Chapter 10

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Ushers POV

After a few weeks of the girl living on base, I had been instructed by Ren to bring her along to training. I pulled  her by the hand beside me as we made our way through the base to the training room. I was hesitant to include her, questioning if she would even be able to keep up, but Ren seemed quite confident in his decision so I didn't argue.

As we entered, the sound of Trudgen and Ap'lek going at it in mock battle echoed loudly through the room. There grunts and labored breathing loud and prominent as the others watched in silence. Kylo turned, noticing our presence and making his way over. "Hello, pet." He greeted the girl, patting her on the head, her focus never leaving her tussling knights, almost as if she was worried they might hurt eachother.

He bent a bit to be at her level. "There only training pet. And soon you will be too." He explained, earning himself a nod from the girl. It was clear her basic was improving though she still chose to be silent most of the time, only speaking when she wanted to. Trudgen let out a growl as he slammed Ap'lek to the floor, laughing victoriously as he stood, shoving a hand out towards his fellow knight to help him up. Ap'lek took it and pulled himself to his feet giving Trudgen the nod of approval.

"Pet." Vicrul spoke when he noticed her, seeming confused. "What is she doing in here?" He questioned, moving to her side. She smiled up at him happily, it was clear she was quite fond of him. She followed him around most of the time, her hand constantly in his as she trailed along at his side wherever he went. "I thought we'd start her training. If she's going to fight along side the knights then she must also train along side them, no?" Vicrul paused, thinking. "Yes, I suppose your right."

"Then let us begin" With that kylo grabbed the girl by the arm, pulling her to the center of the training space. "Who wishes to spar with her?" The room immediately fell silent, non of us having any desire to hurt the girl, the size difference between us and her making it an unfair fight. Kylo sighed in annoyance, before turning to Kuruk with a smirk.

"Brother, you seem to have a strong dislike for the girl. Why don't you go first. Take this as an opportunity to... let out your frustrations." Kuruk let out a sarcastic laugh, his form leaned back against his chair, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. "Not a chance" Trudgen turned to him, a smirk spreading over his face. "What's wrong brother? Afraid she'll beat you?" All they knights including myself did our best to suppress our snickers, failing miserably. This seemed to spark something in Kuruk who gave Trudgen hard scowl before he stood from his seat, moving to face the girl.

There size difference became very apparent as they stared at each other, the girl having to look up at the man to meet his eyes. "This isn't even a fair fight." Kuruk growled, his hands balled into fists at his sides. "Then let us make it fair, brother." Kylo replied, pulled two knifes from off the wall and tossing them to each fighter. The girl looked down at the weapon in her hand as Kylo moved to her side, pulling her closer and whispering something in her ear. She gave him a hesitant look but ultimately nodded in agreement.

"You may begin."

With that Kuruk didn't hesitate to make the first move, his blade slicing harshly through the flesh of the girls shoulder. She stepped back, seeming startled by the man's sudden movements, her hand moving to wipe the blood that was now dripping it's way down her arm. Vicrul stood, ready to step between them but was quickly stopped by Kylos hand, holding him back from intervening.

The girls face fell, her expression resembling something like a feral animal as she moved into a defensive position, seeming much more ready to fight now. Kuruk, seeming unnerved by the girls sudden change in attitude, readied himself once again. He lunged at her, seeming surprised when she caught his wrist, twisting the appendage until his knife was pointing towards his own face. She pushed him back until his back met the wall, trying to force the weapon towards his eye.

He managed to get out of her grasp, flipping them so that she was then the one trapped. He swung his weapon towards her, the sharp tip of the object meeting the metal of the wall with a loud thud when she moved to avoid it. She ducked beneath his arm moving herself back to the middle of the room. Kuruk now growing impatient that she was actually able to defend herself grunted, moving towards her with large strides.

Lunging towards him he caught her arm, his free hand meeting her lip with unholy force. She moaned in pain, but didn't back down, wiping her bloodied mouth on the back of her hand. He moved himself behind her, pressing his blade to her throat and dragging her backwards, only making it a few steps before she threw her elbow back into his sternum, the impact landing in the middle of Kuruk rib cage, knocking the breath from his lungs, catching him off guard.

He bent, the girl taking the opportunity to bring her knee up into his face, hitting his nose with a loud crack. "Fuck" he barked, taking hold of the girls neck, the suddenness of the action making her lose grip of her knife, the metal clattering to the floor loudly. He squeezed her throat so tightly she began to turn red, coughing and gasped as he backed her against the wall, her feet no longer meeting the ground as he held her in place.

It took her a moment but once she was able to think she lifted her legs, wrapping them tightly around his arm and yanking it away from her neck, making her fall to the floor where she scrambled to gather her weapon again. Before she got the chance the man took a hold of her ankle yanking her backwards and flipping her onto her spine.

He straddled her, using his weight to keep her on the ground as he set his knife aside clearly thinking he no longer needed it. His hands found her throat once again, a smirk taking over his features, thinking he had over powered her once and for all. At this point they were both bloody, chests heaving from the effort of the fight. But she wasn't done, she refused to let him beat her.

Noticing how close he had set his weapon she moved her hand over and grabbed hold of it, stabbing it into his arm, evoking a growl of pain from him. She scrambled out from under him, yanking the knife from his arm and flipping them so that she was on top, pressing the blade to his throat just as he had once done to her. "Enough, pet!" Kylo boomed, seeming to see how worked up the girl had become, not knowing if she was planning to stop or not.

Immediately she froze, dropping the metal from her hand. Her eyes fell upon his wound, seeing the blood dripping down his arm and onto the floor. "Sorry, Master Kuruk." She spoke, seeming to melt at the sight of the injury she had caused. She quickly moved her hands to the puncture, pressing hard against the wound to attempt to stop the bleeding.

Kuruk, though annoyed by the loss seemed intrigued. He hooked an arm around the girls waist and sat up, now face to face with her, examining her. "How'd you learn to fight like that?" He questioned her pulling at the sleeve of her shirt to make sure he hadn't cut her to deeply.

He was unphased by his own injury's, he had suffered much worse many a times, he barley even felt it anymore. "Taught myself." She replied with a shrug, still trying to catch her breath. "I'm impressed." He nodded, running his thumb over her busted lip. "Maybe your not so awful after all."

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