Chapter 19

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The girl sighed in annoyance as she roamed the halls of the star killer base in search of the supreme leader. She was awfully bored, her knights off attending to there duty's leaving her alone with nothing to do. She peaked her head through open doorways as she headed for the throne room where kylo spent a lot of his time, humming quietly to herself as she sauntered along.

The sound of someone clearing there throat behind her caught her attention, making her turn to see who it was and what they wanted. She rolled her eyes when she noticed it was Hux, General Hux. "Just what do you think your doing?" He questioned her, his tone filled with agitation, making it quite clear he was not fond of her in any way.

She didn't reply, choosing instead to stare up at him with a glare written over her usually sweet face. This only seemed to make the general more mad, storming towards her, taking tight hold of her arm, so hard it made her whine. "I said, what do you think your doing, slave" he growled, suddenly seeming much more intimidating to the girl.

She did he best to yank her arm from his grasp but the man was surprisingly strong, his hold on her like a vice grip. "The supreme leader said I'm free to go where I wish" the girl grumbled. Hux let out a laugh, a menacing, evil sounding laugh. "The supreme leader isn't here is he?" This seemed to startle the girl, the man's defiance against his own leader shocking to her.

She looked around, searching for someone, anyone around to help her get away from this horrible man, but of course the halls seemed barren and empty in her moment of need. "He wouldn't like you speaking to me. He told you to stay away from me." She reminded him, hoping that would be enough to deter his sudden interest in her to no avail.

"Your not a very well trained slave I see, you talk back to much." He scoffed, a clear disgust radiating from him at her attitude towards him. "Fuck you." She spat, her sudden courage almost impressing the man, but instead it only angered him. The backside of his hand came down hard against the side of her face, the impact so hard if he hadn't been holding her up with his other arm she would have fallen to the ground.

Usually her instinct to fight him would have been strong and his slap would have initiated a scuffle, but the pure surprise from his actions kept her stagnant in place. "I won't stand for such a disobedient, disrespectful slave living on my base." Hux spoke, bringing his face only inches from the girls as he spoke. She wanted to scream for her knights, for ren, for anyone who could hear her. Sure she could probably fight him off if she tried hard enough but she felt trapped.

Tightening his grip on her arm he dragged her beside him, his steps much to fast for her to keep up with, tripping over her own feet. She knew where they were headed, the throne room, and she thanked the stars. Ren would surely protect her from anymore abuse. As they reached there destination and made there way inside the sight of the supreme leader sat upon his throne came into view, a few others generals whom he had been having a meeting with parted to let Hux and his hostage through.

He took her by the shoulders and shoved her much to roughly to the floor in front of him, her body meeting the black flooring with a thud. She couldn't stop the tears that were now pouring there way down her face as she raised herself to her knees, looking shamefully down at her thighs as she awaited for what was to come next.

"I found your slave wandering the halls, you really ought to keep better watch of her." Hux directed at Ren, hatefulness dripping from every word he spoke. Kylo didn't move, simply looking down at his pet then back up at the general, quiet and calm, the notion almost more terrifying then if he were to make a scene.

"Is there a reason your interrupting my work with such insignificant news?" The supreme leader questioned, his voice calm yet still somehow angry. "I refuse to let your pet roam the halls of my base. She is a nuisance, a distraction. She shouldn't even be allowed out of the knights hall." He was raising his voice now, the vein in his neck bulging from the effort.

Kylo stood, the action immediately silencing the man along with everyone else in the room, the only sound the girls quiet whimpers. "Come here now, pet." Ren called, motioning to his companion with two fingers and pointing at the ground in front of him. She immediately complied, running to him as fast as she could, choking back the sobs that threatens to break out of her chest at any moment. She fell to his feet once she reached him, gripping his leg for dear life, burying her face against his thigh.

He looked down at her, his face softening at the sight of her tear stained, slap stung features. He rubbed a gloved thumb over the reddened raised skin of her cheekbone, rage bubbling within him knowing his general had done it after being given specific orders to leave the girl alone.

"I don't much like people touching my things, General. You of all people should know this better then anyone." Kylo spoke, his voice echoing off the walls around them eerily as he spoke, his hand resting gently against his pets head. Hux didn't know what to say, his mouth opening and closing as if he was trying to form words but couldn't, to afraid to say much of anything at that point.

"When I told you to stay away, I meant it. Yet you disobey me. Where my orders not clear, General?" Hux quickly shook his head, his muscles tense and his arms folded behind his back. "I meant not to defy you, Supreme leader. I only wished-" With the outstretch of Rens hand the man fell silent, looking almost as if he was choking on his own words, his mouth shut tightly despite the desperation to talk that was written clearly upon his face.

"You meant not to defy me, but here we stand, my poor pet in pain and afraid and you, standing before me thinking you have even the slightest chance to change your already decided fate." The girl watched carefully as Kylo curled his fingers ever so slightly, the action making the man turn red, the oxygen being restricted from his lungs. He clawed violently at his neck, as if trying to release himself from the invisible hold the supreme leader had on him to no avail.

This must have been what Cardo was speaking of, the force, the power that her master held. It fascinated her, it was like nothing she had ever witnessed before. With a slight movement Hux was jolted closer, his feet no longer touching the floor as he made his way unwillingly across the room. Kylo leaned in, his face only inches from the generals, his aura radiating rage and disgust.

"When I give orders, I expect them to be followed. That means keep away from the girl, do you understand, General?" He asked, knowing the red headed man was incapable of answering in his incapacitated state. Hux let out a sound almost like a cry, a quiet plead to be released, to breath again, but Kylo wasn't finished.

"If you ever again lay hands upon my pet, I will take great pleasure in watching you draw your last breath beneath the glow of my saber. I will make it slow, torturous, and you will regret having even looked her way." It was clear the General was on the brink of loosing consciousness, his eyes barley able to hold themselves open any longer, lulling as his lips began to turn a bright shade of blue.

"If I wasn't such a gracious leader I'd hand you over to Vicrul and let him see what you've done, he's quite fond of the girl, I'm sure he'd be much less gentle then I. But being the forgiving man I am I'm willing to keep this between us, for now." With that Hux was released, toppling to the ground, gasping and coughing, frantic to get some air in his aching lungs.

Ren sighed, looking down at the girl once more, it was clear she was entranced seeing his power, she wondered what else he could use it for, what more he could do with it. Her thoughts were racing so quickly it was almost hard for him to keep up. "Remove yourself from my sight, quickly before I change my mind and decide a public execution for defiance of your leader is a more fitting retribution."

Hux scrambled to his feet, rushing to the door so fast it made him dizzy, but he wouldn't stop, he refused to, knowing how short Kylos temper could be, thanking the stars that the Supreme leader only choked him and that he wasn't a carcass on the black flooring already.

He waved away the other generals who all stood stark still, awaiting directions from the man as to not upset him. They all quickly left, seeming relieved that he wished them gone instead of insisting on continuing there meeting. "It's alright , little one." He spoke softly to the girl, sitting on his throne and pulling her into his lap. She sniffled quietly, wiping her stray tears against the back of her hand, not wanting to look to pathetic. "He won't ever touch you again, that is a promise, my pet."

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