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I woke up this morning absolutely shattered. Not sure if it was the late night or the busy day yesterday, but whatever it was, it's really taken it out of me. I turn over and check the time on my phone to see that it's nearly 10 am, and to my surprise Arthur and Nelly are still asleep. Well that's what I presume because I can't hear any noises down stairs.

After scrolling through my phone for a few minutes I hear footsteps running towards my bedroom and then Arthur's head pops around the corner.

"Morning mummy"

"Morning darling" I say as I get out of bed and pick him up to go downstairs

"Can I have some toast mummy" he asks as we walk into the living room

"Course you can" I say placing a kiss on top of his head as I put him down on the sofa and make my way into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Once I've made toast for both of us and tea for myself I take it into the living room so we can eat together. Once he's finished eating he cuddles into the side of me and starts yawning.

"Mummy do I not have school today" he asks innocently

"No darling, it's the weekend, you have school tomorrow"

"So can we do something fun today"

"What do you want to do"

"Can we see Leah" he asks which catches me off guard

"Oh yes, please can we mummy" Nelly shouts from behind me, after rising from her slumber, which also catches me off guard

"Good morning to you too Nelly" I say tickling her and kissing her cheek as she laughs and tries to push me away

"Do you want breakfast" I ask her

"No I want to see Leah" she says as they both start jumping up on the couch shouting Leah's name

"Right relax guys, first things first, you need to eat breakfast Nelly, and secondly Leah is probably busy today so we can do something else ok" I say lifting them both off the couch and heading to the kitchen to get Nelly breakfast

"Can you ask her mummy, and then if she's not she can come with us"

"We don't even know what we're doing yet" I try to explain to them

"Yeah but whatever it is she can come"

"Well see"

"Can you just please ask her mummy, pleassseeeee" they both plead

"Ok, ok, I'll ask her, but eat you breakfast" I say as I give Nelly her toast and head upstairs to get dressed and let them have their little morning debrief.

Once I'm dressed and ready for the day I decide to give Leah a text and see if she is busy or not.

Hey, sorry about this, I'm not sure what you have planned today but I have two very hyper children this morning who won't stop shouting your name, so I'm just wondering what your at for the day xx

Morning, I was actually just about to text you to ask you the same thing😂 I'm actually playing today, but I was going to ask if you maybe wanted to come along, but there's no pressure, we could always meet up after xx

Are you sure, I don't want to be taking somebody else's place xx

I'm positive xx

Their going to freak when I tell them 😂x

So don't, just put them in the car and don't tell them, I'll do my best to meet ye quickly before warm ups start xx

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