we get in there is a woman standing behind a small wooden stand with a book on it and she greets us with a friendly smile.

"Good evening, ladies how can I help you" she asks

"Hello, erm could we what a table for two please" Leah asks her politely

"Of course, follow me through" she says smiling and she starts walking through the restaurant and we follow her. She stops at a table that is close enough to the corner of the restaurant and steps aside with a smile encouraging us to sit down, so we do, and she hands us two menus and tells us she'll be back in a minute. We sit in silence for a few minutes looking at the menu until the waiter comes back.

"Are you ready to order" she asks nicely

"Yeah, can I get a medium rare steak please" Leah ask her and she nods. She then looks at me and I panic because I still haven't decided so I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"I'll have the same please" I ask and both Leah and the waiter smile at me

The first thought that come to mind is 'for fuck's sake Abi, of course you had to order the most expensive thing on the menu'. The waiter takes our menus and tells us that it will be about 5 minutes and then she walks away.

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