Chapter 23

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Kylos POV

Before they even brought him into the throne room, I could already hear him, begging and pleading for his life like the pathetic piece of scum he was. The sounds of his cries only made me more excited. I wanted to see him suffer in ways I couldn't even describe. "What have I done, why am I here?" He shouted, the words bouncing off the walls around us as he was dragged in front of the throne.

He let out a loud 'oof' as he was tossed violently to the cold black flooring beneath him by my troopers, there instructions to be less then gentle with him clearly being taken seriously. He tried to scramble to his feet only to be shoved back down by the armored foot of the white soldier. "How nice of you to join me, I hope your travels where pleasant?" I smirked down at him sarcastically, watching as a trail of blood dripped it's way down his lips from his now crooked nose.

"Why the fuck am I here? I sold you my best slave, you should be thanking me and this is the treatment I receive?" He huffed, sitting back on his knees, his chest heaving as he did what he could to catch his breath. I laughed, a cold heartless bitter sound that came from a place of only hatred. "Thanking you?-" I stood, making my way over to where he knelt, my boots stoping right in front of him.

"You wish me to thank you for selling me a slave that you abused so severely she screams in her sleep? You wish me to thank you for giving me a girl who was so mistreated that she the cowers every time I raise my hand? She starves herself out of fear that she will be beaten if she eats in front of us. She steals food and hides it because she thinks like at your club we will one day stop offering it willingly. She hides when we come back from missions, terrified our anger will be taken out on her. What you sold me is a scared girl who was stolen from her home and forced into what I can only describe as hell."

My foot swiftly made its way against the mans ribs, a cracking noise entering my ears as he curled into himself, groaning in pain. "If that's what she told you, she is lying. She a pathetic little nothing. I made something of her." He spat, glaring up at me. "You broke her. You violated her. You treated her like dirt." I growled, gifting him another hard kick, this one hard enough to make him fall to his side. He gripped hard onto his injury, hissing lowly as he tried to scoot himself away.

"She doesn't have to lie to me, I saw your actions for myself. I felt everything. Every beating, every cold night spent sleeping on the floor naked and bruised, every unwanted hand you allowed to be laid on her. And now I will make sure you feel it to, and worse." I pressed my boot against his throat, letting my weight go to the base of my foot, cutting off the man's airflow. I watched as his face began to redden, the veins beneath his skin bulging as they begged for air, if I had a bit less sense I would have killed him right then, but I knew that was not to be my doing.

I pushed down just a bit harder before I stepped back, the man sputtering and gasping, coughing as he struggled to take a breath. "It's none of your business how I treat my property. I house them, I keep them alive, I give them purpose. Most of these girls would end up dead in the streets if I didn't take them in, and the ones that do die die having been given a chance. It's not my fucking fault some of them are weak." With that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

It was taking everything in me to not kill him, I needed him to be removed from me, to be taken far far away before my urges got the better of me and I ripped his tongue from his filthy mouth. "The only one who is weak is you. But don't fret, soon you to will die, a painful, horrific death, and oh how I will bask in it." I gave him one last hard kick, the tip of my boot meeting his face with a thud, the scream he let out bringing a smile of satisfaction to my face. "Take him away from me at once. If he whines, feel free to beat him. He doesn't deserve to make any noise. He is nothing."

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