Chapter 1

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Kylos POV

I scanned my surrounds as me and two of my Knights made our way inside the dimly lit club. Multiple women made there way around the room, some entertaining men others serving drinks. Red velvet booths lined the walls of the large room and the smell of sweat and desperation were stagnant in the musty air.

Patrons of all different races filled the clubs seating areas, speaking amongst themselves and enjoying the female workers. Vicrul made his way over to a booth and took a seat, resting his elbows against the hard surface that now sat in front of him. Trudgen and I joined him promptly.

The table was strangely low, with steps that went from the floor to the edge of the surface. Lights lined the booth, adding to the erotic mood inside the club. "I'm sure we will find what we have come for, Ren. We had the owner reserve a girl that I thought might satisfy" Vicrul spoke, his mask distorting his every word.

This entire plan had originally been Vicruls.

"Not a slave, a companion" he had explained to his fellow knights. He had expected to get shut down quickly by the supreme leader but I sat there quiet, waiting to hear more. "No more whore houses, we would have access to the girl whenever we wanted." He sounded so confident in his plan. "That's the definition of a slave" Ap'Lek replied, rolling his eyes as he spoke.

"She would have freedom here. Much more freedom then they allow the girls at those places." Vicrul shot back, obviously annoyed by his fellow knights attitude. "And if she was to hate it here, what would be done with her then?" Trudgen asked, leaning back in his chair as he awaited further details. "She would be set free. As I said, she would not be a slave... Aren't you sick of the tired of the overused women we seek for service?"

I was pulled from my thoughts as  i turned my masked head to see a line of girls, leather collars wrapped around each of there necks. The sound of the chains adorning there ankles erupted as they all made there way to there assigned tables. A girl, long hair, wearing blue lace approached our table, her head hanging low as she dragged her restraints along.

She carefully bowed before lifting her head to examine us. A look of fear crept over her features as she stared at us, eyes wide with shock. We must not have been her usual type of guests.
She quickly noticed the large weapons that sat in the booth with us and averted her gaze, forcing herself to look at something else, anything else.

Slowly she made her way up the steps and onto the table. Her movements where shaky and her hands were balled into fists at her sides as she tried her best not to trip over her chain. She sank to her knees slowly on top of the table, now on full display for me and my knights to admire. She straightened her back and lowered her shoulders, attempting to look as confident as she possibly could.

Despite her fear, it was clear that she was eager to please. It was hard to tell If the reason was purely her own or if she was simply following orders. Trudgen leaned back against the velvet upholstery, taking a good hard look at the girl, eating up her presence. She sat still, her hands resting on the top of her thighs as she chewed her bottom lip anxiously.

I had to admit, she was stunning. Her wide eyes wondered, curiously examining me and and my knights. "I trust everything is going well here" a man said as he approached the table. He was an older man with greying hair and a wrinkled face. His silk black dress shirt hung open just enough to expose all of the golden chains that hung lazily around his throat, resting against his grotesquely wooly chest.

Trudgen nodded still hungrily admiring his subject. Vicrul gave a half nod, he found the interruption from the man to be exceedingly obnoxious. "Well when I heard Kylo Ren was to be in my club I didn't believe it" the man snickered. "But here you are, in the flesh." It was obvious from his voice that he was a heavy smoker. The lingering smell of tabac that followed him around making that quite apparent.

"I made sure to have something special ready for you, Supreme leader." he continued stepping closer to the girl. "She is a beauty isn't she, my newest one. She comes from the wasteland. Doesn't speak Basic yet." The man smirked. "What language does she speak?" Trudgen questioned, his mask never wavering from the girl even for a moment.

The older man shrugged. "No idea, she hasn't said a word since she got here. But it's pretty clear she doesn't understand me. Isn't that right doll?" He chuckled. The girl didn't answer, just stared at him with her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Yeah" he continued, patting the girl on the head much to roughly. "Well I'll get out of your hair supreme leader, let you get a look at the merchandise. Please alert me if your in need of anything." The man smirked as he walked away.

I almost felt bad having her sitting that way, on top of a table, like a show animal. Her head jerked around, her eyes fixating on Vicruls leather gloved hand on her bare leg. She looked him up and down as her heart pounded rapidly inside of her chest, trying desperately to catch her breath.

"Don't be afraid," he assured her as his large hand traced up to her hip, making her shiver from the contact. "It's only a mask" the girl stared at him scrunching up her face. "A Mask?" She mimicked, her voice no louder then a whisper. "Yes that's right." Vicrul praised her.

He picked up her hand from where it sat against her leg and pulled it to his face, resting her fingers against the metal of his helmet. "Only a mask" he repeated. A chill ran down her spine as she touch the cold material. A tiny smile forming on her face as she relaxed a bit.

She's exactly what we came for.

Don't be to hasty. If you aren't satisfied we can surely find another

I don't wish to see anyone else.

Then It is decided.

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