Chapter 14 ⚠️

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⚠️contains smut⚠️

Kylo found the girl, giggling mischievous to herself as she watched general hux rush around his desk in destress. She had stolen his data pad, grabbed it swiftly from his desk when he wasn't looking. She quite enjoyed making the general panic, the way his pale skin became all clammy, the way he yelled at his officers accusing them of taking his things to annoy him.

"Pet, that's awfully naughty of you." Kylo scolded, watching as the girls face fell, thinking she had angered her master with her antics. "I'm sorry" she quickly replied, offing the data pad to Ren with innocent eyes. He chuckled, looking over at the red headed man who was now searching every inch of the room for his technology. "Don't be sorry, pet. It is quite funny to see him so flustered." She smiled happily, it was funny, very funny.

"Enough for the day, if you mess with him anymore he might just have an aneurysm. I've something for you to do." The girl looked up at kylo with wide eyes, his instructions seeming to make her uneasy. He had instructed her to report to Kuruks room, after that mornings failed mission Ren assumed he would appreciate some stress relief, something to play with.

Kylo assured her that the man, though he seemed to dislike her, would never hurt her, lest he wished to die by the hand of the supreme leader. He simply needed to warm up to the idea of her, and this would help. Sighing she nodded her head, giving a sheepish "Yes, Master." Before she headed off to see the knight.

When she arrived at his quarters she made her way nervously inside, calling for him at the door, not wanting him to be angry at her for entering without his permission. Kuruk was by far the meanest of her knights and she was admittedly terrified of him. Even after there training session during which she had proven herself to him, he still seemed apprehensive of her presence.

"Master Kuruk?" She called, picking at her fingers, scanning the man's room wondering where he could be. Her small voice caught his attention, the sound making him roll his eyes in annoyance. He had no desire to see her at the moment, much more preferring to be alone to sulk in his own self loathing. "Your services aren't needed here, pet." The man growled, putting emphasis on the last word as he made his way out of his bedroom and towards her.

She bit the inside of her cheek. Usually in a moment like this the mans words would have made her sad, but instead anger bubbled within her. "Why must you be so..." she did he best to think back to her basics lesson, trying to conjure up a word for how she wanted to describe him. "Unpleasant." She blurted, her voice timid yet stern as she balled her fists at her sides. The knights head snapped in her direction, a scowl on his face. He boomed his way over to where she stood, stiff as a board in fear that his next move would be to strike her.

She gasped as he grabbed her by the neck, not hard enough to hurt her, but hard enough to restrict her movement. She gripped the mans wrists to steady herself. He yanked her closer, his lips only inches from her ear. "Why can't you ever just shut up?" He growled. The girl whimpered, tightening her grip on Kuruks wrist as she tried to force him to let go, but he was much stronger then her. He backed her against the wall, her spine meeting the cold hard surface making her shiver.

She took in a struggled breath as Kuruks large frame towered over her. It took everything in him not to rip the clothing from her body in that very moment and fuck her against the wall, to let out all his built up frustration on the girl. "You know, you have such a smart little mouth now. Always talking back since you've learned basic. Maybe it's time someone put you in your place" he spoke lowly, tightening his grip on her throat ever so slightly.

A warm feeling pooled in her belly, arousal. She couldn't help it, but she pressed her thighs closer together to try to contain it. She couldn't bring herself to respond to the knight, so she stayed silent, waiting for his next move. His lips suddenly crashed against hers, initiating a hard rough kiss. She leaned into it, the feeling of his dominant actions making her want more.  He was much more rough then Vicrul and Kylo, but somehow he intrigued her.

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