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The next few hours of the night went by pretty quickly. Leah had relaxed a little bit and although I barely know her I could tell she still wasn't really herself. Me and Alex greenwood had just spend the last 10 minutes dancing like no one was watching and we're now making our way to the bar.

"What d'you want Ab's" Alex asks me as we lean on the counter

"No I'll get my own Al" I say reaching into my bag for my purse

"No seriously I'm getting it what do you want" she says

"Alright I'll have a gin and tonic " I say smiling thankfully. She calls over the bar tender and asks him for a vodka lemonade and a gin and tonic and he goes to get it. At this point the bar is pretty full and the music is blaring so it's quite har to hear people. Alex leans over to me and asks

"What's wrong with Leah"

"I'm not sure, she said she's just tired and wants to go home but I convinced her to have at least 3 drinks and then if she wants to go home we can"

"So yous are going home together" she questions wiggling her eyebrows

"Not like that you fool, she was meant to be driving me home but I asked Alex to stay so she could have a drink and Beth has told us we can stay if we want but I told her if she wanted we could get a taxi"

"Yeah she's really not herself I have a feeling it's because of what Lauren asked her"

"Me too, I tried talking to her about it but she didn't say a lot and I didn't want to push her so I just left it"

"Yeah, she comes across as someone who's very open with her feeling but she can be quite deep sometimes but I mean she's seems ok now" she says looking behind her at Leah which causes me to look in the same direction. I see Leah still sitting at the table but now she's laughing and joking with Lotte, Lauren and Georgia.

"I wouldn't overthink it Ab's" Alex says pulling me out of my trance. The bar tender finally brings over our drinks and she pays him. We both grab our drinks and go to head back to the table.

"I mean besides if it is something to do with what Lauren asked her I doubt she'd want to talk to someone she like about her past relationships so that's probably why she didn't tell you" Alex says with a smirk

"Oh give over will you I mean she's THE Leah Williamson" I say chuckling

"Yeah, and your THE Abi Kennedy, sounds like a match made in heaven to me"

"Oh behave" I say playfully slapping her shoulder as we make our way over to the girls. I go and sit on the empty space next to Leah and when she sees me coming she smiles.

"You alright" I ask her as I sit down

"Yeah, I was just about to ask you if you want a drink but looks like you beat me to it" she says and we both chuckle

"Beth was just saying she's going to ask some of the girls back to hers to play some games and relax later, do you want to go" she ask me

"Do you" I ask with a questioning look on my face

"I mean, I don't know, but I don't want to ruin your night so if you want to we can"

""Lee seriously don't be stupid, I honestly don't mind, If you don't want to go we don't have to but I don't want you to miss out on time with you friends just because your stuck in your head about something" I say in the kindest way possible trying not to offend her

"Yeah sorry about that" she say looking down at her hands and she starts picking her nails. I reach over and pull her hands apart so she stops

"You don't need to apologise for anything. Look how about we just squish it, forget it happened and just enjoy the rest of our night yeah" I ask and she smiles thankfully and nods

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