Chapter 20

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Kylos POV

"Show me again, please master!" The girl begged, her body laying against my lower half as i rested lazily against the headboard of my bed. The sheets were draped delicately over her body, doing nothing to hide the curve of her hip and waist. I shook his head, i had shown her 3 times already, surely it wasn't that interesting. "I think you've seen enough, my pet. Aren't you bored of it by now?" I questioned her, stroking her cheek gently. She quickly shook her head, making it clear she wasn't.

"You know I can do other things with it as well. I can look into your mind if I wish." I informed her, brushing the pad of my thumb across her forehead. A look played across her face like she was sure I had to be lying, narrowing her eyes at me skeptically. "Are you playing a trick on me?" She quipped, resting her head against my thigh as she looked up at me.

I chuckled at her mistrust. "Would I lie to you, little one?" She thought for a moment and then shook her head, she didn't believe i would, having no real reason to try and deceive her. "I can show you. Close your eyes, and clear your thoughts." I instructed, gazing down at her fondly, watching as her eyes fell shut. It didn't take much for me to push my way into her mind, her memories, her thoughts.

I saw her in the wasteland, alone, surviving off of animals she was able to kill and portions from a crashed ship that she had come across. I felt her hunger from starving herself for days at a time to preserve food, her loneliness from being isolated for so long. I watched as she stood out in the sand, staring curiously up into the sky as a ship landed not far from her, the first ship she had ever encountered with live passengers.

I watched as two men, large and brooding made there way down the ramp of the vessel, heading directly towards her. She tried to run, she did, but there wasn't anywhere for her to hide out in the barren dessert. She tried fighting, but the men had weapons and she had only her hands, dooming her to lose. They had clamped a metal restraining device down over her arms to prevent anymore escape attempts, being horribly rough with her frail frame as they dragged her back to there ship.

The girl began to fight my intrusion, jerking in discomfort. "Do not fight it, my pet. It's alright." I encouraged, petting her hair to sooth her. Pushing further I saw what had happened back at the pet club, the room she had been kept in, devoid of anything but 4 concrete walls and a torn blanket on which she curled herself up and slept.

She adorned a cuff around her ankle that was linked to a heavy chain, keeping her from being able to make it more then half way across the cell. I saw what the men had done to her, how they had treated her like she was nothing more then a doll, threw her around, bruised her, choked her, and much much worse.

I saw how she had been punished at the beginning for fighting back, beaten until she could no longer move and left to freeze for the night in the dark, on the floor. A man made his way to her, crouching next to her shaking form, blood making its way down her face from her nose and mouth. "The more you fight, the worse it will become. You are here for one purpose and if you continue to refuse then you are worthless to me. You are nothing, you'd do well to remember that."

The girl screamed, shoving away from me, scrambling off the bed in a rush to make me stop. She fell to the floor, tripping over the sheet around her, landing with a thud. She backed herself agains the nearest wall, panting, feeling like the oxygen had been stolen from her lungs. I stood in a rush, i had never meant to hurt her, I had been so focused on seeing that I ignored her silent pleas for me to stop.

"Are you okay, little one?" I rushed, my hands holding her face as i squatted in front of her, staring into her bewildered eyes. She gripped the sheet around her for dear life, her chest heaving. She was afraid, that was obvious, but she needn't be, not of me. "What was that?" She asked, her eyes wide with shock.

"I'm sorry, pet. Never again, I will never do it again." I promised, meaning every word of it. I felt as if I had violated her, going through her mind like she was one of my prisoners. "You can't tell the others. They'll think less of me. Please." Her face reddened, as if she was embarrassed of what she had gone through. Anger bubbled within me, I wanted to find each and every one of those men and kill them, slowly, painful, but I knew that wouldn't change what had happened.

"They would never think less of you, my pet. I do not think less of you." I reassured her. Her eyes searched mine for confirmation, relaxing just a bit. She sighed, slumping ever so slightly, looking defeated. She nuzzled against my hand sweetly, letting me know she forgave me, that she wasn't angry. "It's ok, master. But please don't do it again."

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