Chapter 2

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Kylos POV

"Pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen." The greasy old man snickered, a smug smirk plastered across his withering face as he stashed the newly acquired credits in his shirt pocket. He whistled loudly, calling a red haired women over and instructing her to retrieve the girl before promptly  shooing her away. He gave us one last nod and disappeared out of sight into the depths of his club.

A rather rowdy group of Devaronions clinked there glasses together loudly and cheered. The devil looking creatures cackled, slapping each other on the backs as they celebrated. In the booth to there right, two Kubaz had managed to untangle themselves into some sort of conflict. They flailed there hands at one another as they spoke in there strange language consisting of only clicks and whistles. It made the interaction just that much more entertaining.

After a while of sitting in silence waiting, my head snapped in the direction of the door from which the girls had first emerged. The red haired women from earlier came through followed by our girl, a heavy chain lease sitting around her neck as she was led back to our table. The red head bowed and presented the end of the leash to me. I took it promptly from her hand, giving her a nod before watching as she scurried away.

The girl pulled at the leather around her neck with an annoyed huff, a look of agitation on her face, a hard contrast from her earlier excited curiosity. "Is it to tight, little one?" I questioned her, wanting her to be as comfortable as possible before we headed back for the base. She looked around as if trying to comprehend that I had said but ultimately didn't reply. I motioned with two fingers  for her to come to me. This she seemed to understand, padding towards me slowly, hesitantly.

My gloved fingers reached to meet the soft skin of her neck, unbuckling the metal and rebuckling it much looser. The skin that sat beneath the restraint seems irritated and red, like they never took it off. This kindness seemed to satisfy the girl who smiled contently and nuzzled her cheek sweetly against my hand. Maybe Vicrul was correct, this couldn't be so bad.

Me and my men stood, grabbing our weapons as we did, and turning towards the door. As we started off  to leave the girl followed quickly, not having much of a choice seeing as I was still holding her lead. As we pushed our way through the door the girl stopped, yanking her head back to make it clear that she wasn't going any further.

"She's barefoot" Trudgen pointed out, making it clear that this was the reason for her refusal and not just outright stubbornness. "I've got her" Vicrul rushed, almost to eager as he hooked a large arm around her waist to pick the girl up. Though I couldn't see his face I knew for a fact that he had to be smiling beneath his mask.

And with that we were off to the ship. As we made our way inside the girls eyes grew wide once again, I was guessing she had never seen the inside of a ship, besides the transport used to bring her to this plant in the first place. We made our way to the control room and started back to the base.


The girl jumped as the door to the Night Buzzard slid swiftly open. The loud sounds of generals and technicians hurrying around the docking bay echoed through the large space. Workers scattered as I exited the ship, knights and girl in tow as I headed for the bridge. The sound of our heavy boots booming against the floor interrupted the silence that had now taken over the room.

The girl stumbled a bit behind me, tripping over her own feet as she hurried along, doing her best to keep pace. Her large eyes wondered the base in amazement, it was like nothing she had ever seen before. So many new faces and things. We walked quickly towards where General Hux would be waiting with new information.

After the First Order had successfully stomped out the entirety of the resistance, including the force sensitive scavenger scum, me and my knights took care of Snoke. Now, I was the supreme leader of the first order, some might even say the galaxy. It was rare that we found groups of resisting fighters, most people knew the first order was much to powerful to be taken down, and they accepted that.

The girl, who was now practically running to keep up with us, reached forward, grabbing Vicruls leather claud hand in her own. He turned his head ever so slightly, looking down at her before he readjusted his gaze back down the hallway, gritting his teeth beneath his mask. Her hand did it's best to hold onto his massive gloved paw as he pulled her along. His shoulders tense as he tightened his hold on her protectively.

Control yourself

The door to the bridge slid open, revealing a mess of generals scrambling about the room. The chaotic scene didn't surprise me with Hux in charge, that babbling idiot. A group of them stood over a map of the galaxy, discussing ways to destroy the new found base, ways to find if there were others.

"Ren, finally," Hux huffed, a datapad tightly gripped in his pale clammy hand. "While you where out doing god knows what, I've been here cultivating a plan to end this silliness" he continued, flailing his hands like a fool. "Now I-" His eyes shifted down a bit, landing on the girl who now stood between Vicrul and Trudgen, her mouth hanging open in a small "o" as she scanned the room in amazement.

The knights stood on either side of her, towering over her protectively, weapons in hand. "What in the galaxy is that?" The general questioned, gesturing towards her as he tightened his jaw. His eye twitched a bit in that way it always did when I agitated him. Oh how I enjoyed it.

If Ren has taken another prisoner, I'll simply kill myself.

"A companion for my knights," I replied simply, my vocoder rumbling to life as I spoke. "I expect you'll stay far away from her, now get on with it general I don't have all day."

The man scoffed as if I had insulted him. He was after all a high up General for the first order. Why would he want her, of all the women in the galaxy that he could beg for attention from. Rolling his eyes he led me to the control screens.

"The base is located on Basteel, in the Corva sector of the outer rim. They were planning an attack, a revolt against there government for submitting to the first order." he explained pointing to the planet on screen. "One of there own turned in the organization to the Basteel government who then contacted us." I folded my arms behind my back.

Always a weak link

"Send troopers to eliminate everyone associated with the base. Make it known that we will not tolerate resistance" the general nodded promptly, understanding my command. "And as for the rest of Basteel?" He questioned, raising his chin as he awaited my answer. "They've pledged there allegiance to the First order on multiply occasions. Leave the rest of the planet untouched."

With that I turned, booming back down the stairs of the bridge and towards the door. The knights and girl followed closely behind. "Supreme leader" a female general nodded to me as I passed her. "General" I retorted. The door slid open once again and we exited.

As we made our way down the halls of the base the girl couldn't hide her excitement. The sleek black flooring, the eliminated panels that lined the metal walls. It was amazing, not to mention the most interesting thing she had been allowed to see in a very long time.

As I heard my knights come to a halt behind me, I turned to see that the girl had stopped dead in her tracks, staring down a hallway filled with troopers. She blinked at them in astonishment. They were like nothing she had ever seen before. The rush of emotions she was feeling had her frozen as their booming footsteps quickly approached.

"Come now, little one" Vicrul commanded, the loud boom of his vocoder causing the anxiety ridden girl to jump. She lowered her gaze, hurrying to his side, looking up into his mask as she shook, you could see the pure terror on her face.

So it seemed she understood a few words. It was clear that she was afraid he would hurt her, already bracing herself for if a blow were to come her way but Vicrul simply grabbed her hand in his once again and pulled her along beside him.Without another word we continued down the hallway.

Making a left we entered the common area that sat in the hall of the knights quarters. The imbedded circular couch lit up as the orange flame from the fire pit crackled lively. I stopped, turning to the knights who stood tall, radiating power as they towered over there new companion. "Take her to Med Bay to be evaluated and then bring her to the throne room. I've business to attend to."

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