Chapter 11 ⚠️

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⚠️contains smut⚠️

Vicruls POV

I sighed as I wrapped the sterile dressing around the girls arm. She didn't seem very phased by the injury, the cut not very deep but the sight of it still angered me. I took great pride in knowing that Kuruk was currently being stitched up from where my little pet had stabbed him. Maybe now that she had proven herself useful he wouldn't hold such hatred for her.

"Finished." I spoke, examining her arm to make sure the bandage was nice and tight. She smiled up at me happily, tossing her arms around my neck and pulling herself against my chest. She had been attached at my hip ever since the day we went to Prine. Ever since she had returned from Kylos quarters she had been following me around almost obsessively, not that I was complaining. I liked it.

"He didn't hurt you to badly, did he pet?" I questioned her as she nuzzled her nose against my own. She shook her head, not seeming to care much about what I was saying, more focused on the trail of kisses she was leaving along my jaw. She got like that sometimes, begging to be touched, yearning for my attention. I hadn't given into her yet, though I wanted to desperately. I wanted her to have time to adjust, to be sure my touch was what she wanted, but she seemed quite sure of herself.

The feeling of her warm lips meeting my neck sent me over the edge, I'd give in this once, as a reward for her victory against my brother. I set myself down on the bed, pulling the girl against me,
her legs straddling my lap. She pressed her palms to my chest, leaning back so that she was looking at me. She jerked her hips against my groin, a small devious smile spreading over her face as she watched me suck in a breath doing my best to control myself.

She adjusted her hands, setting one on my shoulder and the other on the back of my neck, giving herself some leverage as she ground herself down into my lap, little moans escaping her pretty mouth. God, I couldn't resist her any longer, letting the girl do as she wanted as I tilted my head back in pleasure.

She stood, stripping herself of every piece of clothing she had on, leaving her bare in front of me. She was truly a thing of beauty, skin smooth and ready for the marking I planned to give her. As she approached slowly, erotically, her hands found the hem of my t-shirt, doing what she could to pull it over my head. I quickly helped her, tossing the fabric away.

She undressed me until I was just as naked as she, tackling me gently backwards onto the bed and sitting herself on me once again. Moving one of my hands down her body my fingers found her core, making small circles on her sensitive flesh.

She bit down into her lip, her hips bucking against my fingers in seek of more contact. "My sensitive little girl." I chuckled, slowly slipping two fingers inside her hot entrance. She clenched hard around my digits, her hand flying to grip my forearm to steady herself. "M-master" she moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head. My free hand caught her face, squeezing her jaw.

She found a steady rhythm, my fingers pumping in and out of her tight cunt as she whimpered and moaned so sweetly, her little pathetic voice making this experience 10 times better.

"Such a pretty girl, riding her masters fingers. Good girl, just like that." She shuttered, her moans becoming more frequent, the throbbing of her little pussy letting me know that she was getting close. I leaned forward, leaving a trail of purple hickies and bite
marks along her neck and torso, leaving my mark on her for all the other knights to see. I pulled my fingers from her with ease, causing her to whine. I pushed my wet digits into her mouth, watching intently as she sucked eagerly, tasting herself.

Her hand made its way to my cock, the size difference between us making it look huge in her hands. She pumped up and down, her doe eyes staring straight at me as she squeezed a bit, the contact making me suck in a hard breath. Without warning she lifted herself, positioning my head at her entrance, her wetness making her cunt all the more inviting. She pushed herself down a bit, a whine escaping her pink lips as she tried to adjust to my size.

"Slowly little one." I huffed as I did my best to guide her. Not listening, greedy for cock, she pushed herself down more, a hiss erupting from her as she stretched over me. I gripped her hips hard, scoldingly. I didn't want her to hurt herself trying to please me. "Be patient or it's gonna hurt." I growled, trying my best to make her understand.

She didn't seem to like my resistance, whining lowly as she rested her four head against my chest. She slowly pushed herself up and down on the small amount she was able to fit inside herself, shuttering and whining as she did so. Such a needy little baby.

"More please, Master." She begged as she tried her best again to push herself down further but I wasn't having it. I landed a hard slap on the soft skin of her ass, making her jump from surprise. "You must appreciate what master gives you, little one. Why are you being so ungrateful? I've already given you so much, you're just getting greedy now."

She wrapped her arms around my neck once again, burying her face against my shoulder. "Want more. Please." She whimpered, her sweet noises making it much to hard to resist her. With that I took hold of her hips, holding them still as I pushed myself further into her, slowly, careful as not to hurt her. She whined loudly, throwing her head back, her fingers digging into the skin of my arm.

"Is that what you wanted, pet?" I chuckled lowly, thrusting slowly in and out of her as she pulsed around me. "Yes! Yes, Master. Thank you." The sound of her gratitude was truly bliss. Such a good little pet she was. Slowly I sped my rhythm until I was pounding into her relentlessly, my thumbs digging into her hips hard enough to bruise as I grunted out in ecstasy.

Knowing that I was the first knight to touch her in such a way only added to my motivation to make her cum, the desire to feel her gush over my cock growing with ever hard thrust. "If you want to cum you're going to have to beg me, pet." I grunted out, taking hold of her face to focus her gaze on me. She blinked at me innocently, barley able to focus, brain fuzzy from the pleasure.

"Please, want to cum for you. Want to cum for you, Master!" She was a mess, a drooling, panting, whining mess. How could I possible deny her?
"That's my good girl, pet. Cum for me." I encouraged, my lips touching her ear as I brought us closer, holding her body against my own as I felt her reach her high, the feeling of her cunt throbbing around me sending me over the edge. I pushed her hips down against my pelvis, filling her, the stickiness spilling from her tight hole as she shuttered against me. Her thighs clenching harshly against my lap, my poor needy girl.

I pulled my length free, looking down fondly at my pet, the sweat that had gathered on her skin making her glisten in the light. I moved my fingers to her core once again, earning myself an overstimulated cry as I pushed a finger into her wet opening. I pulled them away, deciding I'd give her a break just for the night, the poor little thing must have been exhausted. "You were such a good girl for me pet." I praised. I grabbed a rag form the bathroom and carefully cleaned the girl off before I pulled my t-shirt in place on her body, the clothing hanging loosely off her.

I lifted her legs, attempting to set her in place on my mattress. She grabbed ahold of my neck, doing all she could to force to me pick her back up. "Hold me, Master." She whimpered, looking up at me with innocent eyes. I laughed quietly at her clinginess but obliged and laid down with her, her body pressed warmly against my side. I petted her softly as she drifted off.

"Sleep now, pet. My good little pet."

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